25.3.2021  8pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA accepts into our home a young Goan lady, abandoned by her near & dear ones due to many many reasons. 
This lady was in hospital for over 2 years and no one was willing to take her home. 
Very sad to be in a hospital for such a long time and not knowing when u r going to be out back into the world to start life afresh must be all the more frustrating. 
Many letters sent to the family but no success. 
Admitted through MO.
We were informed 1 month back by 
The Asst Prof of this hospital who is an  Expert on disability whether we can rehabilitate in our home this Goan lady who also is on medication ( for the mind ).
We agreed but paperwork was the issue. 
If we would not agree , the lady would be back on the streets and after a few days would be again be admitted in the hospital with a MO.
Happened twice before. 
Street to hospital,  again discharged,  again Street and then again admitted. 
Once she discontinue the medicines, she acts crazy,  shouts,  moves on the streets etc. 
She requires some one to administer her medication daily. 
♡♡ Thanks to the Inspector of Mapusa Police Station @ Goa Police,  who understood the plight of this lady and immediately got her family to do the paper work and admitted her into 1 of our shelter homes .
Young lady but , abandoned by her husband due to issues. 
Parents are poor and they can't manage her. 
Only solution Is a rehabilitation home. 
We are blessed that we managed to rehabilitate her in one of our ASSOCIATE HOME where the nuns will look after her.
We have our 2nd ladies home starting soon where close to 20 such ladies from the hospital who are abandoned and on medication for the mind will be looked after. 
Your support is very important in our rehabilitation of homeless street women. 
Summer is pretty bad and surely the monsoons will be harsh .
If you know such poor , abandoned homeless street Goan woman ( priority) then it's time to help them to get to a proper rehabilitation home and get them back on track. 
Your support is what we require
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .

Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 702031484