26.9.2023. 7pm IST 
Help us reach 10000 new Blankets for our MANIPUR RELIEF. 
Collected 3500 as on date,  6500 needed. 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA had started a NEW BLANKET drive on 6.9.23 for the displaced poor people In relief camps in Manipur and within 20 days we have reached 3500 blankets.
In the 2nd truck which left on 16.9.23 , we sent 2500 blankets.
As of 26.9.23, we have bought additional 600 blankets through donations received and 250 new Blankets have been donated by so many wonderful BENEFACTORS through our collection centre's in Goa.
All put togther 3350 blankets, plus 150 new Blankets are to be collected from different benefactors / couriers are on the way.
We still are in need of 6500 more new Blankets to reach the target of 10000.
Our next truck leaves on 16.10.23 ( approx ) and the winter should set in by mid Oct to early Nov and 55 k + poor people are still in camps across so many district's
If you require help in purchasing blankets do let me know as we have bought bulk 2000 blankets and these blankets need to be paid for.
Bulk quantity are always at a discounted rate.
Across Goa we can have different points where the NEW BLANKETS :
◇ 1. can be dropped incase you are purchasing or
◇  2. you can hand over the donations to our NGO and we will purchase the blankets or 
◇ 3. you can purchase the blankets and whatsapp the bill to us in Goa only and we will pick it up or 
◇ 4. You can order through online and get it delivered to our address.
Let's all try a little to provide some warmth to those thousand of poor people In relief camps be it :
☆ Infants
☆ Little children 
☆ Young children 
☆ Mothers 
☆ The old and elderly 
☆ The bed ridden & those with disabilities.
Winter in Manipur touches anything between 
5 to 8 degrees, with some places even going down to 1 to 2 degrees depending on the area.
And these people in camps are those who ran away from their homes without anything so 100% the winter is going to be a big source of worry to all in the camps.
Infact during our team 2nd visit to Manipur between 28.8 23 to 6.9.23 , to distribute the 1st truck which we had sent earlier , all the people who our volunteer Joseph met insisted on 
1 thing only ” BLANKETS FOR THE WINTER “.
That's why we started this BLANKET DRIVE.
This above link will explain how life is in the camps in Manipur and how our Volunteer spent 6 full days in Churachandpur and mind you during those 6 days there was firing and fighting in Churachandpur yet Joseph our volunteer went about doing his distribution of relief materials. 
Once again we need to get 6500 new Blankets before 15.10.23 to send in our 3rd truck to Manipur to those in the relief camps. 
Please do help us to reach 10000 new Blankets.
All queries , suggestions & views strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848