3.2.24. 7pm IST
Orphans goan siblings aged 20 & 22 years,
Poor & totally under nourishe & underweight,
One suffering from severe mental disabilities &
Other one looking after her at home,
both totally lost and stressed,
Nothing to eat at times for days in their home.
Infact one sister ” can sit in a corner for hours and days ” if no one tells her to get up, eat , have a bath , change clothes, etc she will be sitting and sitting staring into oblivion. 
Heavy and chronic signs of mental disabilities.
I am sure that by the other sister staying with her full-time only then we can get her out of her misery and mental disabilities. 
And this is right in Goa ( don't ask where).
What Is their future ?
Who is going to take their life long responsibility?
Just imagine 2 young girls staying in their small home without food and any other support and this can happen to my and your family in the future too.
Such cases are often taken advantage off by others leading to unwanted pregnancy and may be even murder.
One religious lady felt pity for them and requested me to rehabilitate which we did.
But it's time all religious men & ladies of all religions start opening their doors to help and care for such poor goans as there are so many such cases coming to us daily & it's going to be next to impossible in the future to handle .
These two young girls are penniless and poor so naturally they can't afford any fees for their stay and medication.
In this hectic world where the focus is only on money , we tend to forget and avoid getting involved with such instances of stark poverty and hunger as we feel it's not our job.
But today it's these two sisters in this sorry state, tomorrow it could be anyone else family.
Everyday we are flooded with horrifying instances of so many poor goans actually going hungry and getting pushed into Corners in their own little dark rooms and most are suffering from mental disabilities.
Who knows if they are molested , raped or abused as being poor and in unsound mind they become helpless in society and society too ignores such poor people. 
BEING THE ONLY NGO RUNNING  FREE SHELTER HOMES IN GOA for both ladies and gents suffering from mental disabilities, we are often approached to rehabilitate which we 99%  accept all and take in everyone after proper paper work.
But the demand is so huge that we will at some point of time have to stop accepting due to shortage of homes. 
We have at the moment a 240 bed capacity & we can go upto 500 beds but we are in need of homes to increase the capacity. 
The head of the State in Goa & The heads of all religions in Goa need to address this issue of mental disabilities among the poor goans who have just no place to go or no one to care for them.
Blaming The Government is not the issue for us as the Government is supporting us through many many departments. 
Where are the HOMES to add more beds ?
We don't own any property but all our 12 homes are rented and we are ready to rent more homes either fron The Government or The Archdiocese.
In the next two years, don't be surprised to see unsound people on the streets of Goa roaming with sticks and choppers attacking others.
All stake holders need to move fast and quick before this issue escalates due to lack of shelter homes for the poorest of the poor with mental disabilities. 
For full Two nights after accepting these two sisters I was disturbed understanding their plight and disturbed at how and what they had gone through and WHY no one was ready to take care of them FOR FREE .
Just image if there was no STREET PROVIDENCE, or if I had homes only for those who pay fees , what would be these two girls future ?
Lots of people assume and pass comments on social media that there are no poor goans who require shelter but only outsiders are on the streets.
Well there are huge huge nos of poor goans across all villages in such pathetic, horrible and freaking gone case situations and 90% will not want to get involved in such people but to pass comments these will be the 1st.
Remember mental disabilities can hit anyone anytime and what you speak by making fun and passing unwanted comments will 100% come back to those passing unwanted and unverified comments.
If there are such Sad and disturbing cases of goans living in pathetic and horrible situations do let me know through whatsapp message on 8380097564.
We will surely attempt to rehabilitate after proper verification And complete paperwork.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848