26.8.23. 7pm. IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA 1st relief truck from Goa, today finally reached safely to
CHURACHANDPUR , Manipur covering 4000 kms in 10 days flat.
( Overall 5 trucks of dry ration has already been delivered in Manipur itself to the Archdiocese of Imphal containing 50 tonnes of ration & this is the 6th truck in total but the 1st from Goa ) .
》On 16th truck leaves Goa 11 am 
》On 20th truck reaches Guwahati 5 pm
》On 22nd truck reaches Aizawl at 8 am
》On 23rd truck leaves for Churachandpur at 8 pm 
》On 26th truck touched down Churachandpur 8am.
Roads on Aizawl – Churachandpur are extremely not in the best of conditions.
For over 3 months + , this entire district of Churachandpur having a population of 
4.5 to 5 lacs ( 1/2 a million people) is being serviced from Aizawl for most of anything & everything.
Today as I write this post I am satisfied that in this district we have sent / delivered upto to date:
☆ A.  Dry ration totaling 17 tonnes 
☆ B.  Medications worth Rs 10 lacs 
☆ C. This relief truck worth Rs 18 lacs
Next month 2nd relief truck is getting ready from Goa.
We are planning in the 2nd truck next month to send 500 crts of tiger biscuits & 300 to 400 crts of Cerelac and lactogen focusing on Children.
On Monday our team ( 3rd trip) is leaving for Manipur to oversee the distribution of the medicines & this relief truck.
Also we are starting renovation of our 1st shelter home for the homeless in Imphal as well as we are handling over education fees of the children who have been displaced due to the violence.
Besides the team has a few other areas of relief work to cover and sort out.
Only With the THE FAVOUR OF GOD and your prayers & blessings, this truck has reached safely and much ahead of time as I had calculated 15 days approx from Goa to Churachandpur. 
♡♡♡ Thanks to DELHIVERY TRANSPORT COMPANY for taking care of all the logistics right from Goa to Churachandpur within flat 10 days.
♡♡♡ To all the benefactors who donated in kind and through cheques / NEFT,  please take note ” this is your relief truck not mine, we are only the link between you and the displaced people in Manipur “.
We are committed to the displaced people In Manipur for the next 6 months as of now.
Coming month another 50 tonnes of dry ration will be sent to different camps from Manipur itself.
Another Rs 20 lacs of Medicines are also planned for the coming months.
A truck full of toys is being considered from Goa to Manipur for the displaced children in camps ,
( 4th truck )
The 3rd truck will only contain note books and stationary as those thousands of displaced children in camps need to be occupied else there will be huge health issues.
We @ Street Providence understand life in camps especially where poor children are concerned.
We run 8+ shelter homes in Goa which are like mini camps , 9th home starting soon in Goa, so we know how and what life is in a camp and what needs to be done to keep the motivation up & running especially of the small children & people with disabilites.
I am not going to Manipur till we innaugrate the shelter home as I am having alot of 
co ordination to do here in Goa.
Many good chosen tough people are already working with our NGO in Manipur and ” too many Cooks spoil the soup “
We request you to support our work in Manipur in the coming months as now life for the displaced will get tough and alot of help will be required.
All queries & requests strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848