All posts by Jason Fernandes



1.9.2022. 7 Pm  IST 
Wishing each and everyone of you a beautiful , colorful and cheerful Ganesh Chaturthi 
May this festive season bring along  smiles & celebrations for you , your family and the homeless street people and People suffering from all sorts of disabilities & sickness. 
My previous post a few days ago described the challenge we face with a young girl whom we  call “BLESSED”.  Her mental condition does not permit her to stay in a Shelter Home. Her condition compels her to seek discharge and walk along the streets, sleeping at bus stops, in unoccupied residences etc. 
We are very keen on assisting her in her rehabilitation but are at our wits end as all our approaches are fruitless. 
Today I am here to draw your attention to another young woman “ANGEL ” admitted 3 days back into our home , the day my late Uncle,
Fr Walter expired and its such types of people late Fr Walter encouraged me to help irrespective of the occasion or the time. 
Attached her picture taken from the reverse. 
Angel was born in a middle class family, showed significant disabilities during her childhood but due to lack of information and assistance she didnt receive much medical treatment. 
Being different, she was not accepted in schools. As she grew older, her mental disability was evident and she was referred to a medical doctor. 
Thus started the vicious cycle of inhouse  treatment followed by discharge with instructions to continue  the prescribed medications with little or no improvement. 
Today ANGEL suffers from manic depression, has suicidal thoughts, is violent and has attempted to commit suicide on numerous occasions. 
Her family is ready to care for her but ANGEL just walks away even if left unattended for a minute. 
ANGEL is usually found roaming in different cities of INDIA and when confronted by the Police, simply hands over  her sister's mobile number  to the cops , and her sister or a family member has to travel to bring her back and then  after a few days , she walks away again 
We are ready to rehabilitate her in our Shelter Home, but after the 3rd day or so  ANGEL threatens to commit suicide if she is not allowed to leave the Shelter. 
Today I seek  PROFESSIONAL help for this young woman.  
Any Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Cousellor, Social Worker, Institution,caring individual who is willing to meet up and take on these two challenging cases, please do get in touch with me on whatsapp only on 8380097564. 
One needs to have a Certificate of Registration from Social Welfare to look after such people with disabilites so the rest please excuse . 
We will support you in whatever way we can during  the course of the treatment. 
If she needs inhouse treatment at a speciality clinic, please recommend and help us with the admission through whstsapp messages only. 
Both these girls ” BLESSED & ANGEL ” are patients for long at IPHB Bambolim so all facts can be verified by just showing these 2 posts to any Consultant Doctors there . 
Please don't message me to contact non professional people 
I am determined to get help for both – “BLESSED”  and “ANGEL”.  Their safety, both bodily and of the mind is my top priority or else they could end up either dead or violated on the streets. 
I have made up my mind to getting permanent help for both the girls ANGEL & BLESSED on a top priorty . 
And these 2 are no way related to me . 
It's s big stress dealing with these types of cases. 
But its my AVAILABILITY to these types of girls to help them permanently rather than my ABILITY. 
This broadcast is not about financial help.  I am asking for PROFESSIONAL HELP to save the precious lives of ANGEL & BLESSED. 
Please do pray  for ANGEL & BLESSED , that the right professionals may come along to help them be free from their mental anguish. 
My apologies for posting my festival greetings  with this urgent plea for professional help but during this festive season please spare a thought for the less fortunate and if you can,  help those whom you  don't know but who need you the most! 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


26.8.2022. 7pm IST 
♡♡♡ PSI Mr Sanket a young and dynamic officer @ Goa Police , Panjim Police Station permanently ended the misery and agony of a man who for close to 5 years has been taking off his clothes and roaming naked across various cities and states in India, by only making one phone call to me yesterday. 
Imagine you see a fully naked man walking on a road in panjim city ? 
What will you & I conclude ? 
He is mad / unsound mind / crazy / lost his mind 
What will be yours & my  reaction be ?
☆ Abuse him
☆ Chase him 
☆ Make fun of him 
☆ Throw stones at him 
Then May be call the police . 
What will police do ?
Put some clothes on him and either 
☆ 1. Take him to the mental hospital or
☆ 2. Put him in a train and get him to no where. 
If they put him in a mental hospital they require a tedious paper work which is called a Magistrate order ( MO ) & once say after few months of treatment, once okay the mental hospital will / might ask the police to take him away. 
But where will the police admit him for rehabilitation? 
Or he might just be there in the mental hospital for a long time. 
So that's how the system is . 
Cruel / complicated / no co ordination between various departments as rules are thrown in your face . 
Well yesterday I had an opportunity to be part of this naked man life all because one police officer Mr Sanket called me asking if I could rehab this man . 
I asked Psi Sanket his other options which he said one of the easiest one was to put him in a train and send him away from where he came. 
Man is educated and is 12th standard but last 5 years has been hit by this sickness where he claims some voices / spirits hit him when he is alone and that makes him take off his clothes. 
He is doing it Sub consciously . 
He says he would walk 30 to 40 kms daily just moving endlessly and meaningless . 
He says all night he stays awake naked as that spirit irritates him if he does not take off his clothes & then he can't get sleep, resulting in mosquitos bitting him and the abuses and stones thrown on him . 
I have a couple of such men some from Goa who are in our home with the same complaints that people have thrown stones on them due to their mental sickness. 
Anyway he can't be put on Train and sent city to city. 
Yeserday 10 pm I take the homeless man with the Police as support and explain the matter to the Doctors at IPHB. 
My care givers found it difficult to handle as he kept speaking about spirits and blood. 
IPHB Doctors were considerate enough to admitt him and I have personally assured to rehabilitate him in our shelter Home on his discharge. 
The junior Dr last night at IPHB inquired whether he wanted to get admitted or just walk away . 
At that moment my heart skipped a beat . 
Here its 10.30 pm , I have disturbed my sleep to help this man and the young Doctor is literally giving him an option of just walking away. 
1st of all I am short of patience and God only knows why the man Said ” I want to get alright please admitt me “. 
Both the junior doctor & the senior doctor asked the man ” why have you come to Goa for the 1st time “. 
If PSI Mr Sanket had not called me, the evil plan would have succeeded and this man would be in the same pain & agony of roaming naked, city to city , state to state , getting stoned and abused. 
We live in a world full of glamor and fast life and we ignore this section of society . 
Imagine or just visualize if it's your own family member how you would cope with it ? 
Would you manage to take care of the sickness or would you abandon the family member ? 
That's when reality strikes us . 
We need to reach out the lost . 
I am seeing , getting , rehabilitating many many such cases and it's rising fast, where family members really can't help their own loved ones due to financial stress and family issues. 
So the next time you see any naked people roaming on Goa, please don't walk away. 
Stop and see how you can help them. 
These type of people require your presence of mind and your compassion to get out of the agony and sickness there are going through. 
Call the local police station and let me know through whatsapp on 8380097564. 
We will do the best we can @ Street Providence to get that person out of their misery permanently by getting them admitted into the mental hospital and then free rehabilitation in our shelter homes. 
We provide FREE care and compassion to the homeless street people @ Street Providence, Goa especially to those suffering from mental disabilities. 
We would not be here today at this level without our benefactors and various Government departments like :
☆ Goa Police ,
☆ IPHB  & GMC ,
☆ Directorate of Health Services ( DHS )
☆ Women & Child Department
☆ The State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
All the above play their part in solving our problems and the problems of the homeless. 
The day Social Welfare Department accepts our NGO and understands the issues of disabilities on the streets faced by the homeless, that day I will be at peace . 
Once again please support our NGO in whatever way you can. 
Please contact only thru WhatsApp messages on 8380097564.  Strictly no calling . 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


♡♡♡ A 78 year old retired nun joins the fight against homelessness in Goa by collaborating with our NGO in starting a free shelter home for homeless Street women in her Convent premises.
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA starts another FREE Shelter Home for the homeless street women @ Guirim , Bardez Goa . 
This will be our 7th Shelter Home in Goa and our 3rd  for women in distress and homeless. 
A small home comfortable for 10 women only . 
☆ The main person behind this Shelter  Home Sr EDITH from Fatima Convent ( Old Aged Home ,Guirim ). 
My association with Sr Edith goes back 5 years when we had just started our NGO. 
We would help the Aged  Home in a small way of providing our Ambulance to them when required. 
Sr Edith, who was then the  local Provincial, would on my recommendation  take in homeless women free of cost,until necessary arrangements were made, as in those early days we did not have our own Shelter Home. 
Sr Edith has now retired but her commitment to help women  in distress is admirable!
She convinced both the Mother General & the Provincal General of her congregation about starting a Shelter  Home and agreed to be responsible for 
the same. 
After working for 50 long years, in the twilight of her life , when most people take it easy, here is Sr Edith voluntarily
venturing into a very difficult service of caring  for and rehabilitating   women  in   distress. 
Sr Edith  is witty, jovial,very easy to get along with, has a loving nature and is  more like a Mother than a nun which attracts alot of people like me to her. 
In  today's world of fast life and tension free living , she has stepped out from HER COMFORT ZONE into the field of troubles, tensions and unclear waters to provide for homeless women suffering from rejection, abuse, addiction andmental and emotional issues. 
She has watched us grow from inception till  now with 130+ inmates in the last 5 years . 
I am very impatient and demanding in my approach to Homelessness and Hunger, and it is not easy to work and support me, yet Sr. Edith after 5 years of association with me and STREET PROVIDENCE  has taken the plunge to partner with us in our fight against Homelessness. 
I have dealt / met / known / disagreed with numerous such nuns like Sr Edith in the last 5 years and only a couple of them have shown that desire to work and support the homeless street people quoting the rules and regulations of the congregation as a reason for not being able to help fight the issue of Homelessness of women. But Sr. Edith is an “exception “.
A well known adage states ” God dwells in the poor, the sick , the abandoned,  the widows, the mentally challenged and not in Stone structures “. Also “Helping hands is better than praying lips” . 
I salute Sr Edith for a very bold stand of partnering with us to  work in her retirement years for the homeless street women . 
Looking forward to a wonderful experience , as Sr Edith will bring a lot of love and compassion,  ideas and tricks of the trade to look after these street women with her vast and profound experience .
I pray that many more empty structures are opened up for the homeless after reading this post and we @ Street Providence find many more “Sr Ediths” to meet the current demand of free shelter and rehabilitation for women on the streets suffering  from disabilities, abandonment and abuse. 
Like Sr Edith, we  all have two hands – one to help ourselves and the other to help the needy. So let us step forward today and make a difference in the lives of our needy sisters on the streets.
Inauguration and Blessing of this Shelter Home is scheduled for 12th September, 2022.
This home is open for admission and presently 5 women are admitted and basking in the love and care given by Sr. Edith. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


20.8.2022. 7pm IST 
A middle aged , divorced & abandoned lady, with an unsound mind , living on the streets some where in Pernen Taluka , today finally got off the streets, permanently. 
Actually the lady is abandoned both by her own family and her married family and it can't be worse than anything else to be unwanted In no family. 
♡♡♡ Thanks to the Inspector of Pernem @ Goa Police, Mr Dattaram Raut and his team for understanding this particular matter & moving in quickly . 
It all started yesterday at 2 pm at Pernem police station when Adv Shailesh Gawas , social worker spotted this lady right in the vicinity of pernem police station & called me . 
Without even I asking for the lady picture I knew who the lady was . 
Two months back I was briefed about the same lady by another lady who saw her plight and tried to help her but some how the police I assume did not take much interest due to the below reason. 
The lady is married, having a child but divorced and husband I am told has taken custody of the child and living with the child with a court order. 
Naturally it will lead to depression. 
This lady is sitting at bus stops , loiters at the local school, sleeping on the streets & at times sits outside the relative house but just does not talk much . 
A couple of times taken to IPHB Bambolim treated and again back on the streets. 
Agony and misery . 
After treatment such Cases need to go to shelter homes but there are no FREE Shelter homes for Pwds except Street Providence. 
The private shelter homes start at Rs 20000 a month. 
Nor are they any government mid way homes for such poor people with mental issues. 
Yesterday too , after I spoke to Inspector , on humanitarian grounds,  a police personal,  this lady & the relative reached IPHB. 
Examined, given medicine & sent back, as IPHB will not admitt without an attendant & the lady is divorced and abandoned so no one is going to put their neck out . 
Its like IRRITATING to even know that the lady will be back on the streets and that she is not going to take that medicine but still RULES are shoved in your face. 
Having handled 100 's of such cases, I gave a plan to our manager Sapnesh who got in touch with LPSI Mrs Samedha @ Pernem police station. 
Simultaneously we requested the Dr @ UHC Tuem to do the medical and get the patient sent to IPHB & explained the plight of the lady. 
Superb co ordination and understanding among the Pernem Police station & UHC Tuem Doctor 
Hats off to them . 
This morning :
☆ Medical done at UHC , Tuem ,
☆ Magistrate order ( MO ) Procured ,
☆ Admitted into IPHB 
Also thanks to IPHB for admitting the lady into the institute. 
Once treated and stabilized, police will discharge and bring to our shelter home. 
Relative by then will be making an AFFIDAVIT stating that he has no objection to admitt in a shelter home . 
What did not happen for months & a year ,  happened  fast 24 hours . 
This is how system and co ordination between government departments have to be . 
I feel at peace that sitting with my phone and using the goodwill our NGO has generated over the years , Government officials are taking interest and helping such abandoned mentally challenged people on the streets to get a better life . 
I just don't talk but our team works daily across Goa helping many such mentally challenged homeless people get off the streets and into the IPHB for treatment. 
This post is to create an awareness that Goa Police , the DHS & IPHB are doing a wonderful job in helping and treating so many such mentally unsound people on the streets and finally we care and rehabilitate them in our ever increasing shelter homes across Goa . 
You too can help a homeless person with mental issues in Goa to a better life by contacting the local police station and also by getting in touch with me strictly through whatsapp on 8380097564. 
To bring down the different Crimes against homeless women, shelter homes are the need of the hour . 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


16.8.2022. 7pm IST 
Once working on the Cruise liners , but last 2 years + living on the streets of Vasco and had a terrible accident resulting in a broken leg which is quite bad . 
Admitted this middle aged Goan lonely man into our shelter home , Mr Lionel Lobo 
♡♡♡ Thanks to Mrs Aggima from Carmona who helped this goan man reach our home . 
Lionel claims he is homeless and has no one and was begging to survive on the streets of Vasco right from Jan 2020. 
Says he used to work on cruise liners till 2013. 
Some where early July 2022 , he and his friend were sitting at the Vasco bus stand at night and a bus went over his leg . 
He lost consciousness and was admitted in GMC where he was operated upon. 
Mrs Aggima was also with her husband in the same hospital when Lionel narrated his story and Aggima got in touch with me . 
This is about about 2 weeks ago. 
I assured both Mrs Aggima & Lionel that I would help. 
Thanks to Dr's at GMC who I was in touch with continously seeing that this man was not just discharged as that would be very bad for Lionel recovery. 
One thing I can proudly say ” whenever I call any Government Doctor from the hospital and confirm that our NGO is surely taking an abandoned homeless to our home for rehabilitation,  the Doctors believes me and that particular patient surely reaches our home “. 
That's the respect our NGO has earned. 
All happens over the phone. 
Our NGO walks the talk and not just promise to take and then back out. 
Otherwise how are so many homeless ending up in our shelter homes ?. 
Last week Lionel was shifted back to Chicalim health centre where as usual Dr Anil big boss of Chicalim health centre got all Lionel paper work done including the police noc as he was admitted into GMC with an MLC. 
Attached a small video .👇
On Sat 13th we admitted Lionel into our shelter home . 
He can't walk or move alone. Totally incapicated. 
Lionel needs a full time attendant to have  bath, use the washroom, get up from the bed , to even change his clothes and is on a pamper. 
Got alot of stories which might be true but I can't believe. 
If any one recognises him please let me know . 
Can be genuine homeless and disowned by family or can be thrown out due to alcohol . 
But I am not judging  
Our NGO will care for him till he recovers. 
It's not going to be easy . 
He is in pain and discomfort , weak and stressed due to his being lonely, abandoned & now with a broken leg. 
There will be endlessly trips to the Hospitals,  bandaging, cleaning of his leg plus Physiotherapy once the cast is removed. 
Practically every day we are accepting such homeless and abandoned people either from Hospitals or from the Police Stations. 
It's not easy admitting daily homeless people  but some one has to take in these desperate homeless who otherwise will be on the streets. 
If any NGO is providing such services then please get in touch with all the Government hospitals, IPHB & all the major police stations & support the homeless who might need a place to stay and food to eat . 
As a rule , incase we can't manage any homeless we re-admitt that homeless to the hospital where the admission cane from or back to the Police Station. 
We don't just transfer the homeless to other shelter homes as anything can go wrong . 
We require your support in any way you can . 

Please support our NGO. 
You get 50% deduction / rebate under section 80G of the INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
” Terms and conditions for availing this 50% varies on your Gross Total Income while filing your returns ” 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


14.8.2022. 11am IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA requests for professional help to help this goan girl who is on the streets for over 6 years . 
Mother died at 6 years 
Was in government shelter home till 18 years 
Father died at 13 years
Brother desperate to help her but …. 
In the Last 6 years :
stayed in all the Homes for women in distress in Goa ,
Stayed with our NGO atleast 5 times in 4 years ,
Stayed in IPHB for atleast 2 full years in total of the last 6 years either through self admission or Police order ,
Stayed in homes of lady Police officers. 
But keeps running away and going to the streets again and again . 
Our NGO will be the only home ready to accept her again and again as she needs help and help very badly . 
Well known by :
All women activists who handle such cases
All Police stations in North Goa 
All NGOs dealing with women in distress
All hospitals. 
Usually found staying and sleeping at :
Cremation grounds,
Bus stops,
Outside hospitals ,
Isolated and lonely hill tops, 
Rejected and turned away often by alot of shelter homes including ours as she just refuses to stay after 2 to 3 days of admission. 
Girl is from TIVIM & lets call her ” BLESSED ” & 
2 years back there was a social media post where she wanted some one to build her house . 
Lots of comments and ideas but I did not comment and within 3 days that euphoria died down and within 7 days she was forgotten by 100's of those who commented on her plight and back on the streets . 
Usually calls me ever alternate night after 
12 O clock  which made me block her long time back . 
She today and last 6 years requires professional help and not a house but a loving mother who can wipe off all that hurts, rejection and troubles. 
Till a few months back I too was avoiding taking back BLESSED into our home. 
Medicines don't work on her. 
She got many many other issues all rolled up and if any one is really keen to work with her then take this post & this back side picture of hers and show it to any CONSULTANT Dr at IPHB .
They will explain you her file .
She is that well know at IPHB.
No need to even ask or tell her name. 
Last few weeks I am thinking of how to help her. 
Like her there are a couple of other girls with the same symptoms ” medicine just does not work”. 
The freaking law is also complicated which adds more danger to looking after such cases . 
But they can't be just roaming on the streets and being vulnerable to danger . 
With Folded hands I request not for money but for help from ladies, aunties, nuns , brahma Kumaris , any females who can help . 
If we Crack this one case we can help atleast 4 more such cases where these ladies are unable to get medical help for their sickness. 
Today I am determined to go to any extent to help ” BLESSED ” who I did not like many years ago when I 1st took her in . 
I always thought negative about her . 
For me looking after Physiatric cases,  stroke cases,  broken bones and bedridden cases of homeless people is now easy. 
The challenge is now to get help to such people who no one wants and no medicine can be given. 
If I take in only cases which can be solved or helped then it's not right on my part. 
I have to swim against the tide. 
God will ask me ” why did you not take the difficult and complicated cases ” ? 
At times I feel only ” spiritual help can break her ” 
Please forward this posts to people who are professional capable and might be willing to help this girl ” BLESSED ” to over come her agony of being unwanted at this young age @ 23  years only . 
For parents like me and you reading this posts 
” please take care of your young girl children and attend to their little needs and requests “. 
The world is not what it used to be when you and I grew up 
Too much danger out there and once the damage is done then it's useless to cry. 
Please any communication on this post only through whatsapp only on 8380097564. 
Please prayer for this young goan girl and let's belive she is set free permanently from her troubles. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


12.8.2022. 8pm IST 
A mentally deranged middle aged goan lady who has been living on the streets in Goa for many years today admitted into our shelter home. 
Very sad state of affairs for the woman. 
The Disability Can be inherited ? 
Married many years ago , has an teenage son but something went terribly wrong which resulted her being back at her mother house. 
Very difficult to blame her or her husband. 
( So no adverse comments please ) 
What is very surprising to me and irritating me now is that ” this lady was a nuisance to a religious institution in the village “. 
Very sad that instead of just trying to shoo her away , she shlould have helped by this religious institution to get into a permanent shelter home. 
And this has been going on for the last 3 -4 years around that institution. 
To this lady blessings , the local unit of SSVP took up her matter with me with the consent of her family 3 months back . 
2 months back , this woman was picked up by the local police and escorted to IPHB Bambolim and the CONSULTANT Dr was kind enough to admitt her for over a few weeks without an attendant as we had assured that once discharged she would be rehabilitated in our NGO. 
Two ladies from the Local unit of SSVP accompanied her while admitting her into IPHB. 
Today we took her in and one SSVP lady member today along with her family member came to our office for admission. 
Not sure how much she must have been harassed on the streets as she used to be very destructive but then she has lost her mind . 
She must have taken alot of abuses, shouts , insults, may be even physical assault from the Locals as such people are defenseless and weak and society usually gets upset with such behavior . 
Can't speak very well and clear. 
Coming from poorer section of society . 
Such cases are really sad and depressing to visualize and think about, but today no one wants to take in such cases FREE of cost citing 
” costs can't be met if we take free “. 
Then how is our NGO admitting so many such cases FREE of cost. 
Like I said earlier ” God dwells in poor people and not in stone structures “. 
We are the only NGO in GOA taking in practically every alternate day one such homeless person either with physical disabilities or mental disabilities . 
And we as a very small NGO can do it free in the  last 5 years , so also the bigger institutes can take in atlesst 3 to 5 of such cases . 
It's my belief and my FAITH in God that our NGO can do this work even if there are costs and inflation is high . 
Just because the poor and marginalized can't afford fees does not mean they have to live a life on the streets in all the suffering and torture. 
And we are entering 75th year of Independence. 
But these poor people with disabilites are yet to get Independence from their troubles and society is turning their back on them . 
Today our NGO is filing that GAP all alone in Goa and its a big struggle to arrange funding for food, clothes,  medication, staff salary ,  rents of our homes, electrify & water bills , etc. 
But being a fighter, I will not give up . 
And then you get a small section of society which takes objection to our style of asking for donations especially since we use only  social media platform's. 
Our additional 3rd women Home should be ready before month end 
4th ladies home should be operational 1st week of September. 
Both togther we can accept 30 to 40 such ladies. 
Please look around in Goa and see if there are such poor abandoned ladies suffering from mental disabilities on the streets. 
Get in touch with your local police station and also update me through whatsapp on 8380097564.   No calling please. 
I assure you , our NGO will help to rehabilitate, provided you follow the instructions and system. 
We are not going to run here and there. 
The system is there,  all you require is to communicate and follow instructions. 
No ladies should be living a screwed life on the streets of Goa especially as we celebrate
75 years  of Independence. 
Please support our NGO. 
You get 50% deduction / rebate under section 80G of the INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
” Terms and conditions for availing this 50% varies on your Gross Total Income while filing your returns ” 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


10.8.2022. 7pm IST 
No one understands the plight of homeless women on the streets in Goa better than Street Providence . 
In these difficult and testing times , when inflation is hitting the roof , our NGO has decided to accept and take into our 2 upcoming shelter Homes another 30 Homeless street women. 
We currently house 35 Homeless women in our two homes and are starting two more homes to take in another 30 women. 
This is a FREE service to the women who are :
☆ Homeless and on the streets, 
☆ abandoned by family due to poverty & old age, suffering from mental & physical disabilities , unwed mothers of unsound mind, 
☆ divorced women who are mentally unsound, childless and depressed women, 
☆ those abandoned by family due to petty crimes,  women tortured by husbands due to dowry, women suffering from severe Alcoholic issues & women consuming drugs ( mild cases only ). 
Women who are in need of Shelter, peace of mind, nourishing food , medication & security and who otherwise would be on the streets , will  be rehabilitated by us. 
Writing a post about this humanitarian practise looks easy but in reality, the task in rather complex and tough as most of these rescued women  are emotionally battered, have serious trust issues, are  sexually abused and have faced  rejection all their lives. 
We have collaborated with two religious congregation, one in North Goa & the other in South Goa to use their premises for these two Shelter Homes. 
( Support from a kind hearted government lady official has encouraged us to start these Shelter Homes & in due course of time I shall present her to you ) 
Since 90% of  such homeless women require psychiatric treatment after rescue, they are first admitted to the Institute of Psychiatry & Human Behaviour ( IPHB), and once the course of treatment is started, and improvement is seen in their behaviour, they are shifted to our Shelter Homes. 
If you know of homeless and abandoned women  living at bus stops, railway stations, public gardens or by the roadside, and require shelter and care  in Goa only , now is the time to help them. 
We are  creating an awareness in this post  about  accepting an additional 30 homeless women in distress so please help these women get a new lease of life. 
You can get in touch with me through whatsapp only on 8380097564.  
Then, visit the nearest police station and inform them about the abandoned person. 
Keep me informed about your visit to the Police Station. 
Our volunteer will reach there or we can speak to the local police if need be . 
We also require resources to run such homes and  I will be sending out an appeal in a day or two. Incase you have any such items do let me know. 
More Shelter  Homes are the need of the hour to help these homeless women  and to prevent  suicides, deaths on streets,  alcoholism etc. 
In my daily prayer,  I ask God to use me and my team to reach out to the lost and lonely on the streets and I thank God for giving me a fantastic opportunity to do the little I can. 
Whenever I hit a bad patch or things are not working out ” I switch to prayer and worship music “.  
A smile on the face of the homeless is enough for me , I know my prayers are answered. 
Our NGO does not own any homes or property and yet we  prophesy that  soon we will rehabilitate 500 such homeless and abandoned street people in Goa 
On the flip side,  in Goa  there are many huge buildings/ houses / institutes, lying idle,  closed and decaying while their owners are only praying. 
Praying for what, I dont know? 
These buildings could  be used for the poor as Shelter Homes. 
I tell myself and many who I talk to ” God dwells in the poor and not in stone structures “. 
Survival on the streets is getting very difficult day by day and if we all get togther to help in  small ways, many lives can be touched, saved and changed. 
Mental health and depression is on the rise and its the biggest silent killer add alcoholism and drug abuse, you have a cocktail waiting to rip one off. 
We can save lives together and help bring a change in poor people lives . 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


7.8.2022. 7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA congratulates Sr Fatima Rodrigues , on being re elected as Superior General Of FMCK congregation for another term. 
For those who must be wondering who, why , how is FMCK & Street Providence connected well read on . 
FMCK is a religious congregation of sisters / nuns which runs educational institutes,  old aged homes etc in Goa, and other places in India. 
In June 2018 , FMCK collaborated with our NGO and togther we started a women home for the homeless street women . 
Usually a religious institute tying up with a small unrecognized  NGO is not heard of. 
But it was due to Sr Fatima ( who was the Suprerior General ) and Sr Vandana ( Provincial )
which made this project possible. 
The home for the homeless women is still functioning. 
Late 2018 , FMCK gave us a home in Cavelossim to use for homeless men. 
Till date this home is operational looking after 30 street and homeless men . 
Sr Fatima stays at Old Goa and their convent runs our food bank fridge right from early 2018. 
This is the one of the few fridges which is daily receiving food and daily feeding quite a no. of poor people in that area. 
Again due to the support of Sr Fatima who keeps an eye on this fridge. 
Kerala flood  in 2018  , Old Goa Convent of Sr Fatima was a big collection,  packing and storage place for our food bank for the relief material which went to Kerala. 
Covid 19 , first and second wave,  Sr Fatima and her team of nuns and apostolates stored , packed and delivered close to 2500 kits of dry ration , each kit worth rs 1000. 
I remember the crowds gathering outside her convent begging for dry ration and Sr Fatima did a fantastic job of giving away these kits only to the poorest of the poor . 
( Infact during the Covid 19., both waves, our food bank distributed close to Rs 1 crore worth of dry ration all over Goa without much publicity ) 
Sr Fatima is the person who I can call, meet, discuss,  share my ideas and she will listen and advice . 
But never takes any decision which is music to my ears . 
All the decisions are taken collectively by Sr Vandana ( Provincial ) & her councellors. 
A lady 1st , who understands hunger & Homelessness and then a nun is what I can say about her . 
Does not wear her title on her sleeve but walks the talk . 
In her second innings as SUPERIOR GENERAL , our NGO & her Congregation will be adding more projects towards the homeless and the poor sick people with disabilities ( PWDs) in a couple of their homes especially in the field of health care and palliative care . 
I am aware that Sr Fatima must be questioned by many to why and how FMCK is collaborating with a small NGO like Street Providence especially after early 2020 when our NGO was totally asked to vacate by force a home in Margao by another religious congregation. 
Usually when an NGO gets any bad publicity or something negative pops up, every one shys away from the NGO . 
No one wants to be associated with NGOs like what happened in early 2020 in Margao , but FMCK did not back out . 
Both Sr Fatima & Sr Vandana were clear that rehabilitation of the homeless would go on. 
Today our NGO runs 2 shelter homes for 35 women and the 3rd Shelter Home for women is starting end of this month. 
The 4th Shelter Home for women by the beginning of next month. 
And it all started by Sr Fatima who believed me 
5 years ago over a cup of tea . 
I once again wish Sr Fatima a Spirit Filled second tenure as Superior General Of FMCK . 
Looking forward to Sr Fatima continued support & care for the hungry , homeless and People with disabilities ( Pwds). 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


5.8.2022. 6pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA humbly requests you reading this post to pray for a Government official @ Social Welfare who is sitting with one of our file last 1 month. 
But 1st see the 2 short  videos to understand the remaining post which I wrote . 👇
U will understand how much trouble and care goes daily into dealing with such homeless people who are either paralyzed or Pwds 
As an NGO picking up from the streets and hospitals & rehabilitating homeless people for free is not a joke especially if they are suffering from disabilities. 
Especially when these homeless are old, bed ridden , stroke effected,  incapicated , persons with disabilities ( PWDs) it gets very difficult. 
Pumping pain killers and other medication is not the solution to improving their mobility . 
The only solution is exercise and Physiotherapy. 
And the Government of Goa has a fantastic scheme suited for setting up such Physiotherapy centres for NGO having a Registration certificate from the Social Welfare Department. 
We fulfill all these criteria,  namely, :
☆ 1. Valid Registration certificate 
☆ 2. We have numerous such Persons ( PWDs) 
☆ 3. We have set up the infrastructure ( clinic ) 
And guess what, we have applied exactly 1 month back . 
But the issue here is the ” asst director “” has to do an inspection which is not done and neither has informed me whether it will be done or will get it rejected. 
The asst director informs me that the file is moving in process and inspection will be done. 
1st I was told in the same dept before applying that within 10 days everything will be done . 
Then after applying I followed up and was told  : 
☆ 1. Assembly session is on, then told 
☆ 2. Code of Conduct 
But in the last few days during the code of conduct , same dept conducted activities covering PWDs & what about Code of Conduct then ? 
If an NGO like Street Providence having close to 130+ such homeless people from the streets & hospitals is treated like this , then its a big discrimination on the part of this ” Asst Director ” 
The job of looking after and rehabilitating the homeless on the sheets ESPECIALLY the persons with disabilities ( PWDs ) comes under the Department of Social Welfare. 
Here our NGO is doing the Government of Goa a service free of cost and it's our right to get the scheme in the quickest possible time. 
Just because I am not politically connected, we get this treatment ? 
And why should I use political pressure ? 
Just look around in Goa and see the no. of homeless,  the mentally unsound people, the abandoned and those with physical disabilities roaming in cities , parks and everywhere. 
And rattle your mind to find out any NGO in Goa taking in such people. 
I am extremely disappointed at the approach of this Asst Director towards our application. 
One way the public accuses the police dept of not getting the homeless / abandoned of the streets. 
Which department is actually suppose to run these shelter homes for homeless & street people ? 
It's not the Police for sure. 
We are being pushed into a corner and it's irritating me alot . 
I can easily take close to 25 such bedridden and stroke related people who are  in my home and drop them back to the respective police stations and hospitals from where I picked them up from . 
Believe me,  there is a huge crises out there in Goa regarding Street people  and homeless and no one has a fair idea how to solve it . 
One should understand the word poor, old aged , homeless , shelter home, disabled, person with disabilities etc especially if the officer is having decision making power. 
We will all grow old and loose our strength. 
But the blessing of the work one does in the younger days will bring peace and happiness in the old age especially towards the homeless and the Pwds. 
Please pray for the Asst Director. 
Asst Director you need to move quickly to help us to help such Pwd and please give us the Grant for the Physiotherapy clinic. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848