All posts by Jason Fernandes



26.4.2022 7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA , accepts into our home Mr John Agnelo , who is homeless,  from Chicalim Health Centre , on last Saturday. 
Incase any one recognizes him please let me know. 
Lost toes on one foot and the other foot too has a few toes cut . 
Needs cleaning and bandaging everyday as its a bit messy . 
Claims to have :
☆ a brother in UK 
☆ a sister in Mumbai who is a professor 
☆ a brother in Pune. 
But looks like he lost his way and ended up living in the fruit market,  Vasco as he got hurt on one leg a few months back and then he got hurt on the other leg. 
He was admitted into CHICALIM Health centre about 10 days back. 
Dr Anil treated him and understood that to get better he requires a shelter home . 
Our shelter home was the choice :
as it's free , 
we have facility for such medical cases,
he will get fresh food , 
clean environment and 
company of other men,
plenty of rest for both feet to recover. 
Claims he has some friends in Vasco . 
If gone back to the streets then the wounds can get complicated and might fester. 
Plus last few days it's raining in Goa so chances are there his wounds will get wet . 
Dr Anil organized all the paperwork , police noc , medical discharge and his medication. 
We drove to Chicalim , put him in our car  and within few minutes we moved out of the hospital straight to our home . 
Looks to be bit educated and talks well . 
Wishes to stay till his wounds are healed and then go back to where he came from. 
Thanks to Dr Anil for not discharging him and sending him away but getting Mr John Agnelo to a shelter home to recover. 
Everyday we are practically helping such men to get off the streets of Goa and into our shelter homes. 
Each request is sad , depressing and deserving . 
The homeless are in need of food , clothing & shelter. 
We thank all our benefactors, well wishers , 
staff, Government officials, doctors, etc who support the homeless In getting help to the homeless to restart their life . 
If you know such homeless people
( priority men) who require help to get off the streets let me know. 
We will Explain the procedure and let you know how to proceed . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


23.4.2022  6pm IST 
We all talk about mental health and its importance, especially in pandemic times but many of us do very little about managing it or improving it on day to day basis. 
According to the WHO, mental health is “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” 
Stress is one of the reasons behind poor mental health and workplace stress, bereavement, separation, financial problems all could contribute to it. 
In children and adolescents, mental health issues have significantly increased possibly due to rise electronic communication and digital media, according to research. 
There are a number of measures one can adopt to bring down the stress levels and improve mental health on a daily basis. 
Attached a chart with this post . 
Save the chart . It might help those in need . 
Exercising, ensuring 8 hours of sleep, eating well, meditating, talking to a friend on a regular basis are some of the ways to take care of your mental well-being. 
10 easy tips to manage your emotional health.
☆ 1. Keep a track of the good things
☆ 2. Exercise
☆ 3. Control your diet
☆ 4. Meditate 
☆ 5. Sleep well
☆ 6. Talk to your friends & relatives 
☆ 7. Invest in your hobby
☆ 8. Do something for some one else 
☆ 9. Listen to calming music & religious music.
☆ 10. Ask for help 
Many factors contribute to mental health, including genes or brain chemistry, trauma, and even a family history of mental health problems. 
Some early warning signs of poor mental health are low energy, eating or sleeping too much or too little, not participating in activities, abusing alcohol or drugs, mood swings, panic attacks, shivers and more. 
Anything extreme and out of the ordinary can help you identify poor mental 
Alot of youngsters and middle aged people are going to various stages of Depression. 
Depression and Mental issues are having medication available 
More FREE rehabilitation homes are the need of the hour . 
We have 6 already and adding this year another 4. 
But the demand is more than current homes . 
No one is talking about this as its not in my home or in my family so why break my head. 
I saw this trend starting many years ago and decided to work in this field by providing free rehabilitation for people with disabilities. 
My dream is to have each such home in all constituencies as ” believe me , we are sitting on a huge time bomb called Depression “. 
I will be remembered only when this time bomb explodes . 
Few years back our NGO would get calls once a month to handle such cases of Depression. 
Last few months its 2 to 3 calls a week . 
Now it's daily calls,  messages,  requests to rehabilitate people with Depression. 
Very soon it will be a call an hour . 
And it's our own poor Goan people , Niz Goenkar who are coming to our NGO asking for help . 
We all need to join in togther. 
Frankly speaking I am really scared at what I am seeing , hearing , understanding with so many , requests,  cries , pleas for looking after either their brother,  sister., mother , father , relative . 
We are trying to take in as many as possible . 
But after we are full then what ? 
It's crazy at the moment . 
Even if the government starts homes , the demand is hitting the roof . 
More FREE SHELTER HOMES are need of the hour as the poor Niz Goenkar can't afford homes which charge Rs 20 k to 25 k 
If you reading this post and share my views and thoughts and you value human life or are concerned about life of the poor , homeless and the persons with mental disabilities, then please connect with me on whatsapp only on 8380097564. 
All help is required be it if you are a doctor, nurse, psychiatrist , counselor,  therapist,  etc . 
As I write this post , we have to accept/ pick up / rehabilitate close to 10 such persons who are currently in IPHB and all are local goans whose families are going through crisis to manage their own loved ones. 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


19.4.2022. 8pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA spent a whopping Rs 7 lacs  from 1.4.2021 to 31.3.2022 on purchasing medicines & transporting our Shelter Home inmates in need of medical care to hospitals and  Medical Centres. 
Homeless people and People with Disabilities 
(Pwds) especially those with mental issues are in constant need of medical diagnosis, medication and periodic evaluation by Medical Doctors 
Delay or neglect in providing the above, results in deterioration of their behavioural  condition resulting in depression,  suicidal tendencies etc, and this creates havoc in our shelter homes and could prove dangerous to the other residents. 
A total of 270 trips were made last year to various Hospitals and Medical Centres for treatment. 
Attached below is a compressed yearly record  of treatment and medecines provided to each and every resident in our Shelter Home. 
We maintained a yearly register both for each and every patient medicines and their hospital trips . 
From this registers we compressed and made the chart . 
Shelter Home residents are treated at the Medical Centre nearest to them, viz: – 
☆ 1. Women Residents at Calangute & Guirim Shelter Homes – District Hospital Mapusa/ Vision Hospital /IPHB Bambolim /GMC Bambolim 

☆ 2. Homeless men residing at Assonora and Porvorim Shelter Home – District Hospital Mapusa/ Vision Hospital/ IPHB Bambolim /GMC Bambolim 

☆ 3. Homeless men residing at Quepem  & Cavelossim Shelter Home – District Hospital Margao /IPHB Bambolim /GMC Bambolim . 
Emergencies especially on Sundays and holidays are treated at private Clinics. 
Expenditure is incurred for the following:-
☆ 1. Registration and case paper charges are paid for.
☆?2. Blood tests and other Diagnostic tests are paid for especially during holiday emergencies. 
☆ 3. Medication for the mentally challenged,  if not available at IPHB are purchased from the market.
☆ 4. Transporting residents to and fro is one of the major expenses, especially with the cost of petrol Sky rocketing.  
The old , sick,  infirmed,  physically and mentally challenged residents  are unable to travel by public transport and hence the need for a private vehicle. 
Medecines are purchased from the following Pharmacies:- 
☆ 1. Purchased from OVER THE COUNTER (OTC)  in case of an emergency like Crocin , gels, ointments, cotton,  bandages , common medicines which don't require prescription. 
☆ 2. ANTILLA PHARMACY, Guirim,  a Generic Pharmacy  where  monthly medicines for all residents purchased  on credit strictly against valid prescription, mainly psychiatric medicines as 70% of our inmates are chronic cases of mental sickness . 
☆ 3. WELLNESS PHARMACY,  Porvorim for  medicines unavailable  in Generic  form. 
We are blessed to have 2 long standing BENEFACTORS, who provide  medecines as per our list to them,  every month since the last  4 years and I take this opportunity to thank them for this generous offer. 
Ms Elaine purchases medicines worth Rs. 3000/- monthly based on our requirements from a pharmacy in St Inez. 
M/s E-Dot , a Company from Vasco  sends monthly  medicines based on our requirements worth Rs 5000/-. 
Switching over to Generic medicines in the last year has brought down our bill by 30 percent. 
We require your help for the coming year 2022-2023 since 
☆ 1. Medecines costs are hiked up by 11%. 

☆ 2. Fuel costs are ever increasing. In this month alone it's up almost Rs 10 a litre . 

☆ 3. Number of homeless admitted and dependent on medecines have increased. 
One thing I would like share with all :
” my personal medication has reduced to just 1 tablet a day from taking 10 tablets a day some where in late 2017 and entire 2018 “. 
When I do good to others especially the old, sick, Pwds , homeless etc automatically their prayers and blessings empower  me and my health improved and dependency on medication reduced considerably. 
My children rarely fall sick or visit doctors and I believe it is  the blessings from our shelter homes people. 
A small suggestion—– support the  homeless people with their medical bills  and enjoy their  blessings and prayers on you and your family.  
Always believe you are healthy and strong . 
Thank God that He is using you to solve the medical problems of the  homeless , sick , old  and  abandoned  homeless people who are also disabled. 
Keeping ones mind active and trying daily to help the others is one way to fight sickness . 
Never speak the words :
I am sick 
I am Diabetic 
I am Arthritic 
I am tic , tic tic,  etc. 
I am having this sickness and that sickness. 
Always tell others even if you are sick and on medication , ” I am blessed and healthy by the Grace of God “. 
Life and death is in the power of your tongue ,
Those that love it, shall eat the fruits of it . 
Speak life and life in abundantly. 
Sickness and suffering is not from God but from the evil one and sickness comes when the mind is evil and destructive . 
Please support our NGO. 
You get 50% rebate under section 80G of the 
INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


15.4.2022.  7 pm IST 
As Good Friday is celebrated today,  I as a Roman Catholic too took part in the Good Friday religious ceremony , commemorating the crucifixion & death Of Lord Jesus on the Cross. 
Today is also a Public Holiday. 
But our Shelter Homes are open as we take no holiday. 
Very early this morning we admitted a homeless goan boy Mr Ganesh with the support of Ponda Police inspite of incessant rain last night in that area of Goa. 
☆ Ganesh was picked by us on 18.2.22 from shiroda. 
As he was on treatment he got better and skipped out one day from the hospital when he was taken for a check up just last week 
We tried searching him but reached no where . 
Sapnesh used his mind and sent his picture to a SP @ Goa Police from Shiroda who immediately put that picture on his village group and bang the man was found last night in the rain . 
Ponda police along with Akash Pednekar who looks after our Quepem home Co ordinated and Ganesh was admitted again early this morning 
1 am . 
Today this morning 9am , I received a call from PSI Mrs Vibha @ Goa Police , Mapusa Police Station saying this lady Laxmi is looking for shelter. 
Quickly paperwork and medical done and shifted her before 1pm into our shelter home . 
Very complicated and abusive in nature. 
Incase anyone recognises her or is missing her please contact Mapusa Police Station. 
Tomorrow Laxmi will be taken to the hospital for a check up . 
And will be stabilized else will be admitted for treatment as she might be uncontrollable. 
There were two other ladies who needed shelter but the paperwork was not ready and details were not proper. 
For me this is my Good Friday. 
We have to be ready to reach out daily to the poorest of the poor on the streets irrespective of Public Holiday or not . 
Getting off the streets a homeless man is not an issue no matter what their condition is , we can handle. 
It's the homeless women which becomes very very difficult to handle and rehab . 
The ladies are like totally battered and shattered and the mind is totally weak . 
Requires alot of time , energy , patience,  medication , blood tests , hospital trips to bring these homeless ladies back to normalcy. 
And to top it all some don't even speak Konkanni & Hindi but only their native language. 
With close to 30+ such homeless women most of whom are sick or are suffering from mental issues,  it's really getting tough. 
But our NGO can't just refuse them a place as there are not many such homes accepting such women. 
Please support our NGO. 
You get 50% rebate under section 80G of the 
INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


13.4.2022.  6 Pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA was the 1st project I started 5 years back to feed the hungry and homeless. 
We are still feeding people in different places across Goa through VOLUNTEERS. 
One Such VOLUNTEER is Mr Pai , Ex Prof from Goa University . 
Attached a picture of Prof Pai with this post . 
A senior citizen but full of life and enthusiasm. 
It's over two years and he is still feeding 
Monday to Saturday,  outside IPHB & GMC 
I salute this senior citizen for being committed to his word and  feeding close to 100 meals every morning . 
He must be leaving home at 7am and reaches IPHB to start serving at 7 30am. 
Then from 8.15 am till 8.45am he is outside GMC. 
Uses his own car and own petrol . 
Never complains or very rarely takes an OFF. 
We feed the following menu :
3 days a week bread with jam & butter chiplet 
3 days a week paratha with jam & butter chiplet 
Prof Pai arranges fresh bread early morning  which is paid by our NGO. 
He also stores in his house the jam chiplets and the butter chiplet in his fridge. 
Fresh Paratha are delivered to his house early morning 3 times a week . 
In this way he prepares himself every morning all loaded up in his car to feed the poor , hungry and those in need of something  
Quite often he distributes cakes to children In and around IPHB & GMC , which we provide him through our Food Bank. 
Some of these children are waiting at times to eat cake as this was the 1st time they knew what is a Cake, all because of Prof Pai. 
Attached a picture of children with cakes 
Daily across different parts of Goa :
we collect extra food from different places or 
we cook food in our kitchens or 
we buy food or
we receive food in our food bank fridges , 
and we feed more than 1000 to 1500 meals daily across Goa through our volunteers in a system which runs automatically through volunteers. 
No one asks or tells anyone anything . 
It's a smooth flowing system running on the commitment of Volunteers , supported by generous benefactors and generous donors from factories , hotels and food bank fridges placed across different places in Goa and from The Governor of Goa . 
Many try to find out how such a system can work? 
Well , it works because God wants us to feed the hungry and the homeless and no where will I be seen ever because that's how the system is created. 
I feel happy , proud and satisfied that an idea 
5 years ago which was never executed or implemented in Goa, is going strong without my interference on a daily basis. 
You too can play your part by donating to this breakfast service. 
Celebrate your :
☆ Wedding anniversary 
☆ Birthday 
☆ Promotion 
☆ Special occasion 
by sponsoring a meal well in advance. 
You can also come along and serve the meal with Prof Pai. 
It will bring joy to the hungry and blessings to you and your family . 
Support Us in our NGO generously. 
You get 50% rebate under section 80G of the 
INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


11.4.2022. 8 Pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA  last week took of the streets of Panjim two homeless men who were in a complete weak state. 
The below link will show you how these men were picked up . 👇
Most remember the last week rain on Thursday. 
Well many homeless must have got fully wet. 
Incase anyone knows them please inform their family members and get in touch with me on whatsapp only on 8380097564 
Mr Vinay was just lying for over two months in that same place and could not move much  as he was top weak and something wrong in his left knee . 
Eating. Sleeping and rest of his activity ,  in that same place. 
Total mess and unhygienic. 
Mr Ashley , a press reporter requested me to help him as he could not see him In a suffering state . 
It was not easy helping him as the smell was too much plus his body was paining everywhere. 
We had to lift him up on a stercher and then cleaning him up in the home was a big issue as he was all soiled up . 
Admitted him into GMC on Saturday to stabilize him. Totally malnourished and weak . 
Mr Aniruddha claims to be a graduate and for the last 3 years he has been on the streets of panjim . 
Originally from Pune . 
Claims to have suffered a stroke but drinking and chewing tobacco. 
Many many times we tried to help him get off the streets but always some excuses . 
Once he told me ” pay me rs 4000 a month and I will come to the home “. 
Anyway that day on Friday , I informed the press about him as he was passing by and they spoke to him and he was ready to get off the streets. 
Too weak,  too much of tobacco and alcohol In his body, can't walk properly. 
Now he is getting detoxified. 
Will take a few days to see how he reacts . 
But in a few months he will be back to Normal . 
Claims his brother is in Pune and due to his stroke he does not want to be a burden to his brother family . 
Every one who is homeless and on the streets have their own stories . 
And these stories start as they go through hallucination and they start imaging things and come up with many topics . 
But its all mind games. 
At times we just can't do much , but provide food, clothes , shelter and medicines with visits to hospitals to help them get out of their torture. 
And that is practical a daily routine ” Hospital trips “. 
Hospital trips as 70% of our inmates are on psychiatric medications plus other complications like Diabetes, pressure , broken bones etc . 
Our NGO is grateful to GMC , DISTRICT HOSPITALS & IPHB for helping out these homeless people either for admission and Treatment or for their checkup and medications. 
Support Us in our NGO generously. 
You get 50% rebate under section 80G of the 
INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


9 4.2022. 7 pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA humbly requests Government of Goa to support the homeless on the streets to get a new life through our NGO which runs free shelter homes for the homeless. 
People with mental disabilities is rising really fast. 
A video has been circulating on social media two days how a girl had threw down Two men on a bike in Saligao Constituency and then started weird by hitting and kicking them and then taking off her clothes. 
Belive me , the situation is getting worse and many are reaching the streets due to stress. Anxiety,  etc. 
We need to help such PWDs who are suffering from mind issues. 
No lip service but more shelter homes is the need of the hour . 
♡♡♡ Thanks to Goa Police @ Collem Police station for getting this man off the streets two days ago. 
This man had been picked up by us in 2019 and was on medication. 
By early 2021, he said he was going home and since his condition was better we allowed him to leave . 
He has been in and around Collem Church last few months behaving in very unclean manner. 
This is because he stopped talking medication. 
♡♡♡ Thanks to Inspector Mr Sanjay Dalvi @ Collem Police Station for requesting us to take this mam off the streets and rehab him as the villagers on that area complained to the cops . 
We agreed and our team drove till Valpoi and the exchange happened. 
This mam Vijay will be put on medication and treated at IPHB and rehabilitated at our home . 
Sad cases when people with mental issues are suffering . 
Government of Goa should PLEASE help us help many of such people who are living and lying in different parts of Goa to get off the streets and get into a Shelter home for treatment. 
It's going to be a big crisis in the coming years if a system is not put in place NOW. 
Our NGO saw this issues 5 years ago and that was one of the reasons we started shelter homes . 
Today its spiraling out of control and we request GOVERNMENT OF GOA to support us and act quickly. 
And we are the ONLY NGO in GOA providing this SERVICE FREE OF COST. 
No one wants fights ( like the video which is circulating of that girl hitting people on the streets in Saligao constituency) on streets, 
unclean people roaming around in villages ,
Deranged men walking non stop on roads ,
Unclean people living and sleeping anywhere.
Rehabilitation of Pwds is very tiring , expensive and requires constant funding . 
COMMITMENT & COMPASSION for Pwds is the basic criteria to run FREE SHELTER HOMES . 
Commissioner of Disabilities & 
Social Welfare Director &
Goa State Mental Health Authority 
All should work together on the field to curb this rising situation of homeless with Disabilities. 
Till that time we will try or rather we will accept such people . 
Please support our NGO. 
You get 50% rebate under section 80G of the 
INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


8.4.2022  5pm IST 
Working for the homeless , hungry and the poor with commitment and dedication always fetches you recognition , satisfaction & blessings 
♡♡♡ Thanks to HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED ( HPCL ) LPG Division @ Kundaim plant Goa for sanctioning our NGO domestic gas cylinders under exempt category without any deposit . 
Its a big quantity of cylinders as we have 8 homes at the moment plus another 4 starting soon . 
From June 2017 , all our shelter homes and food bank kitchens were using Commercial gas cylinders which we were forced to use as we are using all rented homes . 
In Jan/ Feb  2022 , the commercial gas cylinders prices increased by rs 1000 a cylinder over night and that caused alot of expense to our small NGO . 
Made a humble and desperate request to Mr Francis Nunes , Olmar Gas agency to help us get domestic cylinders . 
We made an application and submitted with alot of our clippings to Mr Resham Mittal , an officer of HPCL who along with his Senior Regional Manager, sanctioned the entire quantity of domestic gas cylinders all through Mr FRANCIS NUNES follow up . 
A commercial gas cylinder is 19 kgs Rs 2250
A domestic gas cylinder is 14 kgs Rs 963. 
HPCL usually charges deposit on each cylinder. 
We being a very small NGO working for the poorest of the poor across Goa had applied under EXEMPT CATEGORY for these domestic cylinders and were granted the entire quantity WITHOUT DEPOSIT . 
HPCL was kind enough to also provide other accessories free of cost . 
No one from our NGO met any official from HPCL 
All communications through email only and extra support personally from Mr Francis Nunes , Olmar Gas Agency ,Panjim. 
We thank officer Mr Resham Mittal & his boss for recognizing our NGO under EXEMPT CATEGORY and sanctioning our NGO our full requirements of Domestic gas cylinders without any deposit and this sanction speaks what STREET PROVIDENCE is . 
Getting something like this SANCTIONED is not an easy task from such a big GOVERNMENT CORPORATION. 
EXEMPT category is mostly for very few sectors of the government only . 
But we are doing the work of the Government in Goa by rehabilitating the homeless people without Government funding . 
Like I said in the opening paragraph,  working with commitment for the poorest of the poor will get one recognition and blessings. 
It also creates ENVY among others who provide only LIP SERVICE and this small no of them then go on complaining and digging and making trouble for our Small NGO by making complaints against our work especially in Social Welfare Department as other Government Dept don't entertain them any more . 
The best part in getting these domestic cylinders sanctioned was ” no meeting , discussion , any hanky panky  , no time wasting “. 
All transparent and within the framework in the quickest possible time. 
Prayers and Blessings  on HPCL , the factories , the senior management, the staff , their families and the dealers from all our 100+  homeless street people and over 2000 people who we feed through our food bank Program. 
Anyone who helps the poor and downtrodden, their prayers are always answered by God, through these poor peoples blessings 
Service to the poor , needy , homeless , disabled is service to God . 
Thank you HPCL for the support . 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097565 / 7020414848


5.4 2022. 7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA rescues an elderly  Goan  man  practically from the clutches of death only because one young goan girl took the initiative to help him inspite of being threatened with dire consequences . 
A few weeks ago , a very young goan girl doing 1st year MSW got in touch with me through whatsapp  and sent me this video . 
Attached the video. 👇
The home was a mess and he just could not get up , leave alone stand. 
I was shocked and upset. 
I instructed the girl what to do and the police were involved to get him out of the home but since it's 70 kms from our office I did not know the severity if his medical condition at that point of time . 
Man is naughty and drinking too much . 
Wife expired few months back. 
Not listening to his children. 
Some have migrated and one married child is here who has been looking after him but the father refuses to give up drinks and goes back to his home where he stays alone . 
The child here sends food daily but the spouse is not well and that disturbs the food delivery . 
The elderly goan man had been knocked down and had a fracture on the same old fracture and that complicates the issues . 
Because the young goan girl helped him to get off that place , one child threatened her with dire consequences. 
Anyway we got involved and admitted this elderly goan man into the District Hospital , where the DOCTORS did a fantastic job for over a week,  without we having to keep an attendant 
♡♡♡ Thanks to A Head Constable from Goa Police who knew this family and who knew our NGO, all misunderstanding with that young goan girl were sorted out . 
The family members requested us with an affidavit to look after him and agreed to help In his basic medical costs . 
The elderly goan man has :
☆ A fracture with plaster ,
☆ Is on a caterer ,
☆ Plus pampers ,
☆ Very weak and malnourished, 
☆ Has to be bathed. Cleant and fed , 
Still wants to drink 
And requires help to get up and has to be held while moving around. 
Had to be admitted into our home on a stretcher carried by 4 people . 
I was reluctant to take him in  but being a human I had to help . 
I was very upset with that young girl as this elderly goan man could have just hit the bucket and the family might have dragged us into controversy. 
But all good deeds , thoughts and intentions are taken care by God . 
Today it's over 2 weeks , we took him to the District Hospital and took off the plaster but yet weak . 
He has a support for his leg and and as such he is standing and attempting to walk a few steps. 
I told that young girl please don't bring such cases in the future to us . 
It's very tough and difficult handling such medical cases and our homes are stretched to the limit for bed ridden patients. 
But where will such pathetic and abandoned cases end up ? 
I really don't know and that troubles me more . 
One way I want to help , other way the complications,  after care and the legal issues trouble me. 
Many are just waiting to create hurdles to stop our work . 
If that man was just left there, belive me he would have kicked the bucket as even if he shouts no one could hear him In that small room. 
Daily I ask God for Favour, Grace & Wisdom . 
If he was a normal homeless man its okay to accept. 
Here he has a family and complicated medical issues which can just backfire for no reason at all. 
Once again I APOLOGIZE to the young girl for losing my cool that day because the man was almost gone . 
I thank and appreciate that young girl may be 
20 years max 21 years for going out of her way to help this goan man get another lease of New Life. 
If you are knowing any such Goan men who are in need of a fresh lease of life and you can take my PRESSURE at that point of time please  whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
We need to reach out and help our elderly who might be in need of help . 
It's our nature to help the abandoned and the homeless Pwds. 
Thanks alot 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


3.4.2022. 6pm IST 
2000 kgs of Extra food collected in the month of March 22 across fridges in 6 Goa  police stations for the Food Bank for the Poor  Sangolda Goa. 
2000 kgs of food @ Rs 100 kg = Rs 2 lacs . 
♡♡♡ Thanks to Goa Police throughout Goa for supporting our rehabilitation program for the homeless street people by getting so many people off the streets into our shelter homes . 
And now allowing us to install fridges in Police stations to accept extra food for these same homeless which come through the police stations. 
To look after 100+ homeless street people is not an easy task for a Very Small NGO of ours. 
Food costs are going to the roof . 
So early Feb 2022 we installed 6 fridges across 6 police stations in Goa . 
☆ Mapusa 
☆ Calangute 
☆ Panjim 
☆ Cuncolim 
☆ Quepem
☆ Sanguem . 
The below link will explain you how to deposit your food. 
With the Grace of God and the blessings of all those who drop food, Mapusa Police Station Fridge daily gets about 40kgs food which makes it the highest collection of food in the month of 
March 22 at 1200 kgs approx, among all 6. 
This entire food from Mapusa Police Station goes to feed one mens home of ours where 30+ homeless men are rehabilitated who  are  suffering from disabilities. 
80% of our food collected in fridges is good and edible for consumption. 
20 to 25 % ends up bad and we use this to feed the strays . 
Image / calculate / understand how much actual wet garbage we have saved from going to the dumps :
  2000 kgs or   2 tonnes a month or
24000 kgs or 24 tonnes a year 
For a year it's like 5 to 6 trucks are saved from the garbage dumps just because of these 6 fridges on a yearly average. 
We have been collecting tonnes & tonnes of food through our food bank fridges last 5 years . 
We intend to Install more fridges across another 9 police stations in the future . 
Many feel and understand that POLICE & POLICE STATIONS are not public friendly especially towards the poor , hungry & homeless. 
Remember the 3 days ago, a  post of the send off given by our Homeless to SP , Mr Serafin Dias . 
But here we are :
6 police stations running a food bank fridge  &
1 SP ( now retired ) who helped the homeless during the last 5 years . 
Of course there will always be some difference of opinion. 
All off us are Human and we tend to make mistakes . 
If you stay in the vicinity of these Police stations then please remember to drop your extra food either in food grade plastic bags or in silver foil which should not be hot as it will get spoilt . 
Please drop only freshly cooked food in these fridges and not 2 to 3 days old as it gets spoilt . 
Once again thanks alot to Goa Police for supporting this unique idea of installing fridges to collect extra food in the police stations. 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848