18.3.24. 10 pm IST 
In all my STORMS , I just ” try ” to sit quite and move through the STORM &  Its always in my troubles that GOD sends an angel to help me navigate & sail through my STORM.
Few days back out of no where I received a call 
“send your papers we got a donation to give you under CSR inniative “.
The caller identified himself, his company and the amount they wish to donate under CSR which was say ” Rs Z “.
Now about 2 month back we had asked donations for 10 new fridges which we were to install in top 10 factories in Verna and we got the donations and even installed the fridges.
Due to issues with WCD regarding our grants we are going slow on starting this food project from factories.
But back on my mind many thoughts going on and one thought was ” if only I had a frozen food Vehicle to collect all this food daily “.
Although the factories are ready to start in donating their extra canteen food yet I am not ready.
Mind you , it's taken me 3 full years to get this idea moving and almost 4 full months to convince these top 10 companies :
◇ 1. to install our fridge ,
◇ 2. donate their extra food &
◇ 3. Pay us a monthly charge to pick this food.
& With full support of Factory and boilers dept :
1. Secretary, Shri Sanjit Rodrigues, IAS &
2. Chief Inspector , Shri Anant Pangam
everything is ready, agreed, committed and given.
Infact 3 factories managers inquired why I am not starting the project.
But I need that frozen vehicle to start this project as then only I am at peace as we will be maintaing a complete cold chain cycle ie 
》Food in the fridge @ Factory TO food Vehicle &
》Food in food vehicle TO our kitchen.
So I go to this COMPANY on the day I was called to discuss the CSR donation and the meeting started on a positive note.
But slowly all present in the room that day understood each other & I expressed my desire to buy a frozen Food Vehicle to run this project.
With The Grace of GOD, both Directors immediately agreed to my request and on the spot increased the donation 4 times to the original agreed donation which we had on the phone initially under their CSR inniative.(Rs Z ×4)
It was like ” A HUGE MIRACLE ” in ONE of the STORMS I am going through.
Now to run a frozen food bank Vehicle there are two parts :
☆ 1. A new Vehicle – which we have bought from ISUZU through the donation of this company under CSR &

☆ 2. A frozen container with a compressor, which needs to be fitted separately on this Vehicle which has temperature between minus 2 degrees to 4 degrees.
” And NOW we need help to purchase this Frozen container and install the same on this new vehicle “
The load that this entire ISUZU vehicle can take is officially 1700 kgs .
By we acquiring this frozen vehicle we can daily collect and move 1500 kgs of fresh cooked extra food from anywhere in Goa to those in need of food without any risk of the food getting contaminated.
Currently we accept 500 kgs of cooked food daily through our running food bank program enough to feed 1000 + meals daily after deducting spoilage and un consumable food.
With this new frozen Vehicle we are now in a  Position to scale up our food collection to :
》2000 kgs a day / 2 tonnes a day 
》60000 kgs a month / 60 tonnes a month
》720000 kgs a year / 720 tonnes a year.
That means alot of good Cooked food which gets wasted will be reduced and this can be used to feed the poor.
We are also expanding shelter homes just across the borders of Goa – Maharashtra & Karnataka as well as adding more shelter Homes in Goa.
Naturally food costs will be reduced in these Homes by using this frozen vehicle to move extra cooked food collected in Goa to these homes.
If any company under CSR can help us acquire this frozen container or if you reading this post wish to support us please let me know.
Once we implement this project in GOA of collecting food from factories, we intend to run this similar projects in Other states which has big industrial Estates & where our shelter homes are located, as poverty is across different states and feeding the poor is what A FOOD BANK is all about.
We are the only FOOD BANK IN INDIA running : 
☆ 1.food bank fridges in POLICE STATIONS,
☆ 2.food fridges IN FACTORIES,
☆ 3.receiving weekly food from Hon Governor.
We need your support to acquire that Frozen food container.
We will officially let you know the name of the big company which donated the ISUZU vehicle in the month of April 24 .
A big thanks to This COMPANY who donated this food bank truck for a genuine cause.
All queries strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848