All posts by Jason Fernandes



4.12.2023. 7pm IST
♡♡♡ Today Goa celebrated the Feast Of St Francis Xavier and we all wished each other.
That's what we do every year.
Feasts of any Saint from all religions is a day to understand what and how these saints lived and how they worked to uplift the poor & downtrodden.
How we live in the foot steps of St Francis Xavier is important from the day the feast gets over to the next feast day. Ie 364 days.
Look around and understand the principles of 
St Francis Xavier – which was to be discerned and chose to be Christ's disciple in the Service of God & mankind.
And you and I have HAVE A HUGE NO. OF  unlimited opportunity to serve mankind as we see sickness, hunger, poverty, grief and disappointment in today's world especially among our own Goans who are turning homeless quietly but quickly due to mental disabilities and other live threatening sicknesses.
Attached is a list of the type of people we care for in our 10 shelter homes in GOA,  just like 
St Francis cared for the lepers.
Today leprosy is under control but today the number one killer sickness is MENTAL DISABILITIES & mind you leprosy can lead to disability.
If you look at the charts attached with this post you will understand that 70% of our 180 inmates are our own local Goans and due to poverty and abandonedment they have turned homeless with disabilites and other Complicated life threatening sickness.
Rattle your brains and think when did you hear or be told of any SOCIETY or ANY REPUTED ORGANISATION caring for so many different types of poor goans with so many life threatening sickness UNDER ROOF & 90% are treated and cared for FREE.
We care for people with all types of sickness except CANCER & LEPROSY. 
St Francis Xavier guides us through our work as we serve the poorest of  the poor in Goa.
Once again A Very Happy Feast of St Francis Xavier. 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


3.12.2023. 7pm IST 
Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas after his appointment as Bishop of Daltonganj Diocese, Jharkhand on 30.11.2023, today blessed our 2 cars donated by Goan Welfare Society, Kuwait at his sister residence in Camorlim , Salcette Goa.
It's a Maruti wagon R & a Maruti Eco .
Economical not fancy, base models.
A link of the blessings of the cars is attached here.
This is Bishop Theodore 1st visit to Goa after his full time appointment as Bishop of Daltonganj and this was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to receive his blessings.
For the record,  Street Providence has just 1 shelter home at the moment in Daltonganj diocese for the homeless but more can be opened in the new year.
3rd December is celebrated as :
◇ St Francis Xavier Feast Day &
◇ International day for Persons with Disabilities.
It's also the 1st Sunday of Advent.
And Bishop Theodore also happened to be in Goa.
The executive committee members & the families of Goan Welfare Society , Kuwait was also present at this simple function namely:
♡♡ Julio Cardozo & family 
♡♡ Alex Coelho & family 
♡♡ Rabindra Pimenta
♡♡ Mario Rebelo & family
The blessed cars were handed over to our Advisors/ volunteers Namely :
☆ Sir John Shilshi Retd IPS 
☆ Sir Bosco George Retd IPS 
A link of the hand over of the cars is attached here 
We value the association of Goan Welfare Society, Kuwait towards our NGO & it reflects on our services towards the poorest of the poor in Goa which captured their desire to donate to a worthy cause.
Not an easy committe to handle as today most people understand NGOs as a money making racket.
But that's not how STREET PROVIDENCE operates.
I have my shortcomings and faults as individual as its a complicated area of complex services I run but no individual is greater than an organization.
And this is what 99% benefactors have understood.
Benefactors donate towards the NGO & the NGO is not a one man show but trustees , Staff,  volunteers & advisors.
Some liking me or not liking me is now a thing of the past as most benefactors are aware that everything at Street Providence is strictly through whatsapp messages even the donations.
Belive me these 2 cars to get to Street Providence took almost 1 month and the amount of communication that went through was 90% through messages and today was the 1st time the Executive committee members met me face to face.
Most of their committe members are senior citizens with the eldest being 75 years old.
Elders are always wanting to be sure their money is going to the right entity.
I belive – I am doing no one a favour and the  benefactor is doing himself/ herself a service by giving a donation no matter if it's only rs 1000 or rs 10 lacs.
Many times people are unhappy or disappointed about my tone or not taking calls but insisting only through whstsapp messages. 
》1st , I have a very harsh tone, it's by default.
》2nd, I have too many tasks at hand simultaneously it's called MULTI – TASKING.
》3rd for those who are unaware ” I work in a company full time last 13 years and it's a sales job so it's not possible to answer all calls “.
We have completed 6 full years of service to the poor strictly only through whatsapp messages and that system is here to stay.
We are here on a mission.
Nothing is permanent 
We come with nothing and go with nothing.
It costs one nothing to bring cheer and joy to the poorest of the poor.
If you cannot feed or help one poor person no issue,  sit quite, but don't condemn and criticise those working under pressure to feed and care for the poorest of the poor.
Whatever one owns  is this world is not ours to keep, but we are only the custodians.
There are GENUINE NGOs who work for the poor and you need to find them & fund them.
It's only in giving you will receive.
Advent signifies – Lord Jesus bring LIGHT into the darkness hence the 4 candles. 
You and i  too can and are also called to bring LIGHT in so many little ways , but today are you doing that?
Are you ready to share the LIGHT through your resources with those suffering from conflict, sickness , hunger , homelessness , displacement, abandonment ?
Or is it only I , ME, MY FAMILY, MY FREINDS ?
All others out especially NGOs , all out , no concern?
Suffering and non stop conflicts are what the World is facing and who suffers – the poor, the little children , the women , the elderly, those with disabilities. 
We Pray & thank God that more associations like GOAN WELFARE SOCIETY , KUWAIT , come forward to support our work in Goa, India and soon across the shores of India.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


2.12.2023. 7pm IST 
♡♡♡ GOAN WELFARE SOCIETY, KUWAIT donates two brand new cars to our NGO this evening towards our rehabilitation program of ending 
Tomorrow 3.12.2023 , Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas blesses these two new cars at a simple function in the presence of committee members of Goan Welfare Society.
On the occassion of International day for Persons with Disabilities ( PWDs) , we at 
Street Providence committ to increase our capacity from 240 beds to 500 beds in the coming entire year of 2024 only in Goa.
To increase the capacity means increasing :
Homes , Staff, Nurses , Vechiles , Care givers &
naturally DONATIONS thru BENEFACTORS have to increase.
Many people assume :
》NGOs make alot of money.
》They just collect funds and make noise.
》Running NGOs is a good source of income.
and so on.
Well @ Street Providence it's just the opposite.
Our work is the most complicated and complex looking after people with mental & physical disabilities. 
Yes donations are always received but see the non stop work our NGO does through so many projects towards the poorest of the poor in Goa & across few states of India.
Many times I am aware that people get jealous or envy to the rate of our growth of our NGO.
Yes we have grown tremendously is a very short span of time but that is due to our COMMITMENT & COMPASSION in the field of caring and rehabilitating poorest of the poor suffering from mental disabilities especially Goans.
Running FREE shelter homes for those with mental disabilities requires alot of money and donations have to come daily.
Today our disability ratio is 1 : 5 in our country.
We are the only registered NGO In Goa providing FREE CARE  for so many  people with mental disabilities through our 10 homes in Goa.
Goa lacks homes for :
☆ Dimentia 
☆ Parkinson
☆ Intellectual Disabilities 
☆ Children with mental disabilities 
Can you believe there are no rehabilitation Homes in Goa for children with mental disabilities both girls & boys.
I am sure even IPHB is not having separate wards for children with disabilities.
In 2024 , we intend to bridge the above gaps.
Of late our homes are admitting children as young as 19 , 20 , 21 and these children are on psychiatric medication for 5 to 6 years meaning they have lost their minds at 15 to 16 years old mainly due to drugs.
People on the streets are plenty but the administration is taking it lightly and not bothered.
We have a comparison of Dec 22 v/s Dec 23 of the types of inmates & the no. of inmates.
( Chart attached )
You will clearly see that it's more GOANS we rehabilitate than non goans. (for non goans our homes are starting soon in Maharashtra & Karnataka.We have homes in Jharkhand already)
We are slowly but surely only focusing in GOA only on poor goans suffering from all types of disabilities as the present administration has terribly failed to gauge the need for homes for all sections of disabilites especially Poor Goans.
We @ Street Providence will fill that GAP come what may , but surely we FEEL The Government will support this burning issue of SHELTER HOMES FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES. 
We are unable to acquire homes for men and that's why last many months we have gone slow on homeless men.
Moment we stop taking the homeless the no. on the streets increase,  but our 4 men's homes are unable to accept more due to water shortage as well as sanitation issues.
Praying that in the new year 2024, we get big homes to take in more homeless men with priorty being our own Goans.
We thank GOAN WELFARE SOCIETY, Kuwait for donating these two new cars towards a worthy cause run by Street Providence. 
The most satisfying part is ” non of the committee members have met me till now , but all our communications have happened through phone and whatsapp messages and yet they have given us the cars today , it's only tomorrow we meet face to face at the time of blessings the cars “.
To all BENEFACTORS who believe our work , we thank you for the support towards NGO.
To those who might be slandering or trying to maline our NGO , we pray for you.
Just imagine ” would you donate two cars to an NGO without meeting the receipient ? “.
We are here to work & serve our poor goans especially those homeless and those suffering from mental disabilities and we have less time to sit , chat and discuss things which now can be done through technology.
To all clubs , associations, groups of people, companies , etc  please do come forward to support us in 2024 as we increase our capacity from 240 beds to 500 beds.
All communications through whatsapp messages on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


30.11.2023. 7pm IST 
To many homeless and sick poor people in Goa on streets & in Government hospitals, asking for help & care.
And the requests are daily from all sides : 
☆ both for men & ladies and 
From Goa police & Government hospitals.
This young Goan man Rupesh yesterday admitted into our shelter home from District hospital mapusa .
Only 40 years old with no living family except one married sister whose where abouts are not known. 
Met with a serious accident and was for months and months has been in various Government hospitals in Goa.
Both his one hand and one leg is totally damaged and it will take about 1 year for him to be able to support himself alone.
Physiotherapy will be one part for his recovery in our home.
The MS of District Hospital Mapusa , 
Dr ( Mrs ) Dhume is one of a gem of a woman from the time she has been appointed as MS.
Takes personal interest in such homeless cases and see that they reach our home for rehabilitation. 
Rupesh has his right leg broken and complicated issues which no one will want to touch and care for plus his hand has some major issue.
But we at Street Providence take in such pathetic , complicated and heart wrecking cases purely on case to case basis after much scrutiny and cross checking if actually Goan , poor , homeless and having no one.
We are on the verge of stopping to take in GOA non Goans as we have set homes in other states where these homeless can be sent by the Goa Police or any government authority and we will rehabilitate and care for them free of cost.
We are being very very selective as the no of non goans drinking and falling on the streets in all cities is beyond imagination. 
Even the Government hospitals are overworked as they get admitted , treated,  discharged,  but don't go back to their village, live and drink on the streets and again get admitted.
This is a big strain on the infrastructure of our state.
Practically in all our 4 men's homes in Goa we are over loaded having many such inmates who are either bed ridden , wheel chair bound and on pampers .
We are in need of atleast 2 more men's homes in Goa incase we are to take in more homeless men
Our focus is totally on goan people suffering from mental disabilities & neurological issues : either on the streets and who we can help to get off the streets or 
from families so that they don't reach the streets as at times families just can manage .
Margao city has the most no of homeless and sick but no shelter home and its getting bad to worse.
Panjim & Vasco too are having quite a no of homeless on the streets.
It's High time all cities in Goa have some sort of dwelling atleast at Night to reduce or bring some relief to those who shelter the most .
We are trying to help as many as we can but it's very very difficult , complicated , expensive and last the non goans just take advantage of the facilities and once alright go back to the same situation. 
In panjim city more than 10 non goans are on the streets in pathetic situation, who have stayed 
with us before , got completely alright, assured to go back home , some we even bought tickets but just reached back to where they were picked up.
Just like you might be disappointed so also I too at times at disappointed but rehabilitation of the homeless street people is not an easy task both financially as well as physically.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


29.11.2023. 7pm IST
All Street Providence MANIPUR Wants for Christmas is ” 30 beds ” for our upcoming 1st shelter Home for men.
Donate a bed and we will print your name on the bed as a benefactor/ donnor.
Our 1st Shelter home for the homeless men is being innaugrated very soon.
Work in upgrading this big floor is going on in full swing last 30 days and will be ready just in time for the innaugration which is very soon.
It's a big floor which can rehabilitate 30 men and we require 30 bed with rexin mattresses & rexin pillows which can only be bought in Guwahati and transported to Imphal.
Winter is already started and with the troubles that has been going on, we understand that there will be demand for rehabilitation especially for the old and those with mental & physical disabilities. 
And this is the 1st such home for men right in Imphal city.
Our 2nd home will be for ladies suffering from mental & physical disabilities in Churachandpur but in due course of time.
Conflict is something which always effects the poor, the old and those with disabilities the most.
We stand with this section of society in Manipur by starting shelter homes in association with The Archdiocese of Imphal. 
But we can't do it alone. We require your support.
Do you too wish to stand with these displaced poor people ?
Advent is just few hours away as you read this post and winter is almost there .
Christmas is all about sharing and giving to the poorest of the poor.
Frankly speaking, our NGO is quite comfortable in our comfort zone in Goa as we are quite set doing so many projects.
But then as a Roman Catholic, how do I reach out to the poorest of the poor if I don't go beyond my comfort zone ?
This is an appeal that you too can reach Manipur by getting out of your comfort zone during ADVENT and supporting our 1st shelter home as we require 30 beds , and assistive aids .
In our 4th truck we had sent 9 BRAND NEW WHEEL CHAIRS to CHURACHANDPUR which were given to our homes in Goa but we understood that our homes can use the old wheel chairs and so we sent BRAND NEW WHEEL CHAIRS to CHURACHANDPUR. 
We are aware of the difficulties poor people are facing in relief camps especially those with disabilities and season of Advent is that once in a year opportunity to live that spirit of CHRISTMAS.
Your support plays a huge difference in the lives of 30 men who will be cared for in a safe and comfortable environment in our shelter home and a new bed which you have donated as you care & understand the suffering of the poorest of the poor.
All queries through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


28.11.2023. 7pm IST 
Donate your Preloved old clothes to Street Providence(its a 12 months drive)
This was a post we put out 1 month back.
In just 30 days,  we collected 3600 good clothes from more than 46 generous goans who also willingly gave us the donation to take their clothes and some benefactors gave even more, understanding the costs and difficulties in running this clothes collection.
Watch the above link,  see the joy and excitement in the gentleman who gave away 300 clothes. 
 The most touching part Of all these 46 benefactors was a gentleman from Margao, Mr Loyola :
》who collected 300 clothes ,
》Got them washed, ironed & laundered ,
》Put them in boxes with systematic packing,
》& gave us the full donation for 300 clothes.
We just had to pick up , store it and distribute them to the needy. 
He could have bargained and said ” see its all washed, folded, ironed , boxed well and packed , so why pay you Rs 5000 for 30 clothes “.
But he was generous and that too cheerfully.
For as little as Rs 5000 we come to your doorstep and accept 30 clothes in any condition.
By these 46 generous goan benefactors donating their clothes and their money see how so many benefitted :
☆ 1. We sent 1600 warm clothes to Manipur in our 4th truck on 18th Nov as winter sets in soon.
☆ 2. ARZ an NGO which runs a laundry where trafficked rehabilited women are employed got business as all these clothes went to this unit , some clothes are yet to go to the laundry.
☆ 3. Our NGO too got some donations towards our rehabilitation homes for people with mental disabilities. 
☆ 4. These 46 benefactors brought in new energy into their homes as these clothes were of no use but only occupying space & disturbing the mind.
☆ 5. But THE MOST IMPORTANT ” these 46 people spirituality got blessings from so many poor people who will wear and will benefit from these clothes”.
☆ 6. Mother Earth got spared hypothetically if these clothes were just thrown into the bins.
Quite a few people are unhappy ” why pay you to take our clothes “.
Well our shelter homes are not in need of so many clothes.
We are providing these clothes to the poorest of the poor in Goa & across India and there are huge costs in our organized & systematic clothes drive.
Rest we leave to you to donate your clothes with a donation or just leave it in your cupboard for some other day , month or even a year.
No force, but pay and we take your clothes.
Give cheerfully and receive abundantly.
Your donations bring food , shelter & medicines to so many poor people suffering from mental disabilities in all our shelter homes in Goa & across India.
All communications through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


26.11.2023. 7pm.IST
STREET PROVIDENCE takes in an Old goan lady who is a widow with no children from VALPOI constituency,  sleeping and staying in a school in VALPOI, for over a few weeks as her hut was burnt down / caught Fire and no one to help her.
Sr Citizen Name: Mrs Vimal Gaonkar.
Address:Valpoi -Velus Sattari Goa..
100 % once evaluated after due rest will be suffering from mental disabilities as she has been neglected / Abandoned / thrown aside in the Constituency of The Women & Child Minister.
I am continously saying ” POOR GOANS are TURNING HOMELESS and I can prove it “.
Image a poor Goan homeless lady in the high profile constituency of Valpoi , where  The Women & Child Minister Of Goa represents has no one to help and care for last few weeks.
Goa Police @ Valpoi Police station requested me to rehabilitate and we went all the way to Valpoi to see the reality and it was shocking to know that no one from CWC department nor WCD department which is under the same minister knew or even if they were informed, attempted to help and care for this old lady.
And If this lady had to have any issue like attempting to commit suicide or something life threatening issue –  we will blame the Goa Police.
The freaking system is gone for a huge toss.
No Government department is linked or synchronized where poor goans turning homeless or require help are concerned.
One side The NGO like us are called to look after such people & on the other side after  looking after & caring for such people, we are paid peanuts by the Government.
In One such women home, grants not given from 2021.
And the  grants given by THE WOMEN & CHILD DEPARTMENT is calculated in 2004 & we are in 2023.
Small example  : 
Rent in the grant is given at rs 6000 a month to house 20 inmates which is next to impossible to implement.
Even labouerers room will be rs 5000 for 2 people.
Who is going to take responsibility for this old lady living under inhumane conditions for the last few weeks ?
Why was the local MLA staff not bothered to help her ?
Why till date our grants from WCD not given ?
By law OUR NGO Is entitled to receive grants in advance and not beg as if WCD is doing us a favor. 
Last year when I made noise I WAS GIVEN advance in one home.
And I have 6 homes registered with WCD.
I am saying GIVE ME WHAT IS DUE TO ME & GIVE IT IN TIME or Just shut us down and take all these 60 goan ladies away and put them elsewhere where ever the WCD feels comfortable. 
Remember 85% of these ladies are ethnic goans and all are on Severe psychiatric medication and this is Not some small child play.
I still can't comprehend what would happen to Mrs Vimal Gaonkar if we had refused to take her to our home. 
What would be Mrs Vimal Gaonkar state if Valpoi Police Inspector had not shown any kindness to her in the last few weeks ?
How is that The Women & Child Minister, The Women & Child Department as well as CWC did not do anything to help this lady?
It's impossible non of the above knew that 
Mrs Vimal Gaonkar is homeless.
Street Providence is all about providing SERVICE to the poorest of the poor especially ladies when The Women & Child Department fails totally in helping such pathetic cases of ethnic Goan ladies actually living as homeless in Goa.
Note : I am totally frustrated at these people :
☆ 1.The Women & Child Secretary, 
☆ 2.The Current Women & Child Director, 
☆ 3.The So called powerful CWC , &
☆ 4.The Women & Child Minister. 
You all can do much for the ethnic Goans ladies who are genuinely homeless but you are only promising, delaying & doing nothing on this issue
》Sr No 2 & 3 – all ladies 
》Sr No 1 & 4 – have wives & girl children.
There is no sense of any feeling of humanity towards women in distress and on the streets. 
Nothing personal to the above from Sr no 1 to 4.
We will be forced to hit the streets very soon to get our dues and that will not be nice either for the inmates nor the authorities.
Patience has a limit and there is something called a FUSE .
To all Government officials who ever it may be :
“we are doing a Service to the poor, not a favour, you all are doing a Service and getting a salary, so don't ever think that any of you are doing any favour to any NGO especially those are looking after poor Women & caring fof them 24*7 “.
I have been to quite for over three years without saying anything against The entire WCD.
But It's getting to much to handle as there too many genuine requests.
God bless you all 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


25.11.2023. 7pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE, JHARKHAND,  distributes 500 brand new blankets along with the Cathlolic Church @ Daltong Diocese. 
♡♡♡ All thanks to Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, Bishop of Daltong Diocese for giving us an opportunity to bring a little warmth to 500 little children across 2 Schools in the same taluka  where our shelter home is located.
You must see both the links , Bishop Theodore has explained in KONKANNI about this place and the cold winter climate.👇👇
And just last few days ago , India celebrated DIWALI ” The festival of lights “.
Bishop Theodore was gracious enough to 
spread WARMTH to these small poor children in his Diocese which is a poor rural area surrounded by coal mines and where the tempestures are between 5 to 9 degrees from December to February/ March. 
Children in these schools come mostly walking covering 4 to 8 kms daily one way .
The chill is really biting as I have stayed here during the winter and I have seen with my eyes how these poor children with no so good clothes come to school. 
Some have torn shoes , some come with slippers , bags are old etc and I decided to attempt to help these 2 Schools in due course of time.
It's a tough life for them in this interior part of the country and here in Goa its just the opposite.
These BRAND new blankets for DIWALI  brings a little light to these little poor children who 100% will feel that warmth once the winter sets in.
Like I Said in my posts a few days back , in many states where we have shelter Homes, we also work for the poor children/ poor families in that locality in any little way we can.
Huge demand here for clothes and shoes and In due course of time we will be sending continuously clothes , shoes , school bags, toys so that 100's of poor little children are benefitted.
When we belive all Indians are My brothers & sisters we need to understand that poverty exists in India and if we are blessed abundantly then we need to share our blessings with those who are not so blessed.
Its not only giving away our old unwanted things but it's the presentation that counts when giving away old Second hand things.
Join our second hand clothes drive where we collect from your home.
If you wish to give 500 to 1000 new blankets let me know.  I can even take you to these schools to physically hand over these blankets and you will feel that joy and happiness along with a few tears in your eyes when you understand poverty.
Many many such poor children in need of this warmth.
Remember Christmas is around the corner and it's the best time to share that warmth as we know Baby Jesus was born in a stable.
All  communications strictly through whatsapp messages on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


24.11.2023. 7pm IST
Tomorrow we start the Novenas of St Francis Xavier @ Old Goa , and we also start serving FREE breakfast for just 1 hour ie 7am to 8am.
But what is the connection ?
But let's pray during these novenas for all those ladies suffering from mental disabilities & either turning semi clad on the streets or just ending their life with the abuses and stress of being unwanted and uncared by Society.
24 hours back,  a 75 year old goan lady was discovered, semi decomposed in a well – a matter of chronic case of mental disabilities.
Two days back we had put a post out, how we have rehabilitated / taken in two Goan ladies  –
☆ A. One roaming semi clad in a city & now rehabilitated &
☆ B. One highly educated Goan lady on the verge of reaching the streets and roaming around semi clad if not rehabilitated. 
Well this second lady is highly educated & is from the ST community and eldest of the other sibling. 
Being poor and from rural Goa , she studied for a Bachelor Degree in a specific field dealing with medication and started working to support her sibling and was self dependent for over 8 years. 
Her young siblings have studied Diploma in a field connected to health care.
All her young siblings fell in love and got married.
But this eldest child could not find a right boy &  felt upset to an extent that she lost her mind.
Developed Mental disabilities compounded with bio polar issues.
Last freaking 10 years totally gone haywire.
A case fit for immediate rehabilitation and continous company of a care giver as she gets totally afraid of darkness. 
As all siblings are married and struggling to earn a living and with each sibling having their own children in joint families, it's getting very difficult to care for this sister of theirs.
At the moment, last 10 years, the siblings are trying their level best to look after their eldest sister,  but the effects of the mental disabilities will start taking a toll on the small children in the family.
Major constraint in people with chronic mental disabilities is ” refusal to take daily psychiatric medications “.
She wants to get alright, she wants to feel better but the mind is playing tricks as the medication is not administered to her last so many years systematically & we are currently attempting to rehabilitate her in our home, by giving her medication which is prescribed by the IPHB.
Such poor chronic people just wander around endlessly and will either start talking to themselves or just go on singing unpleasant songs which finally will lead them  to getting semi clad on the streets.
And roaming and roaming around , they will get abused, hit , hammered, mocked , may be Even physically assaulted & sexually abused, forced into alcohol & drugs and finally one day found either dead or committed suicide.
And all comments appear with every one condemning the family, the government etc.
But when these same people were alive 
” SOCIETY Including ME , did nothing to bring little joy to them by helping them fight their battle against mental disabilities “.
Mental disabilities is at a ration of 1 : 5 whether the government accepts this fact or not.
That means after every 5 person , 1 person is suffering from mental disabilities. 
Let's stop focusing on celebrating and rather focus on those who are struggling to survive ESPECIALLY those ladies suffering from mental disabilities. 
Being a lady / girl with mental disabilities is the worst form of torture/ headache for any family members.
As we start The Novenas of St Francis Xavier @ Old Goa, I will be thanking God that we @ Street Providence Goa are blessed through the intercession of St Francis Xavier to have the Strength , Grace & commitment to fight this freaking unseen enemy in the form of mental disabilities that so many ladies / girls are going through.
We all need to see GOD in the poor and the marginalized especially those poor ladies suffering from chronic mental disabilities.
The breakfast serving for 9 days novenas is a thanksgiving for the STRENGHT , GRACE & RESOURCES to fight this freaking battle daily with no solution in sight. 
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages on 8380097564
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


23.11.2023. 8pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA will be serving FREE breakfast @ The Novenas of St Francis Xavier,  Old Goa , all 9 days of the novenas daily @ 7am till 8am supported by NAVTARA group of Restaurants.
Last year too we served free breakfast.
It's open to all and everyone whether rich or poor.
Hunger knows no boundaries & no religion.
Menu is fixed and it's like this :
☆ Tea with vada pav / tea with bhaji
Every day the menu will alternate.
No show or glamour but a free service.
For those who might not be aware ” we are the only registered Food Bank across Goa feeding last 7 years, in multiple places daily “.
Daily close to 500 kgs of food is collected and 1500 meals served through a chain of unseen & unpaid volunteers.
Across entire INDIA , we are the only FOOD BANK to have installed food bank fridges in 11 POLICE STATIONS in Goa plus 15 fridges in other places in Goa, where extra cooked food is deposited ( we don't collect food but you have to drop your extra food).
If you wish to be part of this free breakfast at the novenas by sponsoring 1 day breakfast please get in touch with me through whatsapp on 8380097564.
We sincerely thank Mr ADITYA owner of NAVTARA for the support in providing the breakfast at a no profit basis but on cost to cost basis. 
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848