15.12.2023. 7pm IST 
His Excellency Archbishop LEOPOLDO GIRELLI,  the Apostolic Nuncio to India & Nepal ( Vatican Ambassador of POPE FRANCIS ) blessed our 1st shelter home on 8.12.23 @ Imphal,  Manipur.
We are the 1st NGO across INDIA to have set up a free shelter home for the poor people with disabilities and the homeless in Manipur and this would not be possible without the support of the Mr NGANGOM UTTAM SINGH , Director of Social Welfare, Government of Manipur. 
And we have accepted the Director request to open more shelter homes in different districts in the coming months.
Alot of Archbishops, Bishops , nuns,  Priests, doctors and nurses were present for this innaugration.
Our very own Goenkar hailing from Calangute,  His Excellency Archbishop Lumen Monteiro too was present for this blessing.
A Very beautiful shelter home renovated at a cost of a few lacs of rupees , supported by The Archdiocese of Imphal, situated on the 2nd floor of CMC hospital with scenic beauty and green landscape ideal for quick recovery for people with disabilities. 
The above link will show you the entire shelter home, both before renovation and after.☝️☝️
Archbishop LEOPOLDO GIRELLI,   the Apostolic Nuncio to India & Nepal was kind enough to bless this home and I had a good 30 min to brief the Nuncio of our works across India for the poorest of the poor with disabilities. 
We requested The Nuncio to use his good offices with Cardinals & Archbishops in Goa & across India in providing SPACE to enable our NGO to be able to open homes for the poorest of the poor across India.
Disabilities is not only a State issue but all ie 
Government, religious Institutes, NGOs , civil society etc have to work togther on a TOP PRIORTY basis else this issue will be out of control as most states are not having any shelter homes for the poor with mental disabilities.
Now whether the NUNCIO converts this discussion into practical solution will be something I need to wait and wait patiently.
We are in need of more shelter homes on a priorty basis in GOA & our current 10 homes can accept may 40 more persons with disabilities.
We need your help to clear 50% of our bills for the renovation of this 1st shelter home in Imphal and you can even pay the suppliers directly if required.
Goans are known to be SUSEGAD but we have defied that mentality and have been working non stop last 6 months across many district's of Manipur with now focus being on :
Rehabilitation homes of the poor with disabilities
Medication and health care,
Education fees for poor school children,
Medical equipment so that the poor can be treated free of cost, 
Reconstructing houses.
Its Christmas season and we can all work togther to bring that smile on the poor people's faces especially those displaced and living in camps. 
Your little sacrifice towards reducing your expenses in this festive season no matter how small will surely have a huge impact on so many lives as the anxiety and suffering is going to get only more as its a very complex and complicated topic at the moment.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848