22.12.2023. 7pm IST 
We just celebrated Goa's Liberation Day & very soon we celebrate Christmas.
This post is to highlight how festivals or celebration have no meaning to homeless people with mental disabilities Especially WOMEN and also our young children/ youth between the age of 18 years – 21 years suffering from mental Disabilities. 
This year, Christmas festival for me is on a very low level not motivated as there is too much suffering among the poor especially women with disabilities. 
This post has :
☆ 1. A press write up about the trouble we are facing regarding rehabilitation of women ,
☆ 2. Two videos of Goan women once on the streets abandoned by their husband's, both have children, whom they struggled to bring up living on the streets & on Severe psychiatric medicine.
☆ 3. A collage of a homeless lady today on the streets of Seraulim today.
◇ Point 1 :
The Deputy Director of W&CD feels that we as an NGO are opening homes and asking for money which is troubling only one person ie the DD.
Before opening homes we submitt our file to the department and an inspection happens.
The cost to look after one lady on psychiatric medication is nothing less then Rs 10 k to 12 k.
And they are paying us rs 2500 for this particular home in the news that too due for the year 21-22 & it's today Dec 23, may be this money will be credited In 2024.
◇ Point 2 
85% of All the ladies In our homes are admitted by Goa Police with proper documentation. 
We don't admitt anyone directly from the streets who are homeless into our homes.
Now should not the Dy Director have a list of homes so that the police admitt such ladies?
Well there is no other homes like Street Providence hence all land up here.
And as of today across Goa 100+ such poor goan ladies are asking for help to stay all suffering from severe mental disabilities. 
And like these two goan ladies videos  attached with this post, all are suffering from mental disabilities and life threatening sickness where only high dose of medicines keep them running, they can never ever get back to normal as the damages both physical & emotional are not something one cant Even imagine.
Both these homeless abandoned goan ladies have single handedly from birth brought up each of their child living on the streets and being uncared and unwanted by the State.
One lady was having cataract in both eyes and totally weak and malnourished. 
Other lady delivered her girl child on the street and till the age of 7 years lived on the street selling small items to survive with that small child .
I have so many such bad , sad & pathetic goan ladies on our Homes just abandoned and thrown out by everyone.
Which Government Department got the time & motivation to solve such problems?
◇ Point 3 
This elderly lady was spotted today at Seraulim by people who called me as that's what everyone does. 
I requested to call the DD who's 1st question asks the caller ” who gave you my no ?”.
Deputy Director no should be available to everyone as that's the job of the DD to provide shelter to such women on the streets.
Then the cops called me to which I requested to call the DD.
DD tells the cops, W&CD has no homes for such women so she can't do much.
If W&CD has no homes then why is the DD yapping extra and troubling me when I have enough space to take in such ladies?
Why is the DD not releasing our grants at regular intervals? 
Why has the DD not moved the file to amend the grants which is calculated in 2003 and we are now in 2023 ?
Infact last year Dec 22, she had assured a minister in the Goa government that the amendment would be done , now its one year gone by – excuse “O I forgot “.
Can't the DD Understand that rs 2500 is next to impossible to look after such genuine homeless street women?
Who is the responsible person for goan women on the streets developing mental disabilities along with life threatening sickness?
Is the streets safe for such poor ethnic goan women ?
How can The DD herself being a lady, be so cold  stone hearted and not be considerate towards their plight ?
Is it only for NGOs to look after the homeless with either no government grants or peanuts @ Rs 2500 ?
One official is telling me ” you get donations so take whatever is given “.
Don't a few government officials expect bribes to pass files and sign on documents?
We can't celebrate any function when just across one sees hunger , sick , homelessness, person with disabilites, etc.
All of us starting from YOU & ME , the GOVERNMENT officials , the Ministers , the religious heads of all religions need to be MORE considerate towards the poorest of the poor, the homeless, those suffering from disabilities and most important women & children.
We need your help to stand and take care of so many abandoned homeless Goan ladies as seen in these 2 videos attached with this post.
Rs 2500 to rs 5000 per month what the government thinks is viable to look after one homeless person with mental disabilities is way out of context in 2023.
We have been assured by The Hon CM that on Monday ie 18th or Wednesday 20th , we would be called to his office and all our issues will be sorted out.
But till today 22nd, no call from CMO.
Like I say ” celebrations and festivals have no meaning to the poor homeless Goan people suffering from Disabilities on the streets especially Women as all they are looking for is place to stay , food to eat and medication to carry on their life “.
This Christmas support us as the Government has no time for our own poor Goans turned homeless on the streets.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages on 8380097564
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848