All posts by Jason Fernandes



3.9.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA dispatches Rs 60000 + worth New Note Books & stationary for 150+ children who were affected by the floods In interior parts of Goa . 
Our 5th trip to the flood affected areas of Goa had food stuff and note books . 
In the last 1 month, we have quietly managed to survey through Akash & his team , 3 schools in the flood affected areas of Goa  with close to 150+ children who required new note books . 
♡♡ Thanks to our sponsors :
☆ 1. Goans4Goa,  Uk,  who donated books & stationary worth Rs 54000 &
☆ 2. Mr Abbas Rishtey , Bicholim who donated books and stationary worth Rs 6000 + 
We covered 3 schools situated In :
▪︎1. DABAL
▪︎3. QUEPEM 
We are not posting any pictures of the beneficiary. 
♡♡ Thanks to our Hard working Volunteers headed by Mr Akash Pednekar and his team for continously working in these areas,  representing us for so many projects . 
In Dabal village , Sr Flory is doing a great job by redistributing dry ration to many poor families in and around her school which we sent in this trip . 
We have also promised dry ration to 63 poor goan families in Khandepar,  Ponda , who were badly affected in the floods and for August 21 ,  we had sent them. 
Will be sending Dry ration kits for these 63 families for Sept & Oct also . 
For those who are unaware of our activities,  we primary are a NGO looking after 100+ homeless street people , both men & women with focus on local homeless goans, in our shelter homes , suffering from Hiv ( only men ) , all types of disabilities, and other sicknesses. 
We also run an organized Food Bank in Goa where we collect food and feed the hungry across Goa. 
We also distribute dry ration to :
☆ Hiv infected families, 
☆ Blind poor families, 
☆ Our local goan families across different parts of Goa. 
We run different programs for the poor and disabled from time to time. 
We also started a small plants nursery to engage  the  men in our homes but within 3 days all our plants got sold out . 
We operate strictly through Social Media only . 
None of us at our NGO are involved with Politics and elections. 
We believe in COMPASSION only . 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA foodbankforthepoor/ 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


1.9.2021  11am IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA is committed to rehabilitating the homeless In Goa who are either in Alcohol or are suffering from disabilities, with focus more on our local goans. 
Today we present you a middle aged goan man but born in Mumbai. 
☆ Mr Walter, is educated but due to so many reasons including wrong habitshas been wandering around . 
I personally have gone atlesst twice to the streets to convince Walter to get off the streets in the last 3 years but after getting alright, he wishes to leave the home and reaches again the streets . 
Good man, but wants his freedom which most of the times back fires and we have to start the process from scratch again and again . 
Anyway in Oct 2020 , Walter ( along with Surya who we wrote about 4 days ago ) was in terrible state on the streets. 
Body full of scabbies , weak about 25 kgs in weight , totally undernourished, dazzed and wobbly in the head, lots of wounds. 
Napolean our volunteer got him off the streets by convincing him that he will not make it in the next week if he does not reach a home. 
Watch the 3 min video. 👇
We agreed to accept Walter. 
Today,  Walter is a perfect and responsible man. 
He had some rod In his shoulder which we sorted out through an operation . 
All rounder,  can cook for 40 men at one time,  bathes the old and infirmed men in the home , and disperses medicines which is prescribed for about 30 mentally challenged men in the home . 
Bathes the men who are incapicated,  changes their clothes , feeds the men , etc. 
Reads and writes English fluently as he is educated Upto 12th Std . 
Walter understands that the pandemic is creating issues for all homeless people and he has been blessed to be in a home . 
We have our issues but I keep reminding him that if he is alive today he needs to thank God. 
The issue with alcoholic people is this : 
Moment they get their strength back in a few months they feel they can face the world . 
They go to the world and meet their old friends and redevelop their old habits . 
These old habits get them back to where they were before. 
To get off Alcohol completely when one has been into it for years,  one needs to have a strong will power and should be able to face the world with the right friends and right environment. 
Detoxifying and counseling such people in the initial months requires alot of time , patience and effort. 
We feel happy when we see the labour of our hard work bearing fruits . 
Our caregivers are the backbone of our rehabilitation homes. 
It's getting really tuff Managing close to 100 homeless people with the pandemic creating alot of economic issues. 
If you know such homeless Goan men who might require help and a chance to start life again then you can whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 

Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


27.8.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA , working towards the rehabilitation of alcoholic & homeless street people in Goa for the last 4 years , today presents you one goan man totally transformed in our shelter home. 
☆ Surya Chari , 60 + years,  Goan man , but got terribly lost due to alcohol . 
Has a family he says. 
Stayed with us almost 3 times in the last 4 years 
but that urge took him back to the streets. 
Last year, Oct 2020 , was so bad,  that his entire body was in Scabbies , dehydrated,  hungry and waiting to kick the bucket. 
♡♡ Thanks to Napolean Fernandes our Volunteer from Mapusa who took alot of trouble to convince Surya to get off the streets and convince me to give Surya another chance . 
Surya was really bad,  unclean, stinking and very very weak . 
If not picked in time from the streets , he would have not been around today . 
Photo attached of him that day in Oct 2020. 
Got him all cleant, medication & nourishment and back into shape . 
He does not have one eye . 
Its totally lost. Dead eye . Can't be fixed . 
Other eye had cataract which is much natural when u r on the streets. 
♡♡ Thank to Rotary Club of Mapuca for undertaking the cataract operation,  today Surya can see perfectly fine with one eye only . 
Got him a good pair of Spectacles and today Surya and Mario ( the man who we uploaded yesterday,  who lost his one leg and  who could not see in both eyes ) are cooking in one of the homes for 15 men all 3 meals. 
Attached a 2 min video of Surya cooking and talking in konkani as of today . 👇
We all took alot of trouble in speaking,  counseling,  showing Surya the reality,  that he needs to decide once and for all what he wants in life . 
I have observed in the last 4 years of the operation,  the younger men from other states ask for help,  but once they get their strength back say in 4 to 5 months , they go back to the streets as they feel they can earn money but end up living a miserable life resulting in death due to alcohol & tobacco. 
Whereas the elderly men and our Goan men some what stay back. 
Our focus is now more on Goan homeless men and men with disabilites  as there are too many migrants coming to Goa for work or sightseeing , getting into drugs and alcohol and then ending up on the streets. 
Even after helping them they refuse to go back home but again end up drinking on the streets. 
Its very frustrating and demoralizing for me when I see them back. 
Like Surya we have about 80 such more men all from the streets and 20 women who are all old and abandoned, who today are alive and active . 
Most if them are mentally challenged and on medication . 
They have a place to stay and warm food to eat. 
Watch the video and also see his picture when we picked him in Oct 2020. 
Huge difference. 
If you know such homeless Goan men who might require help and a chance to start life again then you can whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


26.8.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA is tirelessly working and rehabilitating the homeless street people only in state of Goa irrespective of their medical condition at the time of their admission. 
Today we present you A Young Goan homeless man Mr Mario Vaz from Cuncolim. 
Brought to us 3 years ago by Goa Police , directly from GMC . 
Mario was nearly blind in both eyes and one leg amputated. 
He used to work in a restaurant in Nuvem as a cook and would sleep and live there. 
Alcohol overtook him to an extent his diabetes was beyond 500. 
He lost vision in both eyes as there was some retina issues due to excess alcohol . 
He was amputated in GMC and lost his leg below his knee due to excess alcohol. 
Tall and heavy man. 
3 years back we were very new and inexperienced. 
Yet we took him in . 
Over the last 3 years we managed through generous donors to fix both his eyes by operating them at Vision Hospital Mapusa as it was a specialized operation. 
Eats anything and everything which causess his diabetes to shoot up . 
We took alot of trouble in the last 3 years controlling his Diabetes & pressure. 
We took many many trips to hospitals,  bought boxes of insulin strips to daily monitor his diabetes 3 times a day , etc. 
Today Mario can see much much better and has overcome his eating and drinking habits . 
Rotary Club Mapuca supported us  and got his eyes operated for cataract, free of cost. 
Diabetes and pressure now under total control. 
He now cooks in our home for about 15 people daily and is totally kept occupied. 
Attached a small video of him scrapping coconut sitting down on the scrapper. 👇
We now need support to fix his leg . 
He wishes to go back to the world , one day in the future and start work inspite of being homeless as alcohol and tobacco is totally banned in our homes . 
Mario Vaz is One of the most difficult cases we accepted , looked after and succeeded Upto 66% 
Will be 100% successful once we fix his leg . 
Mario is blessed and fortunate,  that Mr Rocky , Asst Sub Inspector of Goa Police saw his plight 3 years ago and brought him to our shelter home . 
Not an easy case to handle for any shelter home  especially when one is totally blind and amputated and everything is free. 
We @ Street Providence will continue to work towards helping and rehabilitating as many as possible who are homeless in Goa with priority given to our Niz Goenkar. 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


25.8.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA is about helping the homeless including those who are abandoned and lonely. 
For those who don't know about us , we run a small nursery where physically & mentally challenged men are kept occupied, but our primary service is Rehabilitation of the homeless men & women in Goa . 
We have two such senior citizen 75+ years who we write about today. 
Both of their videos attached which is 2 min each in Hindi. 👇
☆ 1. Red Cap 
Mr. Gangaram Kasbe 
Mapuli village, Pune
Wife and only son dead 
Plumber by profession 
With us last 2 years 3 months 
Brought 1 night by Goa police 
Was very unclean and In pathetic state 
Begging for survival 
Both legs were terribly damaged. 
☆ 2. Blue Cap
Mr Mallapa Gadekar
Akeri village , Sawantwadi 
Daughter is there but can't look after him 
Gardener by profession 
With us last 3 years 
Brought by Goa Police 
One leg was Rotten , other one bruised. 
Begging to survive on the streets 
His left leg still has an issue 
Today they are both healthy and blessing us daily. 
Even if we want to send them away,  they got no place to go . 
Not an easy task dealing with such old people but then we are doing the best we can . 
They wish to live , die and be cremated here by us . 
Many more such old abandoned men & ladies out there,  begging on streets for survival . 
These were the lucky ones which reached our homes . 
Its a big challenge running Free rehabilitation homes for the homeless. 
Both these men never ever troubled us . 
If any one reading this post is from these villages , pls let me know if their family is there or searching for them . 
If the family wants them back we will send or they can stay back with us. 
But should not leave this World Unknown . 
We try to provide place for both Goan & non Goan people and we do it in proportion specially if they are old , sick and homeless. 
Of Late due to a terrible space constraint we are going slow with admissions. 
Some cases bring tears to the eyes as it's really sad and bad . 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


23.8.2021  10am IST 
This post is about me, my job and our NGO . 
Your support is required and please support this request . 
☆ 1. Holding a job and running a NGO requires alot of time and energy as well as commitment. 
I am now doing retail door delivery for a few products which I work as an 
Asst Sales manager for my company. 
Attached a price list in a poster with the products. 
♡♡ Butter, cooking butter , lite butter , chiplets, mozarella & cheddar cheese blend  ,  process cheese , pizza cheese 
frozen paneer, Veg Mayo . 
Need to get reasonable sales targets with the lockdown being almost lifted to earn by bread & monthly salary . 
We were doing home delivery earlier,  but due to the increase in Covid cases coupled with rising petrol prices we had to stop home delivery. 
But even though petrol is high , the choices are limited,  but to restart home delivery services. 
☆ 2. Running an NGO , looking after the sick and the homeless is getting really expensive as prices are rising and everything is going beyond our reach . 
Sitting with huge manpower made us start a plants nursery. 
These are indoor oxygen generating plants which our men are trying to grow & sell so as to be self reliant . 
Attached a poster of just 6 variants . 
♡♡♡ Alovera, Peace Lily , Ficus , Snake plant , Ivy & Spider plant . 

Both in poly bags & in flower pots. 
These plants are grown & mixed in :
▪︎Coco Peat powder , 
▪︎Dry cow dung powder &
▪︎Each plant is coated with turmeric powder. 
Starting soon a big organic vegetable garden again which will be grown by the men in our home in an area of over 1000sq mts so as to generate income and be self reliant atleast in one of our men's home . 
Nursery is in Cavelossim and field is Carmona. 
These vegetables too will be home delivered shortly. 
Clubbing both, my job with the passion to serve the poor goan homeless people with disabilities through Our NGO , I request you to please buy these dairy products as well these indoor,  oxygen generating plants. 
With Covid creating a health issue,  these Oxygen generating indoor plants is the best part to have in your homes 
All our delivery staff are Goan men and we deliver you at your door step with complete hygiene and care. 
We are offering a scheme on dairy products : 
Upto Rs 1000 , 1 plant worth rs 75 free
Beyond Rs 1500 , 1 plant worth rs 150 free. 
You can also order plants and we will deliver the same . 
Here also we are offering the above scheme on plants. 
Incase you are running a restaurant,  bakery,  eatery or hotel , plesse give me some business for dairy products. 
We offer discounted rates for bulk orders and orders in cartoons for which you can call on 9823795699. 
You can order through the website : or through whatsapp on 8380097574 
Once again thank you all for the support. 
God bless 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


16.8.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST, GOA  today presents our  short stay / mid way home for men with disabilities and the result is very satisfying  to be happy about . 
On Independence day , the men in our home in Cavelossim,  hoisted a flag , sang the national anthem and cut the ribbon for a small nursery that is started in this premises in Cavelossim. 
Most of these men are mentally as well as intellectually disabled. 
We have a superb volunteer from Benaulim , Mr Orlando Mesquita , a full time civil Engineer who has been running this home for us for the last 4 months and has been associated with us for over 4 years . 
Orlando is a man with Green Fingers and can be contacted on 9011057972. 
With a huge man power at his disposable,  Orlando has started a small nursery in our home in Cavelossim. 
He makes the men husk the coconut outer shell and that produces Coco Peat powder which is very good for home & lawn garden plants. 
He also gets the men to dry cow dung and makes that into powder. 
Both these are mixed up and put in the soil which is used in the nursery. 
Please support these men with disabilites by buying these oxygen generating indoor plants which will be sold between 6 pm to 7 pm only by Orlando. 
Orlando occupies 6 such men everyday for about 4 hours daily. 
Orlando also uses another 6 men to clean up and get ready a big field in Carmona which he owns and is very fertile. 
On a trial basis , the men planted lady fingers covering an area of 100 Sq Mts and the results are astonishing. 
Fruit will be ready in 15 days . 
Come 8th Sept , Orlando and the men from this home will be cultivating a full fledged organic vegetable garden covering more than 1000 sq Mts which I can proudly say with confidence will be a big success . 
Like I said we have plenty of labour and this is the best way to run and utilize the man power. 
Many many people have been telling me for so many years that I am not utilizing the nan power at my homes. 
☆ 1st dealing with disabilities in men is not an easy task . 
☆ 2nd medication takes time to bring such wild and fierce men to normalcy. 
☆ 3rd any one wishing to help such men with mental disabilities need to feel and understand them and have a heart to work with these men with disabilities. 
Orlando has fitted the requirements and the criteria and results will be there for all to see. 
Attached a small video of 2 min 👇
▪︎1. The man who cut the ribbon is 77 years with Alzimers
▪︎2. The man who unfurled the flag is 75 years with some serious chest infection 
▪︎3. The young man giving the speech,  was one year ago crawling on his hands and feet,  in front of the motuary of District Hospital,  Mapusa , with serious drinking issues and totally lost his mind . 
We as a society on a whole ,  ie You and me together , can help towards the Goan PWDs ( People with Disabilties ) by creating such mid way / short stay homes across every constituency in Goa to bring that smile on their face as well give them something to look forward to in their life . 
As usual we require your support and blessings. 
Donations only through cheques / NEFT. 
We offer you 50% income tax exemption under section  80G. 
No cash donations accepted. 
We operate only through whatsapp on 8380097564 as network is an issue. 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


15.8.2021  6 pm IST 
 ♡♡ wishes you all 
A Very Happy Independence Day & Happy Feast of Assumption of Our Lady . 
Today we start a very important , complex & difficult project ” Registration for Disability Certifcate & UDID Card ” for People with Disabilities ( Pwds) in Goa. 
Which will ultimately lead to opening up of 40 short stay /mid way homes in all 40 constituencies for Pwds either funded through CSR or through the Central Government, but strictly for goans from that particular constituency. 
We are looking for Volunteers in all 40 constituencies of Goa who will have the time , energy, man power , commitment and desire to enroll close to 50000 Pwds as per my estimate. 
Pwd in Goa are in need to get registered with the Government but the paper work and trips to hospitals is what I understand is the hurdle. 
Official figures as of 2012 :
☆ Disabled in Goa                   32000+
☆ With disability certificate   12000+
☆ With UDID Cards                    4500+ 
My take is the nos should be 50000.( appr). 
Benefits of Disabilty Certificate & UDID :
▪︎Scholarship scheme for students 
▪︎Concession in railway
▪︎Free travel in state transport buses
▪︎Rebate in Income tax
▪︎Reservation in government jobs
▪︎Loan for starting own business 
▪︎Free medical facility in all government hospitals across India. 
▪︎Monthly dole varying between rs 1500 to rs 3000 
Role of the volunteer is defined in the poster attached. 
We also require volunteers who can enter the data into the online system in all constituencies as this process is an online one. 
Disability is one sector which has no religion , Caste , creed. 
Today we start our 1st Volunteer for entire Benaulim Constituency through Mrs Royla Fernandes. 
Volunteers can be :
☆ Social workers 
☆ Youth 
☆ Clubs 
☆ Ngo & Societies
☆ People who want to serve the society 
We also have as of today confirmed young  volunteers for the following constituencies :
♡ Quepem Mr Sanjil 9689579341
♡ Savordem Mr Aniket 7768992752
♡ Sanguem Mr Akshay 9834634312
♡ Curchorem Mr Akash 9527347126
♡ Benaulim Mrs Royla 9421359679 
Street Providence as an NGO Is not only going to stop at the registration part but in the coming year going to push for opening up 40 special homes in all 40 constituencies for Goans suffering from various disabilities with the local MLA or through our volunteer. 
Our 4 years as an NGO trying to eradicate hunger and Homelessness in Goa has made me understand that there is huge need to focus on people with disabilities as the nos are rising and rising quietly but surely. 
Reasons for increase in mental disability :
▪︎Job loss 
▪︎Abandoned parents 
▪︎Alcohol & banned substances 
▪︎Etc . 
We have 5 such homes in Goa , rehabilitating close to 90+ people of which 70 are PWD. 
Few years back we would pick such people from the streets. 
Today we are getting 3 to 4 requests a day from our own goan fellow citizens and we just can't accommodate. 
Each constituency will need to have such a home . 
Running such a home for people with disabilities is not difficult at all . 
Tomorrow I will upload details of one of our such homes in Cavelossim running last 3 years. 
This home last 4 months is taken care by our volunteer from Benaulim and the way he runs this home is amazing. 
He has tapped the man power in hand and Channelised all the energy into an amazing project  
But that's for tomorrow. 
Let's take a pledge today on India Independence Day to channelise our energy & resources towards poor goan people with disabilities. 
Once again all communication strictly through whatsapp only on 8380097564. 
Suggestions,  ideas,  criticism is all welcome. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


12.8.21  7pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE poor , SANGOLDA , GOA sends dry ration and other items to poor families in Curchorem & Khandepar suffering first due to pandemic and later due the floods. 
☆ ☆ Attached 2 pictures of the vehicles. 
No pictures attached of the beneficiaries. 
On 7th August we sent a hired rickshaw to Curchorem, which was approx worth 
rs 60000 which included dry ration , toiletries,  few utensils, eatables and clothes which was taken care by our volunteer Mr Akash. 
These were all collected through our collection centers across Goa . 
Today we sent our own Van loaded with 
50 dry ration kits worth rs 1000 each to Khandepar , Ponda , which will be distributed to poor families who have really lost alot and are suffering due to many many reasons. 
We also included some toiletries. 
These 50 kits will be distributed by a team set up and co ordinated by a Dynamic Asst Prof Mr S. Gaude who surveyed and verified these 50 families need help the most. 
When one looks at these villagers one understands the pain and suffering they are going through because of this pandemic where most livelihoods and jobs are lost, coupled with the floods . 
We as an NGO are trying our level best to support such families by sending Dry ration kits and other necessities to the poorest of the poor Goan families in rural Goa . 
We require your support and help to reach out to these Goan families who are poor and really in need of help 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Facebook :
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 /7020314848


3.8.2021 6 pm IST
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR , SANGOLDA , GOA today sent our 2nd vehicle for the flood affected areas of rural Goa today .
We thank our main benefactors :
♡♡ Goans4Goa, UK
♡♡ Mrs Nadine
♡♡ Mr Assis
♡♡ Mr Abbas Rishtey
We located a particular school in Dharbandora Taluka and we requested the nuns to distribute it to the needy In the near by villages headed by Sr Flory ( FMCK) the Principal.
Akash our volunteer had done a survey in these villages and he gave us a clear report of the help required by the villagers. 
The nuns did a survey in their school and exactly gave us a list of students who required note books from this school .
We sent the following items:
☆ A.
▪︎144 nos toothpaste
▪︎72 nos Tea powder 
▪︎72 nos Milk powder 
▪︎50 nos Bleaching powder
▪︎10 kgs sugar
▪︎10 kgs masoor Dal
▪︎60 packs big candles
▪︎144 nos toothbrushes
▪︎144 nos Lifebuoy soap 
▪︎96 nos Maggi noodles
▪︎60 nos Tiger biscuit 
▪︎90 nos Wheel soap 
♡♡ Thanks to Mrs Nadine for the 👆 items 
☆ B.
▪︎60 nos new plastic buckets & 
▪︎60 nos new plastic mugs
♡♡ Thanks to Assis for the 👆 items 
☆ C.
▪︎Note books for 40 students as requested by the concerned school with exact break up .
♡♡ Thanks to Goans4Goa, UK for 👆 the books 
☆ D.
▪︎Clothes well packed, ironed, washed & folded 
♡♡ Thanks to Abbas Rishtey from Bicholim 👆 for the above 
▪︎100 bedsheets , a few towels & a few pillow covers and other clothes. 
♡♡ Thanks to Akash Pednekar our volunteer from Curchorem & Sapnesh Salgaonkar our Operation Manager for the co ordination and going along with the Vehicle. 
This being a long trip from porvorim and it being the rainy season we did not load the vehicle too much .
We have many more trips in this particular taluka and other talukas 
Our collection drive across Goa is on till 7.8.2021 and should you wish to help people affected by the floods, then you can donate to us .
We have 14 centres across Goa to accept your donations in kind. 
It's not a OLD CLOTHES COLLECTION drive so please take note .
If anyone wishes to donate stationary like:
▪︎Note books 
▪︎Compass boxes 
Please do .
You can also donate only through Cheques / NEFT.
We don't accept cash neither will any of our volunteers ask you for cash. 
We offer you 50% income tax exemption under section 80G on your donations. 
If you have any trouble in reaching our volunteers phone no please get in touch with me through whatsapp on 8380097564.
No calling me please as the range is a big issue at my end .
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848