13.3.2023. 7pm IST 
One Goan man Mr Winston Collaco from Margao turned GOOD SAMARITAN towards an abandoned homeless sick goan man Mr Jose Pereira and got him off his misery and pain from the streets to our shelter home 
Well 15 days back I got a request of Mr Jose living in pathetic conditions in a broken down balcony to be shifted to our home. 
Seeing his condition I requested the caller turned good SAMARITAN Mr Winston Collacco to call 108 and follow the procedure . 
The leg was oozing with worms and maggots and smelling and only professional help was the way out . 
The abandoned man had met with an accident many years back and had a rod inserted into his leg . 
Due to covid and then being old and homeless he did not follow up at the hospital and that wound turned septic and gangrene. 
And this balcony was his home for over 2 years in the vicinity of Margao police station. 
In the last 5 years of our rescuing & rehabilitating homeless people I have never ever seen such commitment & follow up like I saw from Mr Winston. 
He called 108 and got the man lifted from the streets. 
Winston went to District Hospital Margao but they directly sent to GMC where Winston too reached. 
Got Jose Pereira admitted N Doctors had to amputate his leg as the gangrene had spread. 
Paid for the attendant for over a week @ rs 1500 a day, plus bought diapers and other medication and saw to it that Jose was well taken care off. 
Winston was behind my back to rehabilitate him which I had assured him. 
In between these 14 days I will be FRANK , I had and got upset with WINSTON as I had some doubts in my mind
Etc . 
But quietly we did our private investigation and we understood the meaning of the word GOOD SAMARITAN. 
Today we accepted the Mr Jose into our home and Mr Winston has agreed to help us in the future in whatever way we require help to foot the bills of this man . 
Mr Jose is on a caterer and on a pamper and its going to be difficult but not impossible to stabilize him as his parameters will have to be under control all the time. 
Our experience in amputated people is ” 1st 6 months endless trouble and hospital trips till that wound gets dry and the bandage is removed”. 
LENT is also about reaching out to the LOST & HOMELESS & I feel bad & ashamed for doubting the clean intentions of Mr Winston in helping this poor abandoned homeless goan Man Mr Jose Pereira. 
Even my Wife got upset with me saying ” why are you making the admission difficult for them ?”. 
It's just that there are so many requests coming for such homeless abandon goan people that at times own family members are just looking to dump their own parents on the streets and keep coming up with fictitious stories and I always need to be careful as later on unwanted issues and distant relatives pop up for signatures and death Certifcate. 
When living on the streets no one bothers. 
I feel proud that Winston is inspired by our work and attempted and succeed in getting this homeless goan man right from his being in that balcony, to the hospital and today to our home. 
You must see the you tube link attached with the post 👇 
A TRUE SAMARITAN in this season of LENT. 
Many times people call and expect me to run around and if we don't they get angry and upset. 
It's next to impossible to attend as we are really stretched for man power but we can guide the caller how to proceed and surely we can rehabilitae once ready for admission after all medical examinations and paper work 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848