10.8.2022. 7pm IST 
No one understands the plight of homeless women on the streets in Goa better than Street Providence . 
In these difficult and testing times , when inflation is hitting the roof , our NGO has decided to accept and take into our 2 upcoming shelter Homes another 30 Homeless street women. 
We currently house 35 Homeless women in our two homes and are starting two more homes to take in another 30 women. 
This is a FREE service to the women who are :
☆ Homeless and on the streets, 
☆ abandoned by family due to poverty & old age, suffering from mental & physical disabilities , unwed mothers of unsound mind, 
☆ divorced women who are mentally unsound, childless and depressed women, 
☆ those abandoned by family due to petty crimes,  women tortured by husbands due to dowry, women suffering from severe Alcoholic issues & women consuming drugs ( mild cases only ). 
Women who are in need of Shelter, peace of mind, nourishing food , medication & security and who otherwise would be on the streets , will  be rehabilitated by us. 
Writing a post about this humanitarian practise looks easy but in reality, the task in rather complex and tough as most of these rescued women  are emotionally battered, have serious trust issues, are  sexually abused and have faced  rejection all their lives. 
We have collaborated with two religious congregation, one in North Goa & the other in South Goa to use their premises for these two Shelter Homes. 
( Support from a kind hearted government lady official has encouraged us to start these Shelter Homes & in due course of time I shall present her to you ) 
Since 90% of  such homeless women require psychiatric treatment after rescue, they are first admitted to the Institute of Psychiatry & Human Behaviour ( IPHB), and once the course of treatment is started, and improvement is seen in their behaviour, they are shifted to our Shelter Homes. 
If you know of homeless and abandoned women  living at bus stops, railway stations, public gardens or by the roadside, and require shelter and care  in Goa only , now is the time to help them. 
We are  creating an awareness in this post  about  accepting an additional 30 homeless women in distress so please help these women get a new lease of life. 
You can get in touch with me through whatsapp only on 8380097564.  
Then, visit the nearest police station and inform them about the abandoned person. 
Keep me informed about your visit to the Police Station. 
Our volunteer will reach there or we can speak to the local police if need be . 
We also require resources to run such homes and  I will be sending out an appeal in a day or two. Incase you have any such items do let me know. 
More Shelter  Homes are the need of the hour to help these homeless women  and to prevent  suicides, deaths on streets,  alcoholism etc. 
In my daily prayer,  I ask God to use me and my team to reach out to the lost and lonely on the streets and I thank God for giving me a fantastic opportunity to do the little I can. 
Whenever I hit a bad patch or things are not working out ” I switch to prayer and worship music “.  
A smile on the face of the homeless is enough for me , I know my prayers are answered. 
Our NGO does not own any homes or property and yet we  prophesy that  soon we will rehabilitate 500 such homeless and abandoned street people in Goa 
On the flip side,  in Goa  there are many huge buildings/ houses / institutes, lying idle,  closed and decaying while their owners are only praying. 
Praying for what, I dont know? 
These buildings could  be used for the poor as Shelter Homes. 
I tell myself and many who I talk to ” God dwells in the poor and not in stone structures “. 
Survival on the streets is getting very difficult day by day and if we all get togther to help in  small ways, many lives can be touched, saved and changed. 
Mental health and depression is on the rise and its the biggest silent killer add alcoholism and drug abuse, you have a cocktail waiting to rip one off. 
We can save lives together and help bring a change in poor people lives . 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848