31.8.23. 7Pm IST
Fr Gabriel, Parish Priest of Our Lady of The  Rosary church, Navelim is a human being who understands hunger and despair in Relief Camps In Manipur.
A small video of yesterday function 👇
♡♡♡ With all humility and gratitude , I thank The parishioners of Our Lady of The ROSARY CHURCH Navelim Goa for their GENEROSITY , which was BEYOND my expectations, towards our MANIPUR relief work.
A 10 days collection drive in the Church got us 1581 pkts of Cerelac & lactogen worth rs 5.5 lacs  and 10 students fees @ 40000 each .
♡♡♡ Big Thanks to SSVP of Our Lady of The ROSARY CHURCH NAVELIM for all the support.
The plight of those in the relief camps are not good as its over 3 months to date but the donations are slowing down as its but natural.
It was an inspiration from The Holy Spirit to approach churches in Goa to ask for support in kind towards Manipur Relief work of our NGO.
Exactly 15 days ago I approached Mrs ROSELINE from SSVP Navelim if we could get support from the Parish priest which we wanted.
Fr Gabriel was briefed and he agreed to the suggestion.
I too called Fr Gabriel and explained my requirements and what I intended to ask help for.
On 20.8.2023, Sunday , Mr Arturo & Myself were at The Rosary Church Navelim,  where after all 4 Holy Masses we were given 5 minutes to speak to the congregation before the final hymn.
I requested for Cerelac & Lactogen boxes as that's the needs of the little infants and very small children in the camps  
Arturo explained about the needs of the School fees to be paid for over 300 children whose data was given to us by The Archdiocese of Imphal.
The response was WAY WAY beyond my expectations.
But the most touching part was FR GABRIEL giving us an opportunity to address his congregation, in his church, along with which 
Fr Gabriel requesting SSVP Navelim to do the collection, storage and sorting of the Cerelac & lactogen. 
No diplomacy stories or going round the bush by Fr Gabriel. 
Straight Yes was his reply.
Thats How I look at Fr Gabriel, Parish Priest of Our Lady of The ROSARY CHURCH Navelim, a human being who understands the actual needs of the poor hungry children in the camps and those children whose education fees need to be paid.
Parish Priests have the audience , the platform and the people want to give in kind to STREET PROVIDENCE as we are not collecting any CASH so it's WIN WIN situation for those in Manipur relief camps.
If other Parish Priests in Goa can also PLEASE allow us this facility of speaking to their congregation and collecting predetermined fixed items in their premises for the poor children & those in relief camps in Manipur.
Please don't collect anything without confirming with me.
Remember on the 16tb August , Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrao blessed our 1st truck from Goa to Manipur,  which boosted our work in Manipur, and the truck reached safely and as I write this post , our 2 member team is in Manipur distributing this same material to various relief camps in Churachandpur.
Another 2nd truck is planned for Manipur by mid September and the needs are many in the camps
We are not asking any donations in cash but only in kind and that too only fixed predetermined product ( not anything and everything ) which can be collected In so many churches in Goa.
In this case it was Cerelac & lactogen.
Total 65 cartoons in all.
♡♡♡ Once again A big thank you to all the Parishioners of Our Lady of The ROSARY CHURCH Navelim and The COMPASSIONATE Parish Priest Fr Gabriel not to leave out SSVP NAVELIM Parish & Mrs Roseline, who all made this possible togther with Street Providence Goa. 
We operate strictly through whstsapp messages only on 8380097564
If you click on our above link you can see all the daily relief work currently happening in Manipur through Arturo & Joseph.
You can also find us on our website 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848