25.9.23  10am IST
The poor Ethnic Goans are getting poorer , impoverished and loosing our big time on free health care.
No one is bothered.
The whole freaking system is out of order and gone for a toss.
Even an NGO like us is treated like as if we are no one in hospitals at time.
We are only considered & wanted when there are abandoned goans or poor homeless in hospitals that need to be rehabilitated and shifted out of a hospital to a shelter Home to free up the beds.
Otherwise stand in line for hours.
Besides District hospital Mapusa & IPHB we are not considered for any genuine requests for the huge no of poor Goan & genuine homeless people we rehabilitate and that's why last 2 months we are going very very slow.
These two sisters who you see from Verna were actually brought to my notice few days back by Joseph Fernandes our volunteer. 
Immediately I got Arturo Dsouza to send medicines and grocery and investigate the matter.
Original video attached when Arturo went 1st day to provide medicines and dry rations and study the whole matter.👇
He reported facts and details which made me shiver as their medical condition was beyond our NGO capacity & the only solution was stabilizing them in the hospital before we took them in for rehabilitation.
I requested Arturo to take Rama, Xencor , Pratima ,Sanjay and highlight this through Social media so that elected representatives are held accountable for their own failures in their own constituency to such poor ethnic goan people.
There are a huge huge no of such pathetic and sad cases daily coming to us for help & rehabilitation but the frustrating part is ” medical support / treatment at hospitals “.
By highlighting this issue, at least for few days things will fall in place at the hospitals.
Check out right today in GOA as you read this post if any home will accept both these ladies as in what medical condition they are suffering?
You will get only one answer ” STREET PROVIDENCE “.
And we were ready to look after them but provided their treatment is done properly by the hospital as well as in the future.
Infact the elderly mother was told by Arturo that we will rehabilitate but we needed to get them admitted 1st and that why the GENUINE ACTIVISTS were asked to step in so that they too get to do such genuine hard and difficult service besides just shouting and taking press conferences.
And not only them but many more such genuine cases of poor ethnic goans are requiring help to access free health care and Better life.
Health Department should assure us better respect towards our NGO.
There has to be better co ordination between :
Goa Police, Women & Child Department, Health Department & IPHB if the poorest of the poor Ethnic Goans like these two sisters have to access better health care and be proud that the State Cares for these Poor ethnic goans.
We are in the process of opening atleast 3 more homes for ladies in next coming month as the requests are so many.
But in future its good if GENUINE ACTIVISTS highlight such pathetic and sad cases as and when THE LOCAL MLA refuses to help.
And once the Local MLA refuses or just washes their hands off , then activists should step in.
Once activists steps in an exposes the plight of the suffering ethnic poor goans and shows rhe truth then the LOCAL MLA should not threaten the family for speaking the truth.
Either the LOCAL MLA helps or just sits quite but no threatening and trying to suppress the feelings and emotion of the poor and downtrodden.
Making videos is not enough by the activists but they need to put pressure on the authorities to see that the videos that they put materilse so that we can only step in when rehabilitation is required after perfect and proper medical treatment. 
Most of the times :
☆ 1.We have to pick such people, 
☆ 2.Take to hospitals,
☆ 3.Stand in line  for hours ,
☆ 4.Do all the tests with our stretched manpower,
☆ 5.If admitted, keep our care giver,
☆ 6.Arrange for blood, 
☆ 7.Buy the Diapers & medicines ,
☆ 8.Once discharged take to our homes, 
☆ 9.If they get sick , call 108 and send again our caregiver to the hospital and stand in line,
☆ 10.If the patient dies, pay to get a doctor's certificate & police pressurize not to do a 
post mortem as their whole day gets wasted,
☆ 11.Use our car to transport to the morgue,
☆ 12. Then pay for the funeral and make those arrangements. 
FREAKING SYSTEM ” looks like all these are my relatives “.
This is the State problem not the NGO problem but that's how we work daily , monthly and yearly.
We are already having close to 175 such people and we are getting overloaded. 
So before you ask me or think ” why did I not help both these ladies “, well one lady is critical and the other lady has sons, so we can't get entangled in such issues as they come from families and then other Complicated ACTIVISTS end up blaming us to extort money as if they have shelter homes, should they expire without medical treatment.
We as an NGO just can't go and pick anyone just because they are sick and poor but there has to be a system by The Authorities which gives us a shield incase things go wrong else CUPABALE HOMICIDE.
We specilizes in only REHABILITATION not PR & ACTIVISIM and we try to follow the law and work within the framework of the law.
Too many COMPLICATED people out there claiming to have FILES on everything, anything & sundry by making trouble for GENUINE NGOs and daily press conferences.
Please put your time and effort daily in helping such ethnic goan poor people to a better life and see how blessed one feels.
Once again we will rehabilitate and care for both these sisters in due course of time once treated and only at the time of discharge.
Both are immobile, on Pampers and one is totally blind so there are going to be huge costs & one requires daily Physiotherapy to kill that pain, which we provide in our shelter homes for ladies.
Some one on social media got too excited asking to share their bank details.
If both are on the bed for months and their own children are not looking after the mother imagine who will get their money and how will the money from the bank reach these two ladies ?
We have made all arrangements and are on stand by to directly move both to our shelter homes ONLY & ONLY after the required paperwork is done by family and authorities.
Heartbreaking and frustrating for such poor & lonely ethnic goans in Goa.
Your support to our NGO to help such cases is what drives us to carry on doing the best we can In rehabilitating these ethics poor goans.
It's difficult, stressful, complicated and requires dedication & commitment but yet it's POSSIBLE to care to for such genuine ethnic poor goans
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848