21.3.2024 11am IST 
All our lady friends in our 6 women shelter homes in GOA , wish The Hon CM of GOA ,
Dr Pramod Sawant , good health and The Wisdom of God as Dr Pramod, completes 5 full years as The Chief Minister of Goa .
The Hon CM of Goa is beginning to understand the misery of our poor goans suffering from mental disabilities. 
One thing which i need to highlight is ” our food bank installed 11 fridges in POLICE STATIONS in Goa to collect extra cooked food & The Hon CM did not create any hurdles till date , even though we did it on a personal basis with the local police inspector of each police station “.
Last 3 full months, We @ Street Providence have been troubling THE CM of GOA , about so many issues regarding our grants towards the shelter homes that we run in Goa.
And Dr Pramod Sawant has been patient & considerate to listen, hear , understand, instruct the official and get our grants released primarily from WCD dept. 
Exactly In the last 3 months, we approached
The Hon CM thrice ie :
》A. Once at his official Bungalow and he gave us a patient hearing and even addressed the ladies who we took to his Bungalow as ” my sisters and mothers ” & also provided tea & snacks to all our lady friends who visited him that day.
The CM ” assured to release the funds allocated to the shelter Homes run by Street Providence “.
》B. Twice we met The Hon CM Of GOA in his office @ the Secretariat with The WCD officials ie  26th Dec 2023 & 12th March 2024.
Once both these meeting concluded:
☆After the 26th Dec 》 Rs 40 lacs grants released 
☆ After the 12th Mar 》 Rs 10 lacs grants released.
Both these amounts look big but it's calculated @ Rs 2500 & @ Rs 5000 per lady per month right from 1.4.2021 onwards for different homes.
We feel sorry to have disturbed The CM again & again but without funds running shelter Homes is not easy.
We still have alot of issues to sort out primarily with WCD ie :
☆ 1. Difference of grants right up from 2019 – 2023
☆ 2. Difference of grants for 2023 – 2024 which has been assured by THE HON CM it will be paid.
☆ 3. Grants for 2024 – 2025 to be released in advance .
One thing I observed while sitting in front of The Hon CM of Goa for all 3 meetings :
◇ 1.The Hon CM was not keen to shut our homes,
◇ 2. The Hon CM was keen to help the poor ladies,
◇ 3. The Hon CM was listening patiently & attentively to all the issues and complaints we were raising against The WCD & government.
◇ 4. The Hon CM was considerate to these poor goan ladies suffering from mental disabilities & was surprised to hear that the grants were calculated in 2007 while we were in 2023-2024.
No one should conclude after reading this post that I am praising The Hon CM of Goa.
I am appreciating his commitment to releasing our old grants as always WCD officials were telling me ” Finance has sent the file back and always blaming the Finance dept “.
If we had not got an opportunity to meet 
The Hon CM & place all facts and details of how The WCD dept is just making me dance for months, we would not have got a single Rupee as of today & I am sure today most our lady homes would have been closed down.
I always praise and thank publicly any official or Minister who is considerate & kind towards our shelter home program as most of our inmates are ethnic goans suffering from homelessness with mental disabilities. 
But on the other hand I always criticize and highlight how Government officials are harassing me when I infact am doing the dirty work of the Government. 
But in the future ie 1st April 2024 onwards if what has been promised by THE Hon CM of Goa 
through The WCD departments of our pending grants as stated above in this post is not released , we will be again forced to hit the streets and even take the ladies back to The CM Bungalow or even close down the homes.
We firmly belive The Hon CM of Goa is aware of the ground reality of our poor goans turning homeless due to mental disabilities and The Hon CM will stand by his word given regarding grants pattern for 23-24 towards both departments ie Social Welfare dept & Women and Child dept.
As we conclude this post all I can say with gratitude is ” Dr Pramod Sawant thank you for all the help in the last 3 months “
But Dr Pramod Sawant please be more & more considerate towards our poor village goans suffering from mental & intellectual disabilities reaching the streets as the Government has no shelter homes of their own and what ever is running in the state is run by Street Providence.
The Hon CM Of GOA needs to instruct both 
The Social Welfare Department and 
The Women & Child Department to accept all further applications from Street Providence to start more homes as the no. of poor goans turning homeless due to mental disabilities is alarming.
Since Finance Department is under The Hon CM I request The Hon CM to instruct his department to release our funds as and when the bills are presented.
WE @ Street Providence Pray for The Hon CM of GOA good health, long life and The Wisdom of God to guide him as he continues his role as The CM of GOA with his due attention to poor goan people suffering from hunger , homelessness and acquiring so many different types of disabilities. 
Please no negative comments on this post as I am not a member of any Political party as of date.
All queries , suggestions & comments strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848