13.4.2022.  6 Pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA was the 1st project I started 5 years back to feed the hungry and homeless. 
We are still feeding people in different places across Goa through VOLUNTEERS. 
One Such VOLUNTEER is Mr Pai , Ex Prof from Goa University . 
Attached a picture of Prof Pai with this post . 
A senior citizen but full of life and enthusiasm. 
It's over two years and he is still feeding 
Monday to Saturday,  outside IPHB & GMC 
I salute this senior citizen for being committed to his word and  feeding close to 100 meals every morning . 
He must be leaving home at 7am and reaches IPHB to start serving at 7 30am. 
Then from 8.15 am till 8.45am he is outside GMC. 
Uses his own car and own petrol . 
Never complains or very rarely takes an OFF. 
We feed the following menu :
3 days a week bread with jam & butter chiplet 
3 days a week paratha with jam & butter chiplet 
Prof Pai arranges fresh bread early morning  which is paid by our NGO. 
He also stores in his house the jam chiplets and the butter chiplet in his fridge. 
Fresh Paratha are delivered to his house early morning 3 times a week . 
In this way he prepares himself every morning all loaded up in his car to feed the poor , hungry and those in need of something  
Quite often he distributes cakes to children In and around IPHB & GMC , which we provide him through our Food Bank. 
Some of these children are waiting at times to eat cake as this was the 1st time they knew what is a Cake, all because of Prof Pai. 
Attached a picture of children with cakes 
Daily across different parts of Goa :
we collect extra food from different places or 
we cook food in our kitchens or 
we buy food or
we receive food in our food bank fridges , 
and we feed more than 1000 to 1500 meals daily across Goa through our volunteers in a system which runs automatically through volunteers. 
No one asks or tells anyone anything . 
It's a smooth flowing system running on the commitment of Volunteers , supported by generous benefactors and generous donors from factories , hotels and food bank fridges placed across different places in Goa and from The Governor of Goa . 
Many try to find out how such a system can work? 
Well , it works because God wants us to feed the hungry and the homeless and no where will I be seen ever because that's how the system is created. 
I feel happy , proud and satisfied that an idea 
5 years ago which was never executed or implemented in Goa, is going strong without my interference on a daily basis. 
You too can play your part by donating to this breakfast service. 
Celebrate your :
☆ Wedding anniversary 
☆ Birthday 
☆ Promotion 
☆ Special occasion 
by sponsoring a meal well in advance. 
You can also come along and serve the meal with Prof Pai. 
It will bring joy to the hungry and blessings to you and your family . 
Support Us in our NGO generously. 
You get 50% rebate under section 80G of the 
INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848