Category Archives: Updates



29.10.2021  2pm IST 
Mrs Ruth Madeira e Pai , an Employeee , of DIRECTORATE of HEALTH SERVICES , based at PONDA health centre reaches out to a very poor Goan Mother & son who are practically homeless & penniless. 

STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA , today admitts a young Goan boy Mr Pawan into our shelter home from the IPHB. 
This young goan boy and his mother are so poor that their house is attached In this picture. 
18 months back approx,  Mrs Ruth , who works for DHS , and now based at Ponda , had admitted the mother in our home and since she was very very weak we requested Josephine from Amazing Grace to look after her . 
Nice of Mrs Ruth to follow up for 18 months on this mother son duo who have actually no one to fall back for help , medical and financial support. 
Josephine obliged and the mother is still being looked after and now much much better. 
We kept Pawan with us but he decided to go back to that small home . 
Over a period of time , Mr Pawan got very very weak and went into depression  . 
One day Mrs Ruth went to visit him and was shocked to see Pawan . 
Unclean,  dehydrated,  crawling on the floor,  full of dirt and rubbish and could not stand. 
Mrs Ruth again called me . 
We volunteered to help and got Anjuna Police to help us. 
Thanks to the Anjuna Police , who got a MO & admitted Pawan into IPHB about 3 months back . 
Thanks to the Dr's at IPHB for treating him for over a couple of months now. 
Pawan is a graduate but life is cruel. 
Father used to work for the electricity dept but expired without much saving. 
Mrs Ruth is trying her level best to get the husband pension . 
One of a very sad and pathetic case of our poor goan family. 
No other relatives I can recall. 
Only two of them mother & son , and being very very poor , no one will want to take them in . 
It's a long road to no where except being in a FREE SHELTER HOME. 
This time we will see that he stays permanently so that he does not go back into depression as that house is today Fallen down. 
It's going to cost money to rebuild. 
There is no point building his home as he will not be able to look after himself as he needs some one to live with . 
If you know such poor  GOAN  people  like Pawan please let me know . 
We will study the matter and understand the problems and then will try to help. 
Some cases are not easy to handle at times. 
Sometimes it requires treatment and specialized palliative care . 
But help is possible for such cases . 
Difficult but not impossible. 
We have mastered the Art of making our care givers and support team life UNCOMFORTABLE so that these poor peolples lives can be COMFORTABLE. 
At times I just wonder, where would such people end up , if we were never in existence as an NGO. 
GOD'S plans are not easy to understand at times. 
Looking after the mentally challenged , old , bed ridden , etc FOR FREE is not an easy task today when Petrol is @ rs 105 a litre and rising daily. 
If you know any such goan people ( 1st priority) either on the streets or in depression or mentally unsound mind or just abandoned , do let me know only thru WHATSAPP on 8380097564. 
No calling please 
We will study the matter and surely help if we can , but on case to case basis 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


23.10.2021   11am IST 
DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH SERVICES , ( DHS ) , PANJIM, GOA,  today vaccinated 44 men with various disabilities in  two of our Shelter  Homes. 
As India crossed the 100 crore mark in vaccinations against COVID 19, I realized that support towards vaccination of the homeless and disabled was non forthcoming. 
I got in touch with  the Revenue Minister last month and Mrs Jennifer Monseratte connected us to  the concerned officials and constantly followed up through her staff. 
STREET PROVIDENCE is grateful to DHS , and  the  entire team of Doctors who vaccinated 44 men with physical and mental disabilities . 
♡♡ Thanks to Dr Nixon and his team from Chinchinim PHC , who vaccinated 11 such men at our Cavelossim home . 
♡♡ Also thanks to Dr Yogesh and his team from Colvale PHC , who vaccinated 33 such men at our Assnora Home . 
Having vaccinated the residents of our Shelter Homes, few are still remaing in the other homes, Street Providence is  now looking forward  to helping upto 10,000 People With Disabilities get vaccinated  incase they have not done so. 
Physically and mentally challenged,  disabled , bed ridden  and home bound persons and residents of Old Aged homes, Rehabilitation homes and Shelter Homes who have not been  vaccinated till date, or cannot go to the vaccination centre , due to lack of transport or support , may contact me on 8380097564. 
Street Providence NGO has tied up with DHS , thanks to Dr Rajendra Borkar , Chief Medical Officer, District Immunisation Program , DHS , for providing vaccination to  People with Disabilites and otherswho are yet to take the vaccine and might not yet be vaccinated . 
Our job is to mobilize those with disabilites who are yet to take the vaccine and inform the PHCs etc. 
Dr Borkar has instructed all the PHC , UHC , CHC and Government hospitals in Goa to consider vaccinating such people  in case they are  not vaccinated. 
♡♡ Very grateful to Dr Borkar and his team at DHS for the support including Dr Lalita & Dr Anu. 
Our NGO will provide the transportation cost incase there is a need for transportation especially in far flung and remote places in Goa. 
No one understands People with Disabilities like our NGO as we  have close to 100 of them living in our 5 Shelter Homes. 
Surely there will be People With Disabilities in Goa who due to genuine reasons might not be able to receive the vaccination  . 
Please look around your locality , city , village and  incase you know anyone left unvaccinated. inform your local  PHC , UHC , CHC or the government Hospitals  or contact me at  8380097564. 
Please motivate the unvaccinated people in your locality  in case they are reluctant to take the Vaccination for various reasons. 
We thank The Foundation for releasing a Grant towards this project of Vaccinating The Disabled ( if required at their homes ) and help  bear the cost of the Transportation . 
This is an initiative by Street Providence to help the Disabled and Home bound. 
Join us in our fight against COVID 19. 
We are giving back to Society especially the poor, people with disabilities , bed ridden,  thru this drive,  what we have received from our benefactors. 
For all clarity or queries pls whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


21.10.2021  7pm IST 
This post is about how we @ STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA can put use the manpower in our homes ( 70% are people with disabilities) to the best possible use. 
Read on 👇
☆ 1. We have grown Oxygen Generating Plants in our men home in Cavelossim and are selling the same. 
Last month we did a small trial and all plants got sold within a few days . 
You can only order thrrough whatsapp on 8380097564  and we deliver at your door step. 
Not possible to visit as the men are suffering from disabilities and we can't take any chance in this home with Covid around. 
Prices attached in the poster 
☆ 2. We are selling COCOPEAT / COCONUT FIBRE. 
It's a natural fibre extracted from the husk  of the coconut . 
Used in the growing of plants and trees. 
Our men with disabilites, physically do this on a small machine/ scrapper  by scrapping the coconut husk on this small machine . 
Keeps them healthy, active and occupied. 
Price Rs 100 kg with door delivery. 
All natural and no mud mixed . 
☆ 3. We had taken a field for Vegetable Cultivation in Carmona , and again the men with disabilities from 8.9.2021 have been leveling,  cleaning and planted the field under the supervision of Our Volunteer Mr Orlando Mesquita from Benaulim . 
And this is a few of the Vegetables harvested today. 
☆ 4. In our ladies homes , paper bags in 3 sizes are made and ready for sale. 
▪︎Small size  .50 paisa 
▪︎Medium  .75 paisa
▪︎Big rs 1 
They are also making rugs / door mats of cloth for the door steps and other items of cloth which will be sold later . 
☆ 5.  Few of the homeless men with mental disabilities are so used to collecting and handling dry garbage  while being on the streets,  we understand that without that dry garbage, they can't be happy or rehabilitated. 
Its like a natural therapy for them. 
So to cater and tap these men capabilites and keep them active and happy,  we are collecting dry garbage as specified below :
▪︎Hard plastic 
▪︎Soft plastic 
▪︎Pet plastic 
▪︎Newspapers & magazines 
But we are not going to come to your home to collect only dry Garbage . 
You need to order / buy either :
☆ Plants 
☆ Coco Peat 
☆ Vegetables 
☆ Dairy products ( this is what I do for a living )
( Poster attached with prices ) 
And we will take Upto 5 kgs Dry Garbage from you per order from your home . 
The dry garbage needs to be clean and not wet , soggy and in dirty surroundings that we have to collect it individually  . 
Needs to be packed and kept ready in one place. 
Inflation, high fuel prices , drop in donations , coupled with other issues puts pressure on me running our NGO where 99% inmates are looked after free . 
Food, stay , hospital trips , medicine , clothes , toiletries, etc ALL FREE, NO CHARGES 
We are already having 100 such ladies and gents and very soon adding 3 more homes to take in another 200. 
Funding is required on a daily basis and its best to make all these inmates work for some economic benefit to our NGO. 
Please don't compare prices as it's like your donation towards these men & ladies with disabilites who are 50% Goans and either totally homeless or families are too poor to look after them at home. 
Balancing my Job with the NGO is not an easy task with everything rising daily. 
I am sitting with huge lady power & manpower in our homes. 
If anyone got a project to implement IN OUR HOMES ON JOB BASIS pls let me know. 
We too can earn a few Rupees and the men & women can be engaged and occupied. 
Remember these are mostly 70% people with mental disabilites and high mood swings . 
One day they will work next two days excuses. 
But life has to go on. 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless & poor people with disabilities. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


16.10.2021  7 pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR, SANGOLDA, GOA feeds 1000 meals to the hungry on World Food Day across different parts of Goa ( in addition to the 500 meals we feed daily) 
♡♡ Thanks to our Hard working Volunteers who did the needful on our behalf :
☆ 1. Mr Akash & his team , 250 meals covering Savordem , Curchorem , Sanguem  
☆ 2. Mrs Anita , Udant NGO , 100 meals covering Old Goa 
☆ 3. Sr. Deepti , Presentation Society, 200 meals covering Vasco & Baina 
☆ 4. Mr Mahesh & Mr Hassan , 200 meals  covering Zuarinagar 
☆ 5. Mr John Baptist & his team, 250 meals covering Margao , Benaulin . 
Small video of 90 seconds attached and few pictures attached. 👇
♡♡ Thanks to  NAVTARA  group of Restsurant , who inspite of their busy schedule,  accommodated our order for 800 meals. 
Balance 200 meals were taken from Vasco itself. 
♡♡ Big thanks to our benefactors for donating online donations/ coupons for 1000  meals :
▪︎Sonia      100 meals 
▪︎Zerico     250 meals 
▪︎Nadine    100 meals 
▪︎Shreyas    12 meals 
▪︎Anita         50 meals 
▪︎Pamela   100 meals
▪︎Basil         75 meals 
▪︎Karla        25 meals 
▪︎Aurita     250 meals 
▪︎Doreen       8 meals 
▪︎Dolrich     15 meals 
God provided and met my Expectation. 
We could not get involved as our daily 500 meals needed to be taken care too,  besides our daily rehabilitation work is a 24×7 operation. 
We always use our volunteers to take care of our projects especially feeding the hungry as they do such a wonderful service at their cost, with their own transportation,  without any grumbling or murmurs. 
We all need to reach out to the poor and hungry . 
Food wastage needs to be Channelised to the hungry. 
More Food Bank fridges are the need of the hour if hunger is needed to be addressed in India. 
Laws need to be implemented where excess food is given to Food banks to feed the poor . 
We are trying our level best to collect excess food and feed the hungry in Goa last 4 years . 
Pandemic is making things very slow in the Food bank program. 
Once again we thank all our benefactors for supporting us in all our projects consistently over the last 4 years . 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


15.10.2021  1pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR, SANGOLDA, GOA attempts to feed 1500 meals to the poor , hungry , homeless on World Food Day . 
Tomorrow is World Food Day ie 16.10.2021 
World food day is celebrated to appreciate :
☆ 1. The amazing food we eat &
☆ 2. To tackle World Hunger . 
We take point no 2. 
We @ Food Bank , Sangolda , were the 1st  organized, registered and recognized Food Bank across entire Goa for over 4 years and counting. 
Pre Pandemic we would daily collect :
1500 kgs of food and 
feed 4000 + meals through our 
150 volunteers by installing 
38 fridges across Goa . 
Pandemic changed everything. 
But now we are daily feeding 500 such people across a few places in Goa . 
On World Food Day , through our few active and hard working Volunteers, we are attempting to feed 1500 meals. 
Each meal costs Rs 40 and you can buy these food coupons across from All NAVTARA Restaurant Outlets in Goa and drop them in the box which is on their Counter and whatsapp me the same on 8380097564. 
Or you can donate to our NGO . 
All donations qualify for 50% exemption under Section 80G of the I. TAX Act. 
POVERTY & Hunger is on the rise  in Goa koor . 
On World Food day ie 16.10.2021 , please support alot of people who feed the poor daily in different parts of Goa & the World. 
The best way to feed the poor and hungry is to start a food bank fridge and collect extra food from Bakeries,  hotels,  Caterers,  wedding halls , etc and move this food out to the hungry and needy. 
But 1st register the food bank with all the authorities. 
The pandemic and the huge inflation has created alot of issues with extra food not being available as everywhere awareness is created to cut cost and wastage. 
But that is bound to happen  
We @ The Food Bank For the Poor , Sangolda , Goa , post 1st & 2nd Wave , are trying daily to pick as much as extra food is available and feed the 100 + homeless people who we rehabilitate in our shelter homes plus feed the hungry through a few fridge banks which are open . 
We require your support as we attempt to feed 1500 meals tomorrow on World Food Day across Goa . 
Most of us may not be able to physically go out into the poverty stricken places and feed due to the fear of Covid , but you can feed through our volunteers and play your part on World Food Day through your donations. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


8.10.2021  10am IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA , today presents you Mr Fakhira ( also known as Christmas Father ) from Panjim , once along time back heavily into depression and today quite back to being a normal man . 
It's over 3 years that , we rescued this man from the City of Panjim . 
Anyone and everyone who stays in Panjim , travels to Panjim or works in Panjim has surely seen him . 
Attached a picture of him . 
A huge man , quite in nature but depression overtook him big time . 
Would be found sitting in various places in unclean environment across the city . 
It took us alot of effort to first get him off the streets which was not very easy as he just refused help . 
But slowly we got his confidence and we managed 3 years back to get him into our home. 
Never did we admitted him into any hospital or the IPHB but he was given medication daily which the Dr @ IPHB prescribed and it was seen that he took the medication. 
Today Mr Fakhira is much much improved. 
It's all due to our team members and something called TEAM WORK . 
@ Street Providence, it's  is all about team work and not one man show. 
We call this team work COMPASSION . 
Attached a small video which is in konkani but it shows you his reflexes to the questions asked. 👇
Grown a bit old , lost many kgs , cool , does his own stuff plus does work in the home to keep him in good shape. 
Still requires another 1 year of rehabilitation till he can manage on his own . 
We can't keep him permanently with us . 
He will need to go back to the World so that he lives his life . 
This big man has been a big source of encouragement to me and my team . 
Getting him help makes us believe that anyone in depression can be helped no matter their size or shape. 
Although he is not originally Goan yet we feel proud to have helped him and many more like him who are daily brought off the streets and into our homes. 
In the last 4 years , we have moved from feeding the hungry on the streets as a food bank to rehabilitating these homeless people in our own homes to now getting these homes run and operated by these once same homeless people who have recovered from depression, alcohol and substance abuse . 
We are now focusing heavily on picking homeless and mentally challenged goans from the streets, bus stops , hospitals etc who are abandoned and require that second chance to start life again . 
Looking after the homeless is not a joke as it's a serious commitment and service , where you don't know at times how to proceed,  where the funds will come, where you will get care givers for this service,  etc . 
The most complicated and difficult mission in today fast life . 
If you know any such goan people ( 1st priority) either on the streets or in depression or mentally unsound mind or just abandoned , do let me know only thru WHATSAPP on 8380097564. 
No calling please 
We will study the matter and surely help if we can , but on case to case basis 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


5.10.2021  7 Pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA is back after a short break of uploading our daily work through various Social media sites. 
I took 10 days rest and rejuvenated my neck and my body. 
During these 10 days we picked up 6 goan men from different parts of Goa. 
Today we write about 2 such Goan men .👇

☆ 1. A goan man with mental disabilities brought by a Village Panchayat member from Mayem . 
This man is about 40 years , schizophrenic and hits his old and poor mother daily . 
Only 2 of them stay in a small house. 
Man was treated and admitted in IPHB for a long time and a kind hearted panch member requested us to help him get rehabilitation as once he is at home , he misses his medicines and then starts hammering his mother. 
Straight from the IPHB we admitted him into our home . 
☆ 2.  A well known RTI activist from Dharbandora notices this goan middle aged man , all unclean wandering through the streets of Dharbandora . 
He gets in touch with me for help . 
I explain him the procedure. 
This wandering man was married but his wife  left him due to excess alcohol and took the kids along. 
He used to work in the sugar factory but that too I understand got shut down. 
He has brothers & sister , but they are all having their own families and this hero only wants to drink. 
They are tired of convincing him to give up alcohol . 
His family does the paper work and we accept him into our home. 
He is not an easy man to control as he is yet to get over his family life. 
Feel sad and upset as the man willl just drink,  wander along , loose his mind,  become a vagabond and then no return once mind totally blown away. 
It's difficult days for families in the last 18 months due to the pandemic. 
People are desperate for jobs and cheap food . 
Both are not available. 
The poor goans are the worst hit and alot of poor goan families are feeling the heat and members are getting abandoned or thrown out of the house as feeding the unemployed is not viable any more for the families. 
We @ Street Providence are daily receiving calls and requests to take in such poor goan people. 
Most request are considered but paperwork takes time . 
If you know any such goan people ( 1st priority) either on the streets or in depression or mentally unsound mind or just abandoned , do let me know only thru WHATSAPP on 8380097564. 
No calling please 
We will study the matter and surely help if we can , but on case to case basis 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


25.9.2021  11 am IST 
Today in many parts of the world,  our Goan community celebrates ” World Goa Day ” started 30 years ago by Mr Rene Barretto from Vasco. 
World Goa day was instituted to mark the anniversary of August 20, 1992, when the Indian parliament formally accorded Konkani the status of a national language through the 71st amendment to the Eight Schedule of the Constitution of India. 
It's a time to celebrate across the World , wherever there is a goan community . 
As this message goes around , many associations will be starting their celebrations for the day. 
We @ Street Providence Goa , request our small and miniscule community scattered around the world to support our NGO as we pledge to help each and every goan homeless or Goans on the streets, to get a place to stay and a meal to eat. 
We are also pledging to work and help our poor goan people suffering from disabilities to get their disability certificate and UDID Cards done so that numerous government schemes can reach each and every goan home where there is a goan with disability. 
To rehabilitate our goan homeless both men & women , we are adding 3 more homes . 
Two homes , one for men able to hold 80 men & one for women to hold 20 women is getting ready. 
The third home which can hold another 100 men will take time. 
We require financial support to get these homes up as both the men homes put togther require a basic investment to upgrade close to rs 50 lacs. 
All the upcoming 3 homes are rented. 
Due to the pandemic,  the economy has slowed down and our poor goans who used to do small jobs have been jobless and are getting on the streets as families can't afford to look after them. 
The pandemic is causing alot of poor goan people to loose their mind as people with  disabilities are on the rise . 
There are very few or no shelter homes offering free rehabilitation to goans with mental disabilities. 
If one looks at IPHB Bambolim , one will observe that new wards/ builing are being constructed considering the cases are increasing. 
But shelter homes or mid way homes are a far dream . 
We intend to bridge that Gap and that's the reason we are starting these 3 big homes to take in another 200 poor goans who will be either homeless or suffering from mental disability . 
Yes we will be applying for government grants but that is not 100% assured. 
If our goans abroad can contribute monthly, a fixed amount either through the respective associations or individually then we will be able to look after each and every goan homeless on the streets. 
We don't have FCRA  facility for foreign funding, so donations only through an Indian bank . 
If you know any such goan people ( 1st priority) either on the streets or in depression or mentally unsound mind or just abandoned , do let me know only thru WHATSAPP on 8380097564. 
No calling please 
We will study the matter and surely help if we can , but on case to case basis 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


21.9.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA picks homeless people ( with or without disabilities ) from the streets and rehabilitates them within our homes in Goa . 
Today we present you one Goan Man from Mapusa, Goa. 
If you ever lived in Mapusa you will have seen and known this man Mr Siddhu. 
Picture attached along with 1 min video.. 👇
He is from Duler and Is the owner of a very big business in that locality. 
But for many years he used to roam around the city with bare minimum clothes or even no clothes. 
Never spoke much and never fought or was ever  violent but always walking around the city so much so that he got a tan on his body. 
Today that Tan has disappeared and he now has a much fairer completion. 
Early Jan 2019, he was brought to our home,  by the Mapusa Police after A youth Miss Jennifer from Moira decided to help him by getting him off his agony and troubles. 
Miss Jennifer called me and we agreed to help him and with the help of the Police his admission was done . 
First 9 months Siddhu gave us alot of trouble especially with his toilet habits. 
He was not used to staying in a home . 
Eating,  sleeping, talking, bathing,  etc was a problem. 
Slowly with medication,  food , company of other men he started getting back his senses. 
Today he is much much improved. 
I say about 80% improved. 
He now bathes , uses the washroom , eats by himself properly,  sleeps peacefully,  replies when asked questions , co operates with the fellow men, takes his medication faithfully, but quite. 
He has no living member from his family in this world as I am given to understand. 
If anyone knows him or his relatives please let me know. 
He is ready to go home incase he has one such home and some one to give him his medication and daily food . 
Many times he was admitted into the IPHB and once treated , he was discharged and then the same story . 
Looking after the homeless ( with or without disabilites)  is not a joke as it's a serious commitment and service , where you don't know at times how to proceed,  where the funds will come,  where you will get care givers for this service,  etc . 
The most complicated and difficult mission in today fast life . 
If you know any such goan people ( 1st priority) either on the streets or in depression or mentally unsound mind or just abandoned , do let me know only thru WHATSAPP on 8380097564. 
No calling please 
We will study the matter and surely help if we can , but on case to case basis 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


17.9.2021   7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA takes off the streets 2 Goan homeless men, one elderly man & one youth. 
☆ 1. Hanumant Chanekar is from Raia , Salcette as he says, elderly Goan man and is using a stick to move around. 
One month back late night he was picked up by the police / reached the Police @ Mapusa Police Station all tired, sick, stressed & lonely. 
We requested Mapusa Police to kindly admitt him for a few days into the hospital which they did and did not shoo him / drive him away . 
District Hospital Mapusa did a good job by treating him for a month. 
See his picture , before and after 1 month. 
Two days ago I am given to understand that he decided to leave the hospital and started wandering. 
Bang , he was picked up by Colvale Police station on the highway wandering along. 
We took him in today. 
Incase any one recognises  him and his family , pls let me know through whatsapp only on 8380097564 . 
We have experienced great understanding and compassion between personal of Colvale & Mapusa Police Station especially regarding goan homeless people. 
☆ 2. A Young goan boy from Alto Dabolim , walks for over 75 days around Goa searching for place to stay. 
Comes from a family but his parents and his brother don't want him at home. 
For over 3 years he was in another home . 
But not sure why he left by end June 21. 
He is a bit aggressive and is slightly complicated. 
Speaks good English. 
He approached many police stations but most of them did not entertain him as I assume he has some past history which all stations are aware off. 
10 days back he called me. 
We took him in and he slept for like 7 days non stop . 
Can't image how , where and how many kms he walked in 75 days searching for help . 
He says he slept at bus stops , road side, gardens,  etc  . 
At times he eat nothing for 2 to 3 days and this was all during the rains . 
Strong man . 
Anyway he is now relaxed and back to doing some basic work. 
But still weak and exhausted. 
We know his family but we can't do much . 
Only prayers and blessings upon his family . 
We as an NGO are there helping the homeless street people in Goa 24*7, 365 days , last 4 years. 
We also pick abandoned people from hospitals and health centres . 
Our services are free of charge for the homeless and the street people. 
Everyday we are flooded with such requests and we always try to help . 
Some cases require only Police intervention especially when one is on the streets and is unknown as legal paperwork is very important. 
If you know any such goan people ( 1st priority) either on the streets or in depression or mentally unsound mind or just abandoned , do let me know only thru WHATSAPP on 8380097564. 
No calling please 
We will study the matter and surely help if we can , but on case to case basis 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848