9.3.2023. 8pm IST 
We all read and heard about International Women Day being celebrated yesterday across Goa.
At Our 4 Women shelter homes for homeless women & women with mental disabilities it was a Sad Day & A Happy Day .
A Sad Day as two of our shelter homes are yet to receive the grants for the year 21-22 and we are almost entering 23-24.
Infact yesterday I met the top most Senior Government official of the department for over an hour and explained in simple words that without FUNDS it's going to be very hard to keep these two homes open post April 24.
To put my pains across, we have planned a visit to this TOP most senior Government official cabin on 20.3.2023 with more than 20 such homeless women to present before the top official the different  types of homeless Goan women with disabilities we care for.
And I have fixed this trip on 20.3.2023 yesterday itself so that everyone knows and sees how much trouble we go through in taking care of the last section of the society & by early April some hard decisions will need to be taken if grants not released.
The irony in this Department is THE No 1 & No 2 are both WOMEN and yet I am made to go up and down with no consideration for the work we do with the homeless and ladies witn disabilities.
What's the point in our NGO being declared 
THE BEST NGO in Goa in December 2022 ?
The Top official was very assuring and understanding about our genuine issues of funds but then I can't go on caring for these homeless Goan ladies without the Government funds/ grants.
So don't be surprised to see 20 homeless Goan woman with serious disabilities on 20th of this month in the most powerful place of Goa where the entire Government functions from.
The HAPPY DAY was when for the very 1st time in their lives 10 homeless women from our shelter home at Calangute with severe chronic mental disabilities were invited for a FREE LUNCH at a RESTAURANT ” ROCK CAFE ” @ Calangute by the owner Mr FELIX & his family.👇
Out of this 10 ladies,  7 have never ever eaten at a restaurant all their lives and of the 10 ladies,  9 are Goan homeless ladies with mental disabilities & 2 of these ladies were on Pampers.
Felix is my good friend last 25 years and his restaurant is running last 28 years and the invite to bring over 10 homeless ladies was with one rider / condition ” please I hope they will be well behaved and not go out of control ? “
And right enough, all the 10 ladies were up to the mark.
His Daughter , Miss NARUSHA played perfect host by attending to the needs of these ladies during the lunch today. 
NARUSHA being an upcoming MODEL could have just avoided being with these ladies today but no , she stayed the entire Lunch and got talking to them as a sign of support & Concern to these homeless women.
Such invitations to the last section of society is a big boost to EMPOWERING WOMEN especially on INTERNATIONAL WOMAN DAY. 
These woman may be down and out due to their circumstances but bringing a small cheer to their faces speaks volumes of FELIX & His family
Well know Social Worker Mr Suddesh Mayekar too was present at this lunch with these homeless ladies. 
One never knows what hold good in future for each one of us and with mental disabilities on the rise , we all need to be nice to those suffering from mental disabilities especially if one is a lady and is homeless. 
God Bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848