♡♡♡ A 78 year old retired nun joins the fight against homelessness in Goa by collaborating with our NGO in starting a free shelter home for homeless Street women in her Convent premises.
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA starts another FREE Shelter Home for the homeless street women @ Guirim , Bardez Goa . 
This will be our 7th Shelter Home in Goa and our 3rd  for women in distress and homeless. 
A small home comfortable for 10 women only . 
☆ The main person behind this Shelter  Home Sr EDITH from Fatima Convent ( Old Aged Home ,Guirim ). 
My association with Sr Edith goes back 5 years when we had just started our NGO. 
We would help the Aged  Home in a small way of providing our Ambulance to them when required. 
Sr Edith, who was then the  local Provincial, would on my recommendation  take in homeless women free of cost,until necessary arrangements were made, as in those early days we did not have our own Shelter Home. 
Sr Edith has now retired but her commitment to help women  in distress is admirable!
She convinced both the Mother General & the Provincal General of her congregation about starting a Shelter  Home and agreed to be responsible for 
the same. 
After working for 50 long years, in the twilight of her life , when most people take it easy, here is Sr Edith voluntarily
venturing into a very difficult service of caring  for and rehabilitating   women  in   distress. 
Sr Edith  is witty, jovial,very easy to get along with, has a loving nature and is  more like a Mother than a nun which attracts alot of people like me to her. 
In  today's world of fast life and tension free living , she has stepped out from HER COMFORT ZONE into the field of troubles, tensions and unclear waters to provide for homeless women suffering from rejection, abuse, addiction andmental and emotional issues. 
She has watched us grow from inception till  now with 130+ inmates in the last 5 years . 
I am very impatient and demanding in my approach to Homelessness and Hunger, and it is not easy to work and support me, yet Sr. Edith after 5 years of association with me and STREET PROVIDENCE  has taken the plunge to partner with us in our fight against Homelessness. 
I have dealt / met / known / disagreed with numerous such nuns like Sr Edith in the last 5 years and only a couple of them have shown that desire to work and support the homeless street people quoting the rules and regulations of the congregation as a reason for not being able to help fight the issue of Homelessness of women. But Sr. Edith is an “exception “.
A well known adage states ” God dwells in the poor, the sick , the abandoned,  the widows, the mentally challenged and not in Stone structures “. Also “Helping hands is better than praying lips” . 
I salute Sr Edith for a very bold stand of partnering with us to  work in her retirement years for the homeless street women . 
Looking forward to a wonderful experience , as Sr Edith will bring a lot of love and compassion,  ideas and tricks of the trade to look after these street women with her vast and profound experience .
I pray that many more empty structures are opened up for the homeless after reading this post and we @ Street Providence find many more “Sr Ediths” to meet the current demand of free shelter and rehabilitation for women on the streets suffering  from disabilities, abandonment and abuse. 
Like Sr Edith, we  all have two hands – one to help ourselves and the other to help the needy. So let us step forward today and make a difference in the lives of our needy sisters on the streets.
Inauguration and Blessing of this Shelter Home is scheduled for 12th September, 2022.
This home is open for admission and presently 5 women are admitted and basking in the love and care given by Sr. Edith. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848