22.3.2023. 11am IST
A young 23 years old Goan boy suffering from mental disabilities having no one and refused admission into the hospital because of no attendant, beaten up on the streets somewhere in the coastal areas due to his own fault , admitted into our home today.
Today is Gudi Padwa which signifies the start of the traditional The Hindu New Year and this young goan boy got second chance of life on this GUDI PADWA day .
Time and time again I am saying ” poor goan people & street people witn mental disabilities are not treated & admitted at the hospital as they are not having any attendant to stay with them “.
Infact I have attached a link of my journey in rehabilitating poor people with mental disabilities and the challenges faced and what I have written in this post is what I have shared in the 30 min documentary video 👇👇
This goan young boy stays in a village and has totally lost his mind and as such is troubling the locality as he is not taking his medication as he has no one.
Friends/ Villages got together and took him to IPHB but was given medication and refused admission as there was no attendant to stay with him.
I can surely say that the local police too must be aware of this matter but since he has no one , once treated at iphb he will again be on the roads so why waste time getting a MAGISTRATE ORDER. 
Since refused admission the friends came back and the boy walked from IPHB to St Cruz and by that time he started acting weird which I can say looking at his back that he was beaten up badly.
Whoever did this may not be aware he is going through mental issues.
After the beating he got he was sitting quietly till SHAWN observed him and got to the bottom of the issue. 
It was say 9 pm who called me . I advised SHAWN to call the cops.
Shawn called the cops but they did not turn up for over two hours as they were understaffed and they had other important issues at hand.
Finally I sent Shawn , the no of SP north Goa and police arrived.
Now police should have done a medical and got him either to our home or admitted to either IPHB or GMC.
At 2 am early morning they asked Shawn to take him to my home which is not right. 
Since it's 2 am, Shawn dropped him at GMC assuming he would get treatment for his marks on his back and would pick him in the morning at 8 am & bring him to our shelter home.
But 8 am again this boy went missing and for two full days SHAWN and his friends searched in many many places till they found him.
Finally this morning of Gudi Padwa we accepted this young goan boy into our Home and got him to the IPHB for an assessment which they have prescribed more than 6 psychiatric tablets to be given to him.
Imagine the humiliation , rejection, Hurts , abuses, insults, torture and everyday begging for food to survive. 
Father is dead, younger sibling in the hostel,  Other brother missing for months , mother is working out of Goa to feed the family and this boy has been hamnering the mother due to his mental disabilities. 
I have complained to DISABILITY COMMISSIONER that these issues need to be sorted out quickly and we need a permanent solution to the problem of the poor goan people and the homeless people suffering from mental disabilities not getting treatment & admission into the IPHB.
It's a losing battle for such poor goan people suffering from mental disabilities if there are not admitted into MID WAY / HALF WAY homes which Is the only suitable place for such fully troubled persons with chronic mental disabilities either due to generic or due to alcohol and drug abuse. 
Just few days back we read about a few cars , bikes set on fire by a senior citizen lady from Corjuem, suffering from mental disabilities now admitted into IPHB.
This lady we tried helping to rehabilitate way back in early 2019 but she refused help today it will be a chronic situation of disabilty .
We provide free rehabilitation to any one who is poor and having no one and we provide free food clothing stay & medication to such people suffering from all types of disabilities but it's FREE only if the person is actually homeless and having no one.
Your support is required to fight this long losing battle of homelessness & poor goans on the streets suffering from severe mental disabilities.
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848