All posts by Jason Fernandes



10.12.2021  2pm IST 
Goa being a very small state, can be and should be Homeless Free . 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA works tirelessly towards this end by  getting off the streets as many  genuine homeless as is possible. 
( Professional Beggars & Drunkards usually don't stay in shelter homes). 
This is a complicated, expensive  and never ending Service towards the poor , hungry,  abandoned,  sick , disabled on the streets. 
The fact is that GOANS comprise 50% of these  homeless people.  
Addiction to  alcohol,  lack of medical treatment for existing mental disability  and poverty in the family result in them living on the streets. 
However this can change!!!!!! 
This post and the poster attached will explain how…….. 
If all Government Departments work together with NGOs and volunteers, HOMELESSNESS in Goa can be a thing of the past. 
Let me explain in detail the role of each :- 
☆ 1. POLICE :
When we see a homeless person, first we need to contact the local Police. 
They may bring the homeless to a hospital for treatment or to a shelter home for rehabilitation. 
We have noticed that Police Stations manned by emphatic and kind  Inspectors can report more cases of homeless, thus admitting more of them to hospitals/PHCs/UHCs and on recovery to our rehabilitation Homes.  
Once admitted by the Police for treatment, upon being discharged, the homeless person having no place to go is back on the streets. 
Palliative care in shelter/rehabilitation  homes like STREET PROVIDENCE  is necessary and imperative for full recovery of the person. 
If DHS  coordinated with the POLICE the discharge date, the person could directly be admitted into a Shelter/rehabilitation Home instead of languishing on the streets. 
DHS through Social workers networking with various Shelter/Rehabilitation homes is thus the need of the hour to help such homeless persons get another chance to restart their life anew instead of reaching the streets. 
Or DHS can appoint our volunteers as social workers on part time basis. 
☆ 3. IPHB & GMC :
Many a time, whilst residing at the Shelter Home,  the person has a relapse and needs to be readmitted to either IPHB/GMC. 
This is a rather frustrating exercise. 
Readmissions need to be  done speedily, without the need to keep an attendant 24 hours a day along with the sick person especially since STREET PROVIDENCE houses mentally challenged persons who need constant care . 
Periodic medical check ups at the Shelter Homes will go a long way in identifying the sick persons in Shelter/Rehabilitation Homes and treatment started early on would be beneficial too. 
Most Shelter Homes shy away from helping street people as Medical Institutions require attendants to be kept with the person, once admitted in the Hospital, which is a big drain on the resources of the Shelter Homes 
 Central Government & State Government have started a number of Schemes to assist Shelter/Rehabilitation Homes. 
WCD should encourage and assist shelter homes to apply for such schemes  and release the grants quickly once the necessary criteria is met. 
Women on the street are urgently in need care and compassion , as the emotional, mental and psychological damage endured during their time on the streets is hard or at times impossible to treat.  
Many of the  poor goans on the streets can and should be admitted and permanently sheltered at these homes if allowed by the law. 
This is a very  important department in assisting the poor , homeless,  disabled, etc . 
Central Government & State Government has initiated many Schemes and grants to help these persons. 
However it is near to impossible for an individual with little or no means and living on the street to satisfy the criteria ti avail of the help. 
If Shelter/ Rehabilitation Homes are  given priorty in completion of documentation for eligibility for Government Schemes on behalf of the  numerous needy persons, they could benefit from the Schemes. 
Grants should be distributed quickly without much delay . 
☆ 7. YOU :
How you reading this can help? 
VOLUNTEERS are the backbone towards achieving a HOMELESS STATE OF GOA. 
One could volunteer at a  hospital,  police station or  on the streets to identify the actual homeless . 
Be  a benefactor and help homeless Street persons live a life of dignity. 
If you run an  OLD AGED HOME,  take in only  1 such homeless person for FREE and care for that person just like the rest of your paid residents. 
Here we as Street Providence is responsible for everything including death , funeral and possible future health issues . 
If you work in a big Company/ organization,  use CSR funds to help NGOs in their outreach programs. 
Most importantly Pray and Bless the  work that is being done. 
During the last 4 years experience of helping the homeless Street people :
I have met and interacted with numerous 
Good officers in all of the above mentioned Departments.  
They are ready to help and assist cheerfully. 
However, if the entire system is  linked and Departments co -ordinate with one another, the Mission of ending “Hunger and Homelessness ” will be a reality. 
I have been trying last couple years of bridging the gap between all the dept as shown in the poster attached with this post . 
A sound and foolproof  plan is in place  to reduce and then  eradicate Homelessness in Goa . 
Trusting and hoping the Authorities concerned will work together with various NGOs to help end homeless in Goa. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


5.12.2021 4 pm IST 
With all humility and with profound happiness,  I have been awarded ” The Giving Economy Changemakers ” by The GEC organized by CROWDERA on 4.12.21 at Panjim Goa . 
The UN  had laid down 17  sustainable development  goals ( SDG) to transform our World in 2015 , and our NGO work is based on the first three goals. 
I had always told myself,  that under no circumstances would I ever apply for any award or would I accept any order as I believed that the work I do with my team is a calling from God . 
But after much persuasion by my team and after being nominated and informed by the organizers that I have been nominated,  I accepted the award and sent my details as required. 
Our work of :
☆ Ending poverty 
☆ Zero hunger 
☆ Better health facility to the disabled 
Is in sinc with the organizers objective of sustainable development  goals ( SDG) to transform our World. 
This award is dedicated to all our  Trustees ,
team members , volunteers , collaborators , benefactors , well wishers . 
Our Ngo , Street Providence runs a big complex operation , in Goa with a dedicated team and numerous volunteers and I am only one small part in this NGO. 
The success of any NGO also depends on various Government departments especially the operations we run in rehabilitation of homeless street people. 
And two particular departments I wish to thank :
Health & Police . 
By accepting this award , I understand that my team & myself can play our very small part to change and shape the lives of numerous poor goan people in Goa. 
In the new year , With the Grace of God and our benefactors,  our team will be reaching our to close to 150000 poor goan people . 
Yes,  One Lac , fifty thousand people. 
We have two big projects starting very soon . 
Will share the details later. 
Thanks to the organizers for conducting this felicitation ceremony in Goa this year and also recognizing the works of many other goans from different fields, who were felicitated at the same venue yesterday . 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


4.12.2021  11am IST 
♡♡♡ Wishing all A Very Happy Feast of St Francis Xavier! 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR, SANGOLDA, GOA partners with SSVP ( Society of St Vincent de Paul ) St Diogo Church , Guirim , Bardez , Goa to  feed simple breakfast to poor Goans in our village of Guirim – Sangolda . 
In May 2017 the 1st Food Freezer was inaugurated at Chogm road , Sangolda , and  SSVP members & the villagers of Guirim – Sangolda were part of this program as our volunteers. 
For a year onwards, Free food was served at night in the church at Guirim and many poor Goan families gratefullt accepted. 
However  by April 2020 as the Covid Pandemic raged across the world, Hotels,  eateries etc were shut and many  of our 38 Food Freezers across Goa had to stop the service. 
Dedicated Volunteers of SSVP – Mrs Aura & her husband Mr Lawrence started feeding breakfast at ARRADI GUIRIM . But the 2nd COVID wave forced  them to discontinue the service  in May 2021. 
Not one to give up easily, in October 2021 , they restarted this Food Freezer motivating  more SSVP members to join in, thus reaching out to more hungry people who needed an extra meal . 
ONE YEAR LATER  on 2.12.2021,  we inaugurated and blessed the SECOND Food Freezer  at ST ANTHONY VADDO, GUIRIM , at the residence of Mrs Fatima, mother of  Fr Valerian , a Capucian priest based in South Goa . 
3.12.3021 is the  Feast of St Francis Xavier (Goemcho Saib!) 
☆ 4.12.2021- TODAY we  inaugurate and bless the THIRD Food Freezer at LIVRAMENT VADDO , SANGOLDA at the residence of Mr. Constancio & Mrs Belinda . 
FOURTH Food Freezer is always running since inception in May 2017. 
♡♡ Thanks to Fr Anand , Parish Priest of St Diogo Church , Guirim for blessings these Food Freezers. 
St. Diogo Parish comprises of  2  villages i.e. Sangolda & Guirim with a total of 18 Vaddos under this Parish 
Free food will be served as follows:- 
▪︎2 parathas & Bananas twice a week &
▪︎2 parathas & 1 boiled egg . 
In addition, food deposited in the Freezers will also be distributed to the 47 families identified and helped by SSVP over the years, with an average of 4 members per family, 
Food Bank is reaching out to approximately 200 people through these 3 Food Freezers in Guirim/Sangolda. 
We @ the Food Bank are providing :
SSVP as a partner helps through :
VOLUNTEERS who install Freezers in their homes and bear the cost of the electricity bill  &
VOLUNTEERS  who heat up the food before distributing  at their own cost. 
CHRISTMAS ( Birth Of Christ) is round the corner and feeding the less fortunate is an excellent way to honour CHRIST. 
During the last  2 years,  we as  an NGO have  focused more on rescue and rehabilitation . 
However now we plan to re start the 34 food bank fridges ( 4 are already running) 
Please note –  Volunteers who do not wish to continue, may please return our Food Freezers back to us . 
Incase any Organisation ( with prior experience and with established track record ) wishes to partner with us to feed the hungry in villages ONLY , please get in touch with me on whatsapp on 8380097564. 
We will evaluate and decide whether we can accept the proposal. 
Looking for  COMMITMENT towards feeding  each and every needy Goan in your locality. 
EDIBLE excess food may be dropped in the above mentioned fridges in Sangolda & Guirim.
Please contact  volunteers – 
☆ Arradi  vaddo – Mr Lawrence 
☆ St Anthony vaddo – Mrs Fatima 
☆ Livrament vaddo –  Mrs Belinda 
☆ Bella Vista vado , Chogm Road  is open 24  × 7. 
Due to the upcoming Christmas festival , wedding season, other functions , etc extra food is always available but giving it away is an issue most of the times. 
Food banks fridges are the only solutions . 
You can also sponsor a breakfast incase you are celebrating your birthday, wedding anniversary   baptism, confirmation, thread ceremony , baby shower , death anniversary or just in Thanksgiving. 
You can directly pay the :
▪︎Paratha supplier or
▪︎Egg bills or
▪︎Banana supplier. 
With inflation reaching the roof and pricing off all food commodities rising steeply , the poorest of the poor goans are feeling the pinch . 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


1.12.2021  5 pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST,  SANGOLDA , GOA today completes 4 years , since we started our 1st shelter home for the homeless street people in porvorim on this day. 
Its been a wonderful experience In picking up close to 500 homeless people , right from 1.6.2017 till 30.11.2021 ( when for few months we were in NCH , calangute till 30.11.2017 ) . 
At one point of time we had 9 homes across Goa. 
Today I thank God for the Calling, which at times I wonder why me ? 
I must be one of the most impatient man , many of you have ever come across . 
But God gives me daily that little extra strength, love, Grace & patience. 
Plus I have a very big , team which is extremely PATIENT & COOL. 
Running rehabilitation homes dealing with people with multiple sickness , especially various types of disabilities requires patience which those who know me , will understand I am WORK IN PROGRESS regarding PATIENCE . 
Thanks to our :
♡ Trustees both past & present ,
♡ Generous benefactors, 
♡ Employees,volunteers, staff ,
♡ Government of Goa ,
♡ Archdiocese of Goa ,
♡ Sr Fatima & Sr Vandana,  FMCK congregation,
♡ St Michael Trust,  Assnora
♡ Numerous Government officers ,
♡ Goa Police, 
♡ All our landlords who have provided the homes at very low rent / free .
♡ Doctors at IPHB & GMC
♡ Etc. 
Without whose support these 4 years would not be possible. 
In 2019 , I dreamt of helping and rehabilitating 500 homeless such people in Goa . 
The dream derailed/ delayed due to 2 years of covid . 
But that dream is back on track and by this year end , we will have a capacity of 200 homeless people with 6 homes running across Goa . 
Still short of 500. 
Homeless and hunger is something which is increasing year by year . 
Alot of our own goans are turning homeless due to many reasons :
▪︎ Socio economic 
▪︎Job losses 
▪︎Migration by family members 
▪︎Disintegration of nucleus family like old days 
▪︎Change in lifestyle and fast life 
▪︎Etc . 
Few things I learnt in the last 4 years in the running of these rehabilitation homes :
☆ 1. Faith in God 
☆ 2. Grace of God 
☆ 3. Favour of God 
☆ 4. Patience ( which I am daily trying to develop ) 
Last before I end , I must shout out and thank the current team who assist 
me 24 * 7 :
▪︎1. Joanita Pinto , Adv Caroline , Freddy Mendez
▪︎2. Sapnesh Salgaonkar & Orlando Mesquita 
▪︎3. Douglas Pinto & Sudarshan Chari 
▪︎4. Mrs Tanaya & Miss Tanvi 
▪︎5. John Pinto & Akash Pednekar
▪︎6. Sr Lilian & Sr Rekha ( FMCK ) 
There are many people who know me and the above team who run this big complex operation and surely you must be wondering how does all these cool and calm people actually gel and work with this impatient and ever demanding and strict man. 
The answer is simple ” where I am weak , they are strong , where they are weak I am strong “. 
I am WORK IN PROGRESS on acquiring more PATIENCE . 
Once again with all humility , I say thank you all for the prayers , wishes and blessings during these last 4 years . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


26.11.2021   5pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST, SANGOLDA, GOA gets this helpless, abandoned man off the bus stop from CHICALIM,  VASCO , GOA all with the support of Vasco Police Inspector Mr Nilesh Rane . 
For over 2 months, this man has made  the 
bus stop his home. 
Atleast 6 to 8 people in the last 15 days requested me to get him off that place as it was really pathetic state. 
The issue is we are overloaded on a daily basis but we sure to help. 
Joseph Noronha , a senior citizen from chicalim followed the instructions which I gave him and the result is there for all to see. 
Joseph contacted the Inspector few days back , who assured Joseph that the man will be picked up and sent to street Providence. 
All major police stations are already overloaded with bandobast, dignitary visits , etc and no one usually gives much importance to such homeless requests. 
But Inspector Nilesh today inspite of being completely short staff , I mean short staff,  got his Psi Mr Swapnil to pick this man . 
Psi Swapnil had a little tough time , but got him into his car , took him to the Chicalim health centre,  did his basic medical and took him to the station at Vasco for his NOC and handed over to us. 
Good human being Mr Swapnil . 
He could have avoided picking this man , as the man actually ran away from the bus stop when he saw the police. 
But PSI did not give up. 
This man was totally unclean but very quite , not abusive and destructive. 
The Vasco Police,  gave him some lunch , a little nice shirt and slippers as he was bare foot. 
I observed when a particular Police Inspector is  ” pro homeless and abandoned street people ” the staff is very understanding and helpful towards our requests and such homeless people. 
But if there is EGO & ATTITUDE then it's very difficult to get the homeless of the streets from that particular police jurisdiction. 
We got this man finally off the streets , it took a few days,  but we got the job done. 
Says his name is Ramdev. 
Please give us a few days to execute your requests whenever you contact us . 
We have never ever avoided providing help to such requests. 
It takes a few days but we will help as all of us are children of God . 
Incase anyone recognises him , please let me know through whstsapp on 8380097564. 
If you know such people who require help in Goa, stuck up on roads, bus stops , hospitals, gardens, etc please reach out and talk to them and see what help they require. 
Always go to the nearest police station and complain. 
We don't pick any one without proper verification by the Police. 
If our assistance is required,  pls whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
If we can help we will let you know on the spot , yes or no . 
Some cases are beyond our capacity. 
But we can try . 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


24.11.2021  5 pm IST 
A 70 years old goan widow picked up by STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA , and in the  last 13 days, she  has been living and sleeping in the vicinity of a hospital . 
Thanks to Mapusa Police Station,  who did her verification,  we have moved her into our shelter home. 
When this case reached me 4 days back and I saw her video , I felt like crying . 
Video is in konkanni . 👇
For us religion , Caste,  creed,  which state , etc is not important. 
If it's a human and we can help , we will help,  rest I don't care and I don't ask questions. 
Quite often the cases are complicated and from families and we just can't complie with. 
First of all , she is old , a widow,  sick,  rejected,  sleeping and waiting for help in public places in the vicinity of a hospital, yet no help for 13 days. 
And everyday it's raining cats and dogs . 
Women Law officers / Pink Law officers,  all talk . 
This lady can be any one mother , grand mother   aunty , relative , etc. 
This particular area has weekly 2 to 3 homeless people loitering around . 
Lady is tired, stressed and weak . 
She had a nice clean up , warm bath and I am sure she will sleep peacefully for the next few days. 
Will look into her medical part in the next few days . 
Just incase anyone knows her or recognises her and her family let me know through whatsapp on 8380097564. 
She can stay with us as long as she wishes. 
We are in the festive season and what better way to bring a cheer on a poor homeless desperate sick goan widow rather than just walking away thinking ” it's not my concern “. 
We require your support. 
If any Government hospital in Goa has such homeless who require help after treatment in the hospital and no place for them to go , pls get in touch with me thru whatsapp on 8380097564. 
It's easy to admitt such people directly from the hospital rather finding them on the streets 
If you know such people who require help in Goa, stuck up on roads, bus stops , hospitals, gardens, etc please reach out and talk to them and see what help they require. 
Always go to the nearest police station and complain. 
We don't pick any one without proper verification by the Police. 
If our assistance is required,  pls whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
If we can help we will let you know on the spot , yes or no . 
Some cases are beyond our capacity. 
But we can try . 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


17.11.2021   8pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA requires your help to renovate this home which can accommodate 80 old,  homeless , sick & men with disabilites at Quepem . 
With our 3 mens  homes already overloaded we have decided a few months back to start another home. 
Our search took us to Quepem a few months back. 
A Very big home with the 20 rooms in total, built 
on two floors enough to hold 80 men , with 4 in each room and each room having individual rest rooms. 
A perfect place for rehabilitation in nature ,  surrounded with greenery.. 
Fr Lucio, Episcopal Vicar for South Zone , today blessed the commencement of the renovation work estimated at Rs 15 lacs , in the presence of our Volunteer Mr Orlando Mesquita, Akash Pednekar and the owner of the building and their family members. 
Home was built in 2011 by the landlord as he desired to help the poor and the homeless but due to reasons beyond his control the home never took off. 
As it has been closed last 10 years , the infrastructure has lost some of its strength and renovation is the need of the hour for us before admission starts. 
Attached a small video of the building and the different types of work to be undertaken. 
We require :
▪︎Cement bags & sand 
▪︎Wall tiles 
▪︎Floor tiles 
▪︎Plumbing material 
▪︎Electrical material 
▪︎Cutlery,  crockery
▪︎Etc . 
And alot of other items to get this house up & running . 
You can also sponsor a room in memory of a loved one or in thanks giving for blessings received from God and we will put up the name on the room sponsored. 
We recently celebrated the festival of Lights 
” DIWALI ” & we will be approaching the Birth of Jesus Christ  ” CHRISTMAS ” , and what better way to help the poor and needy , by supporting us in this home with your blessings either through the material required or through your donations during this Festive season of Lights and Festive season of Giving . 
All our mens home are not Government funded and we have to daily raise resources, as we daily are practically picking the homeless from streets, bus stops, hospitals, etc strictly through Goa Police and most of the people in our homes are provided free food,  clothes , medication , transportation to hospitals , etc . 
To all our Benefactors who have stood by us and are still standing , ” without your blessings we not have reached this far in such a short time of 4 years “. 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


16.11.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA , gets off the streets of Goa , under the flyover , at Bambolim Goa ,
Mr Ashish raju Dube, originally from Pune at 5pm on 15.11.2021. 
Ashish was so weak, dehydrated and malnourished,  that when I saw him on 15.11.21 at 8.30 am , he could barely stand and was depending on the pillar of the flyover to walk. 
I called my team and we decided to help him in the evening. 
Goa Police @ Agassiam Police station was informed who were physically present when he was picked up . 
Video attached of 2 min . 👇
Ashish skull / head as per the picture is completely stitched and since who knows when, he has been under that flyover. 
Various people told us he has been there last 
3 to 4 days . 
I mean it's really dangerous to be living right on the road,  with pain of the operation, hunger, the rain , the mosquitoes , etc . 
And no one did anything in those 4 days to get him off that road . 
With so many flyover being built in Goa, these  underbridges are turning out to be a spot for such homeless people to stay till help reaches them . 
We had actually gone to help / to pick another elderly homeless bearded man who was sleeping in the same spot , but on seeing the police he ran away from there. 
It's going to be a difficult job understanding Ashish and the stitches to his head . 
In the last 24 hours , Mr Ashish is sleeping like a small kid . 
Too much of pain and stress he has gone through . 
If any one recognises him or knows him , please contact me on 8380097564 . 
Young man , may be from the labour line . 
Can't tell anything as of now but surely he is in pain . 
Practically everyday we get calls to pick the homeless. 
Picking is not an issue . 
The issue is :
▪︎1. All homes are overloaded 
▪︎2. Once a man is picked,  the care giver requires atleast 7 days to stabilize each such man .
▪︎3. Getting them daily to hospitals for various checkups and follow ups . 
It takes alot of time , energy and resources moving these sick homeless people to hospitals for daily dressings,  follow up,  checking. 
With many such cases already in hand it gets tight on the care giver to handle so many cases at one time. 
And none  of them have valid ID or case papers so that adds to the cost in the hospitals. 
If any Government hospital in Goa has such homeless men ( not women ) who require help after treatment in the hospital and no place for them to go , pls get in touch with me thru whatsapp on 8380097564. 
It's easy to admitt such men directly from the hospital rather finding them all messed up on the streets with no case papers. 
If you know such people who require help in Goa, stuck up on roads, bus stops , hospitals, gardens, etc please reach out and talk to them and see what help they require. 
Always go to the nearest police station and complain. 
We don't pick any one without proper verification by the Police. 
If our assistance is required,  pls whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
If we can help we will let you know on the spot , yes or no . 
Some cases are beyond our capacity. 
But we can try . 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


15.11.2021  7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA,  pays our humble tribute to late Sr Augusta Dsouza, from Holy Cross , Khorlim, Mapusa, Goa, who died on 14.11.21 and was buried today. 
♡♡♡ A nun , a teacher by profession & a social worker is who Sr was, but I describe her as a wonderful human being ! 
In 1990 , Sr Agusta was awarded a National award for being the best teacher in India by the Late President of India Sir R.Venkataraman in New Delhi. 
☆ In early 2019, I happened to receive an encouraging whatsapp message from Sr Agusta, regarding our work towards the homeless & hungry . 
That was the seed she sowed in our NGO at the age of 81 years in 2019. 
Over the next few months , she would arrange groceries , clothes etc for our rehabilitation homes. 
Casually one day while I was sitting with 
Sr Agusta , we were discussing about poor homeless women and I saw something in her eyes. 
Although she was 81 years old ,  home bound due to her age with partial hearing problems ,  yet she shared my passion of rehabilitation of homeless street women. 
I casually asked her ” Sr, why doesn't your congregation work with our NGO & togther we can live our passion “. 
That's all . 
She took the suggestion and put me on to quite a number of Nuns and even introduced me to the Provincial who had just taken over . 
Sr Agusta introduced us to Remanso Hospital which is run by their congregation and is a big help to our homeless people during any medical emergencies. 
Sr Agusta after her retirement from teaching and being a headmistress in numerous of their schools worked ceaselessly for the welfare of poor women and try to help them . 
That's how Sr Agusta could connect with me. 
On the intervention of  Sr Agusta we actually started a home for alcoholic street women in mid 2020 with the support of the Provincial. 
But due to the 1st wave of Covid and heavy rainfall during the entire June,  July,  August 2020 , we closed down the home as admitting alcoholic ladies from the Government hospitals during Covid posed a problem. 
It was to scary at that time in June 2020 and with mutual consent, I understood that the risk is too high, should something go wrong with the nuns in this home. 
She was a bit disappointed but she said ” don't lose heart , I have sowed the seeds , Rest we leave to God “. 
But we always kept in touch and Sr Agusta would arrange benefactors for our work and send me encouraging messages. 
I was aware that her health was failing and yesterday she breathed her last . 
But she tried to always help anyone and all who ever require help . 
I am sure Sr Agusta's wish was to have a home in Goa , supported by her congregation , to help the 
homeless street alcoholic women . 
And I would love to live that dream by starting such a home for alcoholic women supported by her congregation. 
It will be a perfect gift , tribute, memory to the seed which she sowed and said ” Rest we leave to God “. 
I end by saying ” Farewell Sr Agusta , I learnt many things from you in our short association”. 
Surely your soul is resting in Peace!
“You have finished the race” now its mine and our turn to run that same race for which  you sowed the seeds.
God bless you all.
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020324848


14.11.2021  5pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA, picks this homeless man Mr Altaf , from Chicalim Health Centre , two days ago . 
Altaf was admitted into Chicalim Health centre on 24th October by the police . 
Alcohol over took  him completely so much that he has been diagnosed with Alcoholic Liver disease as per his case papers. 
From 27th Oct till 11th Nov he was treated at GMC & referred back to Chicalim. 
Very un co operative and aggressive. 
Plenty of reasons. 
But so weak that he could not get up and stand by himself. 
Video attached. 👇
Can't control his toilet habits and totally incapacitated , on pampers as he has lost control of his bowel moments. 
Sounds sad and complicated. 
When Dr Anil called me asking if I can help with rehab , I said yes . 
I knew it was difficult,  but two days ago , similar type of case was there outside at Chicalim slope . 
Another young man, but did not want to stay in a hospital and very very violent was sleeping on the road . 
That man had created a ruckus and broke things in the hospital. 
It was too complicated to handle. 
For Altaf , it was going to be a little easy as we had his case history and he had not yet moved out of the hospital but neither can he be kept back as he needed shelter to recover. 
Our team when shown the pictures too were hesitant. 
I explained ” if we only pick the good people then God will substitute us “. 
We need to help or atleast attempt to try to rehab him . 
Explained to Dr Anil and my team ” if in 7 days,  we can't manage,  we will send him back to the hospital “. 
All agreed. 
☆ 12th Nov , Douglas went to pick him. 
He too was in doubt ( which he has a right to be ) whether we are going to be able to help and rehab Altaf . 
” ABILITY ” and if we try on our own will to rehab Altaf , we will not succeed,  but we need to ask God for that strength to help Altaf recover . 
Douglas picks Altaf at 2 pm comes to IPHB , gets him examined and medicines are prescribed. 
I am monitoring this man on the CCTV continously every 2 hours . 
12th Night : report says he is too aggressive and he can't eat . 
13th early morning we send Milk , Ensure & Eggs. 
Iphb Medication is taking effect but very slowly . 
13th Night : report says he is eating but can't control his toilet movements  not standing without help , not interested to walk . 
I ask the care giver to see with his eyes and believe that Altaf is standing,  using the wash room, attempting to walk. 
The care giver if not motivated and encouraged on time to time basis , will also get demoralized and results will not be there quickly . 
Negative energy will slowly creap in and we will hit a road block. 
14th morning : report says things have improved slightly as the Ensure and milk and eggs is what he can eat . 
Today 1 pm : Altaf walked slowly 100 meters by himself , with the care giver by his side. 
In the next 7 days, I believe with  Faith and with the support of the care giver, that Altaf is back on track to fully able to use the washroom,  eat by himself,  have a bath by himself and take care of himself. 
Last two & half days , Altaf has to be fed and attended to 24 hours continuously. 
I thank God for we being able to reach out and accept Altaf into our home, inspite of his condition being extremely bad . 
I can't post certain pictures when we picked him . 
None of our care givers in all our men's home are having any medical qualifications and any sort of training to handle such difficult cases. 
It's just the passion, attitude and desire to go beyond what the eyes can see that makes these care givers do their calling. 
All our men caregivers were themselves in the past on the streets in pathetic conditions once upon a time,  so its easy for them to understand pain, rejection , etc . 
If any Government hospital in Goa has such homeless men ( not women ) who require help after treatment in the hospital and no place for them to go , pls get in touch with me thru whatsapp on 8380097564. 
It's easy to admitt such men directly from the hospital rather finding them all messed up on the streets with no case papers. 
If you know such people who require help in Goa, stuck up on roads, bus stops , hospitals, gardens, etc please reach out and talk to them and see what help they require. 
Always go to the nearest police station and complain. 
If our assistance is required,  pls whatsapp me on 8380097564. 
If we can help we will let you know on the spot , yes or no . 
Some cases are beyond our capacity. 
But we can try . 
We require your support and help to reach out to them who are HELPLESS & homeless. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO. 
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy . 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848