30.4.24. 10 pm IST 
5 factories @ Verna donate food enough to feed 15000 meals in the entire month of April 24.
STREET PROVIDENCE beginning of April 24 started two new initiatives to feed the hungry & help those in hospitals.
This post is about feeding the hungry.
Well we associated with 10 big factories in Verna Industrial Area to collect their extra cooked canteen food starting 1.4.24
Of the 10 factories, we started collecting food from 5 factories from 1.4.24 and one factory joined in on 24.4.24. ( 4 more yet to start).
☆ Well 5000+ kgs was donated by these 6 factories for the entire month of April 24 enough to feed 15000 meals as 1 kg food = 3 meals
♡♡♡ We thank the management & owners  of these companies for supporting this initiative and for allowing us to put our freezers in their factories to store their Night food and morning breakfast.
Lunch we collect daily which is pipping hot.
Every afternoon we collect all this food – hot & cold food in our vehicle which has a digital scale carried along and each factory food donated is weighed and listed down.  That's how we got these exact figures.
Infact we even shared the individual kgs of food donated by each company to the respective HR manager of these companies.
♡♡♡ We also thank the 10 benefactors who donated fridges to be installed in these 10 factories.
The most satisfying part is in our 3 shelter Homes in South Goa catering to 80+ inmates suffering with severe mental disabilities, our food costs reduced by a whopping 80% in this month which is like a few lacs of Rupees
80 inmates * 3 meals * 30 days = 7200 meals is the quality of food consumed in our south Goa homes itself.
Some quality is daily taken back to our base at porvorim for our 7 homes in the north.
Rest of the food we give daily to other NGO homes as well as feeders who feed the poor in cities and other areas in South Goa.
With donations taking a hit due to March ending, exam fever , holiday season and food prices rising daily , its a huge relief to me especially to be able to cut our food costs just because THE MANAGEMENT OF THESE COMPANIES through The GRACE OF GOD understood our project & supported this unique project.
Imagine what & where 5000 + kgs of this food if not given to us would end up ?  Bins.
We request all the companies at VERNA INDUSTRIAL AREA to join in with our FOOD BANK to feed the hungry and save good Cooked food daily reaching the bins.
My calculations tell me that daily from Verna Industrial Area ie : 
》3000 kgs to 3500 kgs a day or 3 tones a day or 
》75 tonnes a month 
》900 tonnes a year , 
is reaching the bins which can actually be given to feed the poor and hungry in Goa.
Running food banks & daily collecting food and feeding the poor is not easy and there are hidden tensions as well as daily recurring costs involved.
It's a Calling to go beyond one's call of duty .
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848