6.3.2021 8pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA admits this 78 year old man Neil Newton into our home today. 
For the last 10 days approx Neil Newton has been on the streets of south Goa desperate to get into a home .
Hungry , lost , frustrated and tired is what I can conclude. 
4.3.2021 , 9 pm , Cpt Venzy Viegas , spots him at Navelim as shown in the attached video and calls me .
Since it's a bit far and a bit late , I assure Cpt Venzy that 5th morning we will surely get him into our home, inspite of writing 2 days back we are completely full and not accepting anyone. 
But Neil is 78 years , tired and frustrated. 
5th morning John Baptist our food bank volunteer from Margao, searches for Neil in Navelim but not to be found.
The SSVP members from NAVELIM church too try to search Neil but no result. 
Today 1.30pm , I get a call from a lady from COMBA, Margao, requesting for help .
Described Neil to me .
I call John & Cpt Venzy and within 30 min , John located Neil .
Thanks to that lady , she runs a parlour in COMBA .
When I was small I was taught , that we need to save the homeless from the darkness. 
Here I and my team are saving the homeless daily .
Margao police did their part and with 3.30pm , Neil is in our home .
Looks like he needs to sleep for the next 3 to 4 days. 
Neil is fatigued, tired, rejected and shaken and slight infection of SCABBIES. 
For many days he was searching for help to get off the streets. 
And Neil is not the only one in south Goa looking for help. 
I am aware that about 25 to 30 such men are desperate for help. 
But this is only going to get worse as summer peaks and monsoon starts. 
How many homeless can still be saved from a cruel summer and a stormy monsoon ahead ?
But where is the home?
Moment I get a call to rehab a homeless, I am not at peace till help is provided to that person on the streets. 
We are daily trying to do our part by picking up continously homeless street people on case to case basis. 
But without a big big home its next to impossible. 
Today, we are one way happy that Street Providence is recognized across Goa for rehabilitating homeless people. 
But on the other way we are heart broken that many requests to house homeless mem are turned down due to this big big home being shut down. 
A home which could have easily accommodated all the homeless in entire South Goa .
And when I refuse to rehabilitate the caller gets offended. 
But no one understands to rehabilitate space and a big home is required which we are desperately trying to get , hire, lease or even buy .
You reading this post can solve my problem by giving us a big home to get more people off the streets and give them new life .
Please DONATE generously towards our NGO .
We offer you 50% , income tax exemption under Section 80G.
Donations in cheque/ NEFT with your pan card copy. 
Twitter : @streetproviden1
YouTube channel 
and subscribe and if you agree with our work then please like and share 
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848