19.6.2023. 7Pm IST 
Canacona Police gets off the streets this poor old homeless slightly paralyzed man to our shelter home at Quepem 
Mr John as his Police papers state has been living in chinchinim / Assolna for over 3 decades either doing manual work for a living.
Now at 65 + years he has grown old and lonely and he is an Asthma patient.
Few months back he fell down / got hurt and landed in District hospital margao and that's how he ended up using a stick/ clutch for moving around.
In between he was staying in a shelter home in canacona but due to the home shutting down he was roaming and living on the streets of Canacona as told to us by him.
He was given my no / he got my no and he called me pleading to be sheltered as the rains have started and he is having mobility issue in moving around and survival on the streets is tough at his age.
Looks to be clean of alcohol & smoking.
Two nights ago , Canacona Police were kind enough to do his paperwork and dropped him to our home @ Quepem. 
Tired, stressed , malnourished , lonely, alone and not in the best of health 
Has a brother in Mangalore who also is a bachelor like him that what he told us.
He just required a roof and food which we agreed to provide him as he really can't work anymore due to his slight paralysis one side.
Too many such old bachelors & spinsters on the streets of Goa turning homeless.
As the monsoon is about to kick in, there are many out there looking for place to stay but we are really getting over loaded.
Not exactly sure what is the government plan to address the homeless on the streets especially in the major cities of Goa.
We are trying to take in only the most deserving, the old and the people suffering from Disabilities.
Just incase anyone recognises him from chinchinim / assolna / Canacona area please do let me know through whatsapp on 8380097564.
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380087564 / 7020314848