23.8.23 7Pm IST
A compassionate Police Sub inspector @ old Goa, Miss Laureen Sequeira , who wanted to admitt into our home a run way girl two months back.
A run away unwed girl from 3000kms admitted into our home.
( Two months earlier)
A delivery which almost almost rattled my bones late night.
( two months later )
A surprise visit by A Bishop to the girl on her discharge telling her GOD STILL LOVES YOU inspite of the mistake.
Last 15 days at our shelter homes were difficult and still difficult especially in the women shelter Homes.
So much pain, sickness , suffering in these women who are from the streets or who are poor , abandoned & suffering from mental disabilities.
Most of the adminissions of the homeless are through the police and sickness is like credit cards in your purse , so much of sickness in each of the homeless. 
☆ Case no 1:
A poor unwed young girl who travelled 3000 kms brought by Goa Police who was 7 months pregnant about 2 months ago , was keeping us all on our toes.
The lady PSI Laureen Sequeira was the 1st person who brought hope to the unwed mother.
This was our original post 👇
About 10 days back went into labour pain and our team had alot to do.
Got her admitted into a good private hospital and we had to keep 2 trained home nurses with her as she had a normal delivey but sudden bleeding issues which kept us all anxious.
Said a silent prayer telling God ” we had enough of trouble last 2 months can u please look into the matter and give us some peace, we are all overloaded “.  [ KOT ].
Bleeding stopped and blood was not required as we were earlier put on high alert for 2 pints of blood.
Networked with CWC, got the paperwork done and sent the mother & Child to the  designated shelter home for further stay. 
We could have used the Government hospital but the mother wanted to just move away in life at any cost.
Usually we at times read or hear how small new born babies are abandoned. 
And immediately we condemn the mother for being so heartless.
But how many of us actually know the freaking stress the women goes through while carrying an unwanted child ?
And most of these poor women don't know the process of getting such babies to registered homes for such babies.
Well 2 months back we had assured this young girl that we will stand by her and give her all the support she needs during her pregnancy  and also after she delivers.
And that's what we did.
Infact the hospital has given us credit and told us YOU CAN PAY THE BILL LATER.
The entire two months our manger Mr Sapnesh Salgaonkar provided the best care and himself ran around those crucial 5 days in the hospital to see that the young girl was at ease.
Frankly speaking I am yet to meet or even speak to the girl.  
Bishop Theodore was on a personal visit to Goa & I briefed him about the matter and he volunteered to comfort the girl as she starts life afresh.
Usually such cases are looked down upon but Bishop Theodore took time from his personal visit to Goa, dropped in and prayed.
Very touching real life event which can be verified by anyone if needed.
☆ Case 2 :
Fatorda Police about 6 months back late night brings a  goan lady from the streets of Fatorda to our home.
Girl is so sick and having so much complications that we also don't know how to solve her issues.
Blood transfusion is what she requires and we have had this done 3 times at the District hospital Mapusa for which I must appreciate the District hospital for caring and treating this goan lady even though she is homeless.
The lady comes from a very rich family in SANCOALE but the mother refuses to accept her as her daughter, due to past issues.
Their house is like 2 to 3 Crores worth.
Now she has developed BONE MARROW issues and daily we are running around in GMC for all tests and treatment.
Plus she is suffering from mental disabilities and very very stubborn and irritating.
But she is a human and we have to care for her.
☆ Case 3 :
A poor Goan aged girl suffering from mental disabilities admitted by her married sisters who themselves are poor & struggling hand to mouth, developed TB and has a wound which requires daily dressing at the district hospital.
And last 30 days we are daily doing this dressing fron the shelter home in Guirim to District Hospital Mapusa.
When admitted was totally underweight.
These are the services we provide daily for the last 6 years at our shelter homes. 
Sometimes it's crazy and disappointing. 
I don't know at times whether to keep the homes open or just close and go back to my sales job.
So many requests , so many admissions piled up, so much pain, sorrow, disappointing families approach us daily.
Last 15 days we had 2 drivers down with fever & sore eyes, truck to Manipur was planned, sore eyes in one shelter home which had to contain, office staff got sick. 
STORMS & STORMS,  but we sit still, till it passes, we never fight the STORM but we call out to GOD to navigate through the STORM
[ KOT ].
WE DARE TO DREAM in all situations & circumstances. 
All your queries strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you all 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848