26.11.2023. 7pm.IST
STREET PROVIDENCE takes in an Old goan lady who is a widow with no children from VALPOI constituency,  sleeping and staying in a school in VALPOI, for over a few weeks as her hut was burnt down / caught Fire and no one to help her.
Sr Citizen Name: Mrs Vimal Gaonkar.
Address:Valpoi -Velus Sattari Goa..
100 % once evaluated after due rest will be suffering from mental disabilities as she has been neglected / Abandoned / thrown aside in the Constituency of The Women & Child Minister.
I am continously saying ” POOR GOANS are TURNING HOMELESS and I can prove it “.
Image a poor Goan homeless lady in the high profile constituency of Valpoi , where  The Women & Child Minister Of Goa represents has no one to help and care for last few weeks.
Goa Police @ Valpoi Police station requested me to rehabilitate and we went all the way to Valpoi to see the reality and it was shocking to know that no one from CWC department nor WCD department which is under the same minister knew or even if they were informed, attempted to help and care for this old lady.
And If this lady had to have any issue like attempting to commit suicide or something life threatening issue –  we will blame the Goa Police.
The freaking system is gone for a huge toss.
No Government department is linked or synchronized where poor goans turning homeless or require help are concerned.
One side The NGO like us are called to look after such people & on the other side after  looking after & caring for such people, we are paid peanuts by the Government.
In One such women home, grants not given from 2021.
And the  grants given by THE WOMEN & CHILD DEPARTMENT is calculated in 2004 & we are in 2023.
Small example  : 
Rent in the grant is given at rs 6000 a month to house 20 inmates which is next to impossible to implement.
Even labouerers room will be rs 5000 for 2 people.
Who is going to take responsibility for this old lady living under inhumane conditions for the last few weeks ?
Why was the local MLA staff not bothered to help her ?
Why till date our grants from WCD not given ?
By law OUR NGO Is entitled to receive grants in advance and not beg as if WCD is doing us a favor. 
Last year when I made noise I WAS GIVEN advance in one home.
And I have 6 homes registered with WCD.
I am saying GIVE ME WHAT IS DUE TO ME & GIVE IT IN TIME or Just shut us down and take all these 60 goan ladies away and put them elsewhere where ever the WCD feels comfortable. 
Remember 85% of these ladies are ethnic goans and all are on Severe psychiatric medication and this is Not some small child play.
I still can't comprehend what would happen to Mrs Vimal Gaonkar if we had refused to take her to our home. 
What would be Mrs Vimal Gaonkar state if Valpoi Police Inspector had not shown any kindness to her in the last few weeks ?
How is that The Women & Child Minister, The Women & Child Department as well as CWC did not do anything to help this lady?
It's impossible non of the above knew that 
Mrs Vimal Gaonkar is homeless.
Street Providence is all about providing SERVICE to the poorest of the poor especially ladies when The Women & Child Department fails totally in helping such pathetic cases of ethnic Goan ladies actually living as homeless in Goa.
Note : I am totally frustrated at these people :
☆ 1.The Women & Child Secretary, 
☆ 2.The Current Women & Child Director, 
☆ 3.The So called powerful CWC , &
☆ 4.The Women & Child Minister. 
You all can do much for the ethnic Goans ladies who are genuinely homeless but you are only promising, delaying & doing nothing on this issue
》Sr No 2 & 3 – all ladies 
》Sr No 1 & 4 – have wives & girl children.
There is no sense of any feeling of humanity towards women in distress and on the streets. 
Nothing personal to the above from Sr no 1 to 4.
We will be forced to hit the streets very soon to get our dues and that will not be nice either for the inmates nor the authorities.
Patience has a limit and there is something called a FUSE .
To all Government officials who ever it may be :
“we are doing a Service to the poor, not a favour, you all are doing a Service and getting a salary, so don't ever think that any of you are doing any favour to any NGO especially those are looking after poor Women & caring fof them 24*7 “.
I have been to quite for over three years without saying anything against The entire WCD.
But It's getting to much to handle as there too many genuine requests.
God bless you all 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848