27.9.23. 7pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA is in need of these items which can be 2ND HAND but usable.
☆ Televisions.         ☆ Activa bikes 
☆ Water purifiers.    Washing machines 
☆ Tables.                  ☆ Gas stoves
☆ Ceiling fans.          ☆ Ovens 
9 running free shelter homes for the poorest of the poor and those suffering from all types of disabilities. 
3 new homes starting in the coming months.
Most of our shelter homes rehabilitate poor people with mental & physical disabilities.
Alot of hospital trips so bikes are convenient.
A couple of bedridden patients in all homes and at night electricity fails so taking them to washroom is an issue hence inverters a must. 
Television is the only entertainment for people with disabilities and we are always in need of Televisions as most of the Television we have are second hand and outlived their life.
Water purifiers as all our homes are connected to public water supply and since most of the inmates are on psychiatric medication, Pure and clean drinking water is something which is important to good life of these patients.
Gas stoves are always being over used and knobs keep going or rust keeps accumulating on the stoves .
Plus a few other house hold items are in the poster which we are badly in need of.
Again I repeat ” all these items can be 2nd hand and we are ready to accept as long as it is in perfect working condition and we haven't to repair it and then use it “.
All communications through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848