10.7.2022  5 pm IST 
Love thy neighbor.  But who is thy neighbor ? 
Exactly 4 months ago, Street Providence was requested to help this man Siddhu Das who was just lying on the streets of panjim for over 2 months. 
This is the original link ,  4 months ago when we picked him along with another man 👎 
Siddhu Das was unable to move , was living in dirt , unable to get up. 
In his words ” waiting to die “.  Hear his video it's in hindi . 👇
Would drink alcohol daily which made him in the state you see him earlier. 
We took him in, cleant him and got him medically examined, started his medication and slowly he was made to believe that he will live a long life but he has to work towards his recovery. 
Daily his legs were massaged with oil by another homeless man who was like him in the same condition. 
Siddhu suddenly developed a liking to live and showed the commitment to respond to the treatment. 
Last 3 weeks he has been brought every alternate day to our Physiotherapy sessions at Sangolda and that has hastened his recovery. 
His muscles and veins had been totally destroyed by alcohol which resulted in him being unable to stand and walk . 
After his detoxification, total no alcohol, nutritious food , medication, massage and now Physiotherapy, I can say he is 90% fit . 
He had really given up his willingness to live when he was on the streets for those 2 months and today he is grateful that he has another chance to live . 
Once fully recovered, he will stay back and work for two years, helping the others who will be coming in like him to recover in our shelter Home 
It's was not easy stabilizing Siddhu in the 1st few days due to his alcohol and muscles issues,  but in the last 5 years our NGO staff has acquired the art of looking after homeless street people with mental disabilities as well as chronic alcohol related issues with complete ease . 
This is my neighbour & your neighbour 
( for those who heard today Sunday reading ) 
Just 4 months back Siddhu had to be lifted from the streets on a stretcher and brought to our home,  but today standing straight and walking just perfectly fine . 
Most of the time , admissions like Siddhu case reaches a state of complete recovery both in the mind and in the body. 
95 % we have been successful in handling such extreme cases of immobility to complete recovery. 
With additional ammunition in the form of our New Physiotherapy centre, we are sure to get help to many many such cases in a lesser amount of time . 
The best part of our REHABILITATION program is ” recovered homeless men stay back as a sign of gratitude to help those who require help ” 
Please support our NGO. 
You get 50% deduction / rebate under section 80G of the INCOME TAX act, once you donate to our NGO. 
We accept only CHEQUES / NEFT with your pan card copy . 
For those who wish to know more about us you can follow us on social media 
Twitter : @streetproviden1 
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848