8.3.2021 9am IST 
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY is a day of solidarity for us all to celebrate the achievements of women. 
Its also a day to reflect upon the issues woman face in this world. 
I share about homeless street woman who at times are also suffering from various types of disabilities 
For me this day acts as an opportunity to reflect and admire on the patience, strength and resilience of the caregivers in our women's Shelter Home .
Homelessness is depressing.
Our caregiver Sr Diana, looks after these homeless Street women rescued by Street Providence . 
75% of these women suffer from mental ill health – depression, schizophrenia, anxiety , mood disorders etc.. 
A normal day in the Shelter Home involves ensuring :
☆ they have all 3 meals, 
☆ regular medication, 
☆ daily bath, 
☆ exercise and outdoor walks, 
☆ motivational talk to encourage good 
☆ behaviour……the list is never ending.
A mood disorder in one inmate, can turn a very peaceful morning into a hectic one with Sr Diana , doing all she can to calm her down through talk theraphy and medication.
▪︎ ( Note : the women in the picture are from the streets , abandoned, totally on medication and require constant monitoring on a daily basis. 

Non are fit to work in any private homes as maids . So please no requests.)
On Women's Day today, we at SP, salute the FMCK sisters for caring for our women inmates and thank Sr Fatima and Sr Vandana.
Infact FMCK congregation has given these homeless woman a beautiful home to shelter these once young and able bodied women.
Difficult to explain, but on 1 hand you have FMCK nuns giving you care givers and a beautiful fully loaded home practically free of cost to be used to house homeless street women .
On the other hand , a similar congregation who once believed me and worked and supported me , shut down a home big enough to house more than 300 such homeless people. 
FMCK congregation has been doing a wonderful service in the field of homelessness concerning woman who are on the streets. 
Its will close to 3 years, that FMCK nuns provide woman power through their nuns who volunteer as caregivers to look after homeless street woman rescued and picked up by us in their home .
A difficult and complicated service. 
We have had our share of ups & downs, agreements & disagreements, but the very fact its 3 years and counting makes this woman day special. 
If not for supportt from the Local Provincial, Sr Vandana , this service would not have been running 3 years till date .
Many times its difficult for a congregation to work with a lay organisation and that too where the services are full time and in house 24×7.
But with Sr Vandana its always made easy as she too understands homelessness suffered by woman on the streets. 
We tried to spread this service of addressing homelessness faced by street women to other congregations, but met with failure as serving the homeless street woman is not an easy service / apostolate.
Most of the woman in our homes are on medication but what stands out is that in this home the woman today are able to do their own chores under the supervision of Sr Diana and they now can understand and realise that they are much safer in a home rather than on the street .
Our Physiatrist Doctot plays his part by visiting this women home often and advising Sr Diana on medication issues .
♡♡ I thank God for FMCK congregation who also have included homelessness in their apostolate.
To all our :
♡ Women trustees,
♡ Women volunteers – both past and present,
♡ Woman benefactors 
♡ Woman caregivers – past and present,
♡ Nuns who collaborated with us – past & present ,
♡ Nurses – who worked with us in the past. 
♡♡ We @ Street Providence, wish you a Happy Womans day today. ♡♡ 
As a woman please try to address the serious issue of :
homeless woman on the streets, abandoned in hospitals, 
woman who are begging for food ,
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848