All posts by Jason Fernandes



22.11.2022. 7pm IST 
SOUTH GOA MP MR. FRANCISCO SARDINHA & BENAULIM MLA CAPTAIN VENZY VIEGAS were present for the innaugration of our 3rd IN HOUSE Physiotherapy centre @ our Cavelossim home yesterday for our friends who are ” homeless “. 
Attached a 4 min video . 👇
It was a touching moment after the cutting the ribbon and the presentation, that both elected representatives sat down and had a lunch with our friends who are ” homeless & suffering from Disabilities “. 
South Goa MP was kind enough to accept our invitation and be present at 12 pm dot . 
We started late as the innaugration at QUEPEM took time to get over 
South Goa MP spent a good 20 minutes with two of our friends who recognized the MP as they are from his village. 
Cpt Venzy Viegas has berm associated with us right from 2019 even before he was an elected representative and I felt happy that inspite of his tight schedule,  he attended the innaugration and had a meal with our friends. 
The purpose of Physiotherapy for the homeless is that most of them enter our shelter homes with physical disabilities as well as alcohol related issues. 
And if they are senior citizens with physical  disabilites or with amputations then before they get bedridden we need to keep them standing and walking . 
Once they get bedridden it's a big trouble to the care givers . 
Just to make a point ” all our friends are not  having any voting card as most of them don't have even their own basic documents “. 
Our FREE  3 Physiotherapy centre's will enable our friends to get over their pains , irritations,  Joint troubles, their muscular issues,  etc. 
In all 8 shelter homes, the Cooks, care givers , utility staff , compounders , male nurses , watchmen , etc. are all from the streets and we need to keep them fit and fine as we can't afford 
to hire outside staff . 
We have many more projects lined up in the coming year and with an capacity of 140 men & 60 women,  all our man power will be drawn from these 200 friends. 
While most homes suffer from man power we @ STEEET PROVIDENCE have gone the reverse . 
We have gone to the streets, accepted all those who require rehabilitation and a hand to start a fresh, treated them in case they had any medical issues , cared for them and today we DARE TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE. 
I tend to look 2 years FUTURE  if I wish to start any new project for the homeless & the poor & work on getting / acquiring / training MANPOWER. 
For me ” It's about TEAM WORK & TRUST in the STAFF & my Friends ( homeless ) “. 
I understand that a small % have issues or can't understand how I manage,  but the TRUTH is 
” I do my Part , God does his part & my operation manager Sapnesh Salgaonkar & his team takes care of the implementation “. 
Thanks to Mrs Brenda who has been associated with this home from the time we started in 2018 and for always helping and attending my call in case of emergency and getting my request attended and sorted out irrespective of the time , the request or the situation. 
Again our office is in Sangolda , and it's more than 70 kms one way to this home and that's where we require Mrs Brenda in times of emergency. 
Her Daughter , Miss Raisa is a professional Physiotherapist who will be providing the services to both ladies & gents from both our shelter homes in Cavelossim. 
♡♡♡ Big thanks to two important volunteers : 
☆ 1. John Baptist ( Margao ) for taking care of all the arrangements for this innaugration and for also driving our Ambulance with these friends of mine to hospital over the last 3 years . 
☆ 2. Orlando Mesquita ( Benaulim ) who could not make it but who has been helping us in this Home and other homes from the time we see up operations in South Goa was back in 2018. 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


21.11.22. 7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA innaugrates our 2nd Physiotherapy centre @ QUEPEM for homeless street men today at 10 am . 
♡♡♡ Honourable Minister for Social Welfare , Mr Subhas Phal Dessai was kind enough to be present and do the honors of cutting the ribbon. 
Also present were: 
♡ Chairperson of Quepem Municipal Council,
♡ Mrs Suchita Shirvaikar,
Zilla Parishad Member of Rivona , 
♡ Mr Suresh Kepekar &
Our Physiotherapist Mrs Oshin 
Homeless people mostly suffer from all types of disabilities and we accept and care for all types of homeless Irrespective of their disabilities including HIV ,TB , chronic Psychiatric patients , alcoholic & drug abuse women & men. 
We have experienced and seen how due to excess alcohol or due to amputation or due to genuine disabilities from birth , these homeless men are suffering and in pain and they at times just can't be all the time on pain killers . 
I saw this many years ago but I was helpless until last year when I myself was in terrible pain and was given two options : pain killers v/s physiotherapy. 
I choose Physiotherapy and today I am fit and fine all due to a Physiotherapist named Dr Ashton who got to the root of the problem and found the solution. 
And it struck me ” if I being absolutely healthy and normal can be treated with Physiotherapy then I should give the same service to these abandoned homeless people in all shelter homes. 
Today The Honourable Minister , Mr Subhash spent over a good 1 hour + at our home and interacted with the men here . 
He even shared a small breakfast with my friends ” the homeless “. 
The Minister shared his views, his thoughts and his sentiments with all of us and heard a couple of my friends stories and at one point I saw a tear in his eyes  
We expressed our desires to The Minister and he was kind enough to assure my friends 
” the homeless men ” all of his support . 
♡♡♡ I thank then entire team consisting of
☆ Sapnesh Salgaonkar – our operation manager ,
☆ Akash Pednekar – an Electricity Dept Employee but after duty , stays full time in this home taking care of my friends ” the homeless ” 
☆ Akshay Dessai – our full time staff at this home,
☆ Manoj Pokle – a clinical psychologist who has also stays full time in this home
for putting in alot of effort to see that the Physiotherapy centre was set up as well as organizing  this entire function today. 
This shelter Home is 70 kms away from our office at Sangolda and it's just next to impossible to travel up and down for each and every requirement. 
It's all about TEAM WORK & Motivation. 
♡♡ Thanks to the supplier Mr Bhavesh for meeting the deadline and supplying the equipment . 
Attached a 4 min video although the sound may not be clear and a few pictures of the innaugration today. 👇
Infact , after this innaugration we innaugrated  our 3rd Physiotherapy in House Centre at Cavelossim at 12,30 pm  , which we will upload tomorrow. 
The purpose of my life is to help some one get out of his trouble . 
It was a dream to provide free Physiotherapy to all my friends ” the homeless ” in all our shelter homes. 
And I have not let this one dream dissolve. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


19.11.22. 7 PM IST 
Another poor  Goan elderly man Mr James from Vidhya Nagar Margao admitted into our Shelter home. 
♡♡ Big thanks to Mr SHEIKH ZEMIR , a lab assistant from New English School for helping James get off the streets. 
And not to forget Mrs NICOLE from BORDA who actually was the main person behind JAMES getting off the streets and who even bought that wheel chair for him . 
Well JAMES is a stubborn bachelor with a big attitude and was just living in pathetic condition outside the residence of MR SHEIKH ZEMIR in VIDHYA NAGAR , Margao 
For over 15 days people  would give him food and he was just there on the road. 
Nicole was kind enough to buy and give him a wheel chair and he would be living on the wheel chair for many days. 
About 2 weeks ago,  James was so bad that SHEIKH ZEMIR moved him to District Hospital Margao and got in touch with me through whatsapp only and we advised and guided him the procedure which he followed. 
Continously last few days , ZEMIR has been following up with me and updating me strictly through whatsapp only . 
I mean who will go out of their way daily to keep track of a poor old unclean homeless man . 
Anyway today JAMES was discharged from DISTRICT HOSPITAL Margao and we admitted him into our home . 
He can't even stand but demanding to be left on the streets as he does not wish to stay in a home. 
I mean see the attitude. 
We require more people like SHEIKH ZEMIR in GOA to help such homeless people get off the streets and into hospitals without we getting involved. 
There are huge costs and alot of time involved in rescuing homeless people which is next to impossible for us at times for each and every request . 
James legs had swollen up , wounds with pus , weakness coupled with diabetes. 
It's going to be tough caring for him as he needs daily dressings plus his diabetes needs to be controlled. 
Like I said In my posts few days back ” the poor  goan people reaching the streets and turning homeless is increasing “, which is people like James. 
Lots needs to be done quickly before things get out of hand. 
♡♡♡ Big thanks to District Hospital Margao for admitting,  treating and helping James in the these few days and not discharging him without informing SHEIKH ZEMIR . 
Actually government hospitals are the places where most of the homeless can be rehabilitated and cared for . 
Government needs to think seriously how to solve the homeless especially the local Goans living on the streets due to various reasons and to link such homeless people to shelter homes. 
Once again if you see such homeless people in Goa pls contact the local police station and send me details through whatsapp on 8380097564. 
We operate strictly through whatsapp only for everything and anything on 8380097564 so please avoid calling. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


18.11.22.  7 PM IST 
The RIGHT TO FOOD is a basic human right but ironically the Director of FOOD & DRUGS ADMINISTRATION, BAMBOLIM  and the FSSAI, Bambolim are yet to realise this. 
The number of  homeless and Hungry are increasing alarmingly in Goa. 
I am frustrated , disappointed,  upset and disturbed at how the FDA & FSSAI , Goa is permitting wastage of excess edible food daily.  
We at STREET PROVIDENCE  have done our best to partner with FDA & FSSAI, BAMBOLIM, but the powers that be are not intrested. 
On 14 10.22 we held a silent protest at Azad Maidan panjim against FSSAI BAMBOLIM 
Subsequently on  27.10 22, FSSAI BAMBOLIM held a press conference / stake holders meeting to address this issue of wastage of edible food  which we  have been fighting  for alone for the last so many years . 
The Press covered this event and attached is a 30 second video of the FSSAI DIRECTOR. Lots of talk at meetings but the outcome is yet to be seen. 👇
The FSSAI under the SAVE FOOD , FEED FOOD INNIATITVE is bound to have a HELPLINE NO ,  without which this launch held last month is of no value , ” BUT THERE NO HELPLINE NUMBER ” & the silly part ” I brought this point to the notice of AN IMPORTANT EMPLOYEE of FSSAI & he coolly asked me CAN WE USE YOUR NO AS THE HELPLINE NO ?” 
On 28.10 22 our NGO resigned as a food partner from the  FSSAI INITIATIVE and a email was sent to the authorities to this effect. 
On 17.11.22 , FSSAI BAMBOLIM releases the minutes of the meeting,  does not send us a copy but mentions STREET PROVIDENCE in the minutes as the Recovery Agency  despite being aware that STREET PROVIDENCE has resigned in desperation. 
In the press conference , Director, FDA, says there are 3 Recovery Agencies in Goa but does not name any one. On being asked queries by those who attended that meeting on 27.10.22,  she says that names of Recovery Agencies   will be informed  later . 
In the minutes dated 17.11.22 , besides the name of STREET PROVIDENCE  , no other Recovery Agent is mentioned. 
Obviously none exists in reality except on the FSSAI website. 
If  they did exist, then why were they not called for the meeting on 27.10.22 ? 
I am sure FSSAI will bring some non Goan food recovery agencies and say see we have food recovery agencies now. 
The minutes of the meeting states that our NGO did not attend the meeting . 
Yes, we did not attend the meeting,  but we  emailed the Director,FSSAI well in advance informing her of the futility of attending the meeting in the absence of an Agenda . 
Were the other 2 recovery agencies invited ? 
Why did they not come for the meeting on 27.10.22 ? 
Obviously there are no other Food recovery agencies in Goa . 
Strangely today, 18th November, 22 during my conversation with the IMPORTANT EMPLOYEE 
of FSSAI about the above minutes, his reply ” WE WILL CALL ANOTHER MEETING NEXT MONTH & DECIDE WHAT TO DO ” is a clear indicator of the confused attitude towards the FSSAI INITIATIVE. 
That means FSSAI is justing wasting time doing nothing . 
In the last 4 years no NGO from GOA has joined this initiative and today AFTER THE LAUNCH is done, FSSAI is  searching for FOOD RECOVERY PARTNERS and yet to put out the HELPLINE NO & yet to give the names and nos of FOOD RECOVERY AGENCIES registered in Goa to collect extra food . 
Food banks and food recovery are not done at press conferences & at meetings . 
Its done at the ground level with foot soldiers. 
So basically :
Food wastage will go on  & the hungry will have to wait for a meal daily. 
So we as a Shelter Home may be forced to reduce or cap our intake as food costs is more that 50% and that makes the homeless reach the streets . 
Add The garbage dumps growing bigger and bigger . Why ? 
Today there is more than 10000 tonnes of garbage at a dump in South Goa . 
If, 4 years back iSHARE FOOD , SAVE FOOD INITIATIVE was started by FSSAI BAMBOLIM across Goa would not the  wet garbage be reduced? 
No one cares and no one is bothered about :
☆ the poor ,
☆ the environment 
☆ the hungry 
That's what is troubling me . 
We are ready to pick :
☆ 5000 kgs / 5 tonnes extra food daily 
☆ 72000 kgs / 72 tonnes a month 
☆ 8640000 kgs / 8640 tonnes a year 
& daily feed 15000 meals through out employees and staff
But Director of FSSAI is not listening to me neither is she interested in understanding how to save good food from being wasted. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848 

NOTE :If you require the copy of the minutes to tally what I am writing please whatsapp me .I will send a copy .


16.11.22. 7pm IST 
The most disappointing and sad part of a homeless person life is when that person is suffering from disabilities and coupled with old aged & with multiple other sickness. 
It' literally kills that homeless person from inside as the homeless suffers especially if there is any physical disabilities, any limbs are amputated, any veins issue which stops the blood circulation, etc . 
If the homeless person is suffering from other health issues like  pressure , Diabetics, heart , etc along with some mental disabilities then it's like 7 to 8 tablets a day. 
Last 6 months we have been running FREE  Physiotherapy sessions @ Dr Gail and Mrs Ditosa Memorial Medical Clinic Sangolda and we have and are treating close to 50 such homeless people from our 5 shelter homes in North Goa. 
Lots and lots of improvement especially in the old and bed ridden homeless people. 
Couple of stroke related homeless people are standing and walking slowly. 
I can see their expressions both in their body language and in their daily routine. 
These 50 homeless people are happier, brighter, active, healthier,  etc . 
And so after 6 months of running our 1st Physiotherapycentre in North Goa , we are starting 2 more such Physiotherapy centres in South Goa ie in Quepem & Salcette Talukas . 
We have a big men's home with a capacity of 80 men in Quepem Taluka . 
We have another men's home with a capacity of 30 men and a women home with a capacity of 20 women both in Salcete Taluka . 
Both these Physiotherapy centres are in-house centres focusing primarily on our homeless street people and the INNAUGRATION is on 21.11.22. 
It's more like hiring a Doctor to visit our homes and we are providing basic equipments & clean infrastructure. 
We have basic equipment at the moment to start both these new Physiotherapy centres in QUEPEM & SALCETTE Talukas . 
We require donations/ funding / support to pay the Physiotherapist Salary / Fees for atleast one year on a fixed monthly basis. 
If you are part of a cultural club , association, friends circle , etc then please do consider this appeal for a cause of the treatment of the old and homeless people requiring Physiotherapy. 
If any Company can support these Physiotherapy centres under CSR , it will be really nice and rewarding to our service towards the homeless. 
We can even add a name in memory of a loved one to both these Physiotherapy centres incase the expenses are taken care off. 
Rescuing and rehabilitating the homeless people or people with disabilities is easy but treating them and caring for them is not easy . 
One require deep pockets to pay the bills. 
We offer you 80G exemption on your donations. 
Remember both these Physiotherapy centres for the homeless are being innaugrated on 21.11.22. 
At Quepem Taluka at 9 30 am 
At Salcete Taluka at 12.00 pm. 
YOU are invited but with prior confirmation so that you can see how we care for the homeless, the old aged and people with disabilities incase YOU WISH TO FUND THESE PROJECTS 
God Bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


13.11.2022. 7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA runs as of date, 8 shelter homes for the homeless and for the people with all types of disabilities with a total capacity of 200 people. 
As of date we are taking care of 150 such homeless and people with mental disabilities. 
☆☆☆ ” 2 Sheets attached in compressed form “. 
All types of people with all sicknesses are taken care for in our homes including HIV Men & women. 
It always looks to many out there that mostly the homeless are OUTSIDERS / NON GOANS . 
But in our shelter homes 60% are Goans and that's the most sad and shocking part . 
And the no of poor Goan people knocking on our doors is rising and thats a big concern. 
Old aged Homes cater mostly to those who pay the fees or those who come from families. 
But the poorest of the poor who are just homeless reach no where besides the streets and finally end up in our shelter homes . 
Last week we rescued and took in a Goan mother and son who is studying in Std 10th who have been living on a street/ bus stop for over a year . 
Coming week we have a Goan husband and wife who actually have no Home of their own being rescued and taken into our homes. 
In the coming years there is going to be a BIG BIG ISSUE with poor goans turning homeless and just reaching the streets. 
It's a social problem caused due to :
☆ Price rise
☆ Inflation 
☆ Unemployment 
☆ Alcohol 
☆ Compact families who don't or can't look after the parents 
☆ Sibling having mental issues and no one to look after and administer them their daily medication. 
Life is changing and it's changing fast due to the urbanization and commercialization. 
Another big worrying issue is ” old aged Homes are plenty but man power is a big issue plus the price rise making it impossible to take in the homeless free of cost “. 
So basically the homeless and the poor are increasing but going no places besides the streets. 
We too at times feel the heat as expenses are rising and donations are gradually slowing down but then some NGO has to take care of the homeless and the poor with disabilites and that is STREET PROVIDENCE . 
Everyday we ask for God's Grace and favour to rescue & rehabilitate the poor homeless street people and those with mental disabilities. 
Benefactors have been very supportive and thats the beauty of our rehabilitation program. 
The Government too has been supportive through various Departments and we appreciate the support given silently but consistently. 
At our shelter Homes,  we take in all types of homeless people irrespective of the sickness and the disabilites. 
Very rarely we refuse admission and even if refused we try to adjust later once treated either at the District Hospital or at the IPHB. 
Caring for the homeless is the most difficult task as all come with various complicated sickness and diseases and this program of our ie rehabilitation is a success only due to TEAM WORK & THE STAFF who work silently and systematically day in and day out . 
With close to more than 19 full time staff including 7 drivers it's a mammoth bill to pay at the end of the month towards Salaries. 
It's going to be Christmas Season very soon and it's the time of the year when gifting and donations reaches a peak. 
♡♡ Please do support us ( no clothes please ) in any way you can. 
Very soon our capacity will touch 200 homeless poor people and we will need your help through donations / blessings/ prayers & support. 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


10.11.22. 7pm IST 
WE @ FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR, SANGOLDA, GOA for over 5 years have been consistently feeding Poor people through various systems and methods. 
This is how we do it . 
We run 5 systems :
☆ 1. We daily collect extra cooked food from various factories amounting to 150 to 300 kgs for our 8 shelter homes and rest for the poor .
☆ 2. We have installed 15 fridges in Police stations and public places fetching us 100 kgs daily events at times going upto 200kgs .
☆ 3. We purchase daily dry food items like Bread , paratha , fruits & eggs and feed on streets & public places including villages. Varies daily between 200 to 400 such meals 
☆ 4. We have installed fridges as FOOD SPOTS in certain villages where we drop extra cooked food and these volunteers in turn feed the poor local people in that area – we have 5 such spots.
☆ 5. We also distribute dry ration kits in rural areas of Goa on a monthly basis
But still there are huge no of poor families in need of food and the best way to reach them is through the FSSAI INNITIAVE- ” Save Food , Feed Food “. 
We have 6 teams across Goa ready to feed close to 2000 poor people daily extra cooked food In rural villages . 
We can increase and will be increasing the teams by another 20 and as such we intend to reach 15000 people daily with the extra cooked food of close to 5000 kgs . 
But WILL THE FSSAI BAMBOLIM get their act together and get this extra food to the poor and hungry in rural Goa ? 
We have the :
☆ Experience in running food banks, 
☆ Poor People who require this food in rural goa,
☆ Logistics to move 5000 kgs daily ,
☆ Manpower to move 5000 kgs daily ,
☆ A professional set up and kitchens across Goa,
☆ Commitment to feed the poor. 
But we are lacking the resources to collect daily 5000kgs of extra cooked food which is daily dumped in the bins. 
But FSSAI BAMBOLIM is not showing any interest besides press conferences and press release and self proclamation that we are going to feed the poor through the registered agencies which are just 2 as we have resigned. 
On 14.10.22 , we took a two hours silent strike with 10 homeless men at AZAD MAIDAN Panjim. 
On 15.11.22 , we will be taking another silent protest,  this time with 25 homeless street men. 
It's High time , FOOD WASTAGE is reduced and FSSAI BAMBOLIM is suppose to stop this food wastage ASAP. 
Please do save food and let's all work together to feed the hungry in Goa . 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


8.11.2022. 7pm IST 
A few days back I received a request to rescue & rehabilitate two family members, Mother & adult child from the streets . 
I could not say YES nor could I say NO at that time when the request came. 
This is a very difficult and yet practical case in Goa. 
☆ Mother & adult child both living on a street in a public place. 
☆ A street light lights up that place.
☆ Their Home is completely broken down. 
☆ Father left them many years back. 
☆ Child is studying in high school, final class.
☆ Mother can be a bit insane & HIGHLY INFECTED.
☆ To many men taken advantage of her. 
What would you do if you were in my place ? 
Say yes or give excuses and say no? 
Social workers called many homes but everyone has a VALID EXCUSE not to help . 
Absolutely no family members existing on any side. 
Poverty and exploitation at its height. 
In such a tight and closed case of poverty, the child wishes to study and proceed ahead in life. 
We are accepting both of them into our homes. 
But the school & the homes are 25 kms apart. 
There is no bus service between these two places. 
Child can't change the school. 
Road blocks at all steps. 
Neither would I like the Child to be separated from the mother as the child is an adult and mother may be in her final stages of life . 
Mother will require to be :
▪︎Medication will be needed to be administered in time as she is highly infected, 
▪︎Psychiatric treatment to cool her down a must,
▪︎Nutrition to be taken care ,
▪︎Stabilized as she has a habit of just walking around, 
▪︎And who knows what other ailments and sickness she has, been on the streets abandoned. 
Adult child priorty :
Complete the final year of High School,
Motivation to travel daily 25 kms one way ,
Has to use a pilot to go up and down ” costs involved are huge “.
Education till the child final exams in March 23.
Counseling & Motivation 
Tuitions to get a grip on what the child missed . 
This family has been like months if not over a year in that dirty public place and yet no one in the locality got up from their slumber to help. 
I too wanted to walk away from helping them ? 
But walk away to where? 
It's going to be difficult but that's why our NGO was requested to help as all options and doors did not open . 
We accepted the request but its a daunting task at hand as we are already loaded with 150+ homeless men & women in our 8 shelter homes. 
I don't have much to say but it's sad and bad that this young adult child and mother have to go through a torture for no fault of theirs. 
Unsure future 
No food and security 
All clouds and dark storms. 
Look around in your locality if you know such families living a sucked up life. 
See if you can help them in any way you can. 
We can help if the need arises. 
Our doors are always open even if all other doors are closed or if no one wants to open their doors . 
WE @ STREET PROVIDENCE , DARE TO DREAM when others are even afraid of the DREAM . 
Your prayers , support , blessings,  donations are what help us to move ahead in this life of hunger, Poverty & Homelessness. 
We operate through whatsapp only on 8380097564 so kindly take note . 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


5.11.2022. 10am IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR, SANGOLDA has many programs of feeding the poor in Goa & one such program is through Dry Ration. 
For over 2 full years we have been catering to 30+ poor Goan families across the 7 villages of Canacona Taluka. 
Attached a 3 minutes video 👇
One such volunteer , Mrs Sharon has taken up this task with total commitment & responsibility. 
Most of these families are :
☆ Old aged ladies 
☆ Poor families 
☆ Families with children suffering from disabilities 
☆ Widow ladies 
☆ Men who just stay alone no family 
Few years back I had visited a couple of them and what I saw was beyond my thinking and understanding. 
Poverty at its worst coupled with old aged and being unwanted by own children . 
Too much sickness in some families . 
Had tears in my eyes. 
A couple of these families just survive the entire month on the Government dole as and when it gets credited in the account. 
This dry ration kit is a blessings to them. 
Mrs Sharon & her family have been helping alot of such poor families month after month,  year and after year,  by packing and organizing the drop to their homes. 
The current need of the hour is providing cooked food from some hotel or factory . 
Save Food , Feed Food, initiative which is suppose to be run by FSSAI BAMBOLIM will actually help kill the hunger of thousands of such poor families across Goa . 
But all are sleeping and when awoken only give press statements, releases, bytes etc. 
People are suffering for want for food in rural Goa and enough of food is daily being wasted in Goa with FSSAI BAMBOLIM showing no concern to bridge this gap . 
Our Food bank was started over 5 years ago looking at the angle of food being wasted and how to feed those who are hungry . 
If you support my dream of feeding the poor, old and hungry in rural Goa then please come forward and help us in whatever way you can . 
We require your prayers , blessings,  wishes and donations to wipe those tears from these poor old rural villagers who at times might not be getting even one meal a day. 
FSSAI BAMBOLIM please awake up and Walk the Talk and get the poor food to eat which is otherwise thrown out daily. 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 /7020314848


28.10.2022. 7pm IST 
Once destined to be dead, is alive and walking. 
Hanumant a Goan family man who once was abandoned by his own family due to excess drinking habit and left to fend for himself, today is finally on his feet,  standing and walking . 
All thanks to our Physiotherapy sessions & The Grace of God . 
This is our success story no 2. 
Hanumant has a wife and 3 children and has practically screwed up his life drinking and making a mess of his family. 
Till today he does not remember his 3 children names neither has he seen them last 15 years . 
Wife struggles to make ends meet. 
Hanumant must have undergone more than 3 operations as his hip / leg had an issue due to some old injury resulting in he being unable to stand and walk . 
When we found him and decided to rehabilitate him it was June 21 he was in an old dirty abandoned balcony living in his own mess. 
Video attached 3 min only . Must watch 👇
We had to clean him change him and help him to get into our car. 
One of the most irritating, complicated, ungrateful and the worst case we have accepted and handled which I can recall in our shelter Homes. 
Hanumant was very aggressive,  abusive,  stubborn,  un co operative. 
We had to treat him for these issues :
☆ Alcohol – detoxification 
☆ Mental frame – psychiatric medication 
☆ Physical – operation and numerous trips to Dr
☆ Toilet habits – for over a year he was on pampers 
☆ Physiotherapy – for over 4 full months 60 session 
Although he was wheel chair bound, his tongue was splitting Venom on the care givers. 
He would hit,  kick,  beat,  throw his plate , shout, spit , bite etc 
One day in July 22 I lost my cool and confronted him with raging fire and gave him such a peace of my mind which cooled him down there & there 
Fortunate that I did not get physical with him. 
I told the care givers show him NO MERCY 
It worked. 
He started using the washroom so no pamper ,
He started eating and behaving well,
Complaints stopped from the care givers 
The Physiotherapy sessions was reducing his pain In his leg and he was feeling better . 
On his own he would daily do his exercises given by the Physio. 
There was a smile now on his face. 
He felt better . 
We took him home to meet his sister and other members who point blank refuses to even entertain him . 
His wife and children clearly told him ” if you come home we will commit suicide & die “. 
He harassed them badly when they were very small and those hurts and scars are not gone . 
Today Hanumant realizes his fate . 
I don't know what will be his future . 
But once destined to be dead is today alive. Walking, standing and happy . 
Belive me I should not write this ” I wanted to get rid of him along time back because he was just not easy to handle ” 
His leg pain was too much for him and he was at times begging to die . 
Today @ Dr Gail & Mrs Ditosa Memorial Medical Clinic Sangolda, many such cases are treated daily which after 4 months results are there to showcase . 
It's not only about rescue & rehabilitation but it's about the homeless getting their MOJO back . 
We are not a permanent home . 
In the last 18 months we have spent more than 
Rs 2 lacs on HANUMANT which includes :
☆ Medication 
☆ Hospital trips 
☆ Physiotherapy trips 
☆ Doctors Fees 
☆ Equipment & aids for his mobility 
☆ Food & nutrition 
☆ Care givers fees 
And why did we go that extra mile ? 
No old aged , shelter home or any other NGOs will do so much for FREE for such people. 
1st of all no one will admitt him . 
And Hanumant is not related to me or to any of my staff or employees. 
Yet we see a chance to repay back society for the little we can do in highly complicated and difficult scenarios. 
If you know any such people who can't walk or just abandoned for any leg injuries please send them to our Physiotherapy centre . 
Our 2 PHYSIOTHERAPISTS  are doing a superb job on such cases with results assured . 
Remember we don't charge any fees to 95% of our people in our shelter homes . 
Everything is free of cost. 
We require your help , prayers , blessings and donations to keep the services running and providing 24*7 care to the homeless across Goa. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848