10.12.2021  2pm IST 
Goa being a very small state, can be and should be Homeless Free . 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA works tirelessly towards this end by  getting off the streets as many  genuine homeless as is possible. 
( Professional Beggars & Drunkards usually don't stay in shelter homes). 
This is a complicated, expensive  and never ending Service towards the poor , hungry,  abandoned,  sick , disabled on the streets. 
The fact is that GOANS comprise 50% of these  homeless people.  
Addiction to  alcohol,  lack of medical treatment for existing mental disability  and poverty in the family result in them living on the streets. 
However this can change!!!!!! 
This post and the poster attached will explain how…….. 
If all Government Departments work together with NGOs and volunteers, HOMELESSNESS in Goa can be a thing of the past. 
Let me explain in detail the role of each :- 
☆ 1. POLICE :
When we see a homeless person, first we need to contact the local Police. 
They may bring the homeless to a hospital for treatment or to a shelter home for rehabilitation. 
We have noticed that Police Stations manned by emphatic and kind  Inspectors can report more cases of homeless, thus admitting more of them to hospitals/PHCs/UHCs and on recovery to our rehabilitation Homes.  
Once admitted by the Police for treatment, upon being discharged, the homeless person having no place to go is back on the streets. 
Palliative care in shelter/rehabilitation  homes like STREET PROVIDENCE  is necessary and imperative for full recovery of the person. 
If DHS  coordinated with the POLICE the discharge date, the person could directly be admitted into a Shelter/rehabilitation Home instead of languishing on the streets. 
DHS through Social workers networking with various Shelter/Rehabilitation homes is thus the need of the hour to help such homeless persons get another chance to restart their life anew instead of reaching the streets. 
Or DHS can appoint our volunteers as social workers on part time basis. 
☆ 3. IPHB & GMC :
Many a time, whilst residing at the Shelter Home,  the person has a relapse and needs to be readmitted to either IPHB/GMC. 
This is a rather frustrating exercise. 
Readmissions need to be  done speedily, without the need to keep an attendant 24 hours a day along with the sick person especially since STREET PROVIDENCE houses mentally challenged persons who need constant care . 
Periodic medical check ups at the Shelter Homes will go a long way in identifying the sick persons in Shelter/Rehabilitation Homes and treatment started early on would be beneficial too. 
Most Shelter Homes shy away from helping street people as Medical Institutions require attendants to be kept with the person, once admitted in the Hospital, which is a big drain on the resources of the Shelter Homes 
 Central Government & State Government have started a number of Schemes to assist Shelter/Rehabilitation Homes. 
WCD should encourage and assist shelter homes to apply for such schemes  and release the grants quickly once the necessary criteria is met. 
Women on the street are urgently in need care and compassion , as the emotional, mental and psychological damage endured during their time on the streets is hard or at times impossible to treat.  
Many of the  poor goans on the streets can and should be admitted and permanently sheltered at these homes if allowed by the law. 
This is a very  important department in assisting the poor , homeless,  disabled, etc . 
Central Government & State Government has initiated many Schemes and grants to help these persons. 
However it is near to impossible for an individual with little or no means and living on the street to satisfy the criteria ti avail of the help. 
If Shelter/ Rehabilitation Homes are  given priorty in completion of documentation for eligibility for Government Schemes on behalf of the  numerous needy persons, they could benefit from the Schemes. 
Grants should be distributed quickly without much delay . 
☆ 7. YOU :
How you reading this can help? 
VOLUNTEERS are the backbone towards achieving a HOMELESS STATE OF GOA. 
One could volunteer at a  hospital,  police station or  on the streets to identify the actual homeless . 
Be  a benefactor and help homeless Street persons live a life of dignity. 
If you run an  OLD AGED HOME,  take in only  1 such homeless person for FREE and care for that person just like the rest of your paid residents. 
Here we as Street Providence is responsible for everything including death , funeral and possible future health issues . 
If you work in a big Company/ organization,  use CSR funds to help NGOs in their outreach programs. 
Most importantly Pray and Bless the  work that is being done. 
During the last 4 years experience of helping the homeless Street people :
I have met and interacted with numerous 
Good officers in all of the above mentioned Departments.  
They are ready to help and assist cheerfully. 
However, if the entire system is  linked and Departments co -ordinate with one another, the Mission of ending “Hunger and Homelessness ” will be a reality. 
I have been trying last couple years of bridging the gap between all the dept as shown in the poster attached with this post . 
A sound and foolproof  plan is in place  to reduce and then  eradicate Homelessness in Goa . 
Trusting and hoping the Authorities concerned will work together with various NGOs to help end homeless in Goa. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848