3.3.2023. 7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA HEARS the SILENT CRIES of this old lady who is a senior citizen and suffered a major accident, now abandoned in the government hospital on a wheel chair.
Few days back received a call from DR ANIL big boss of CHICALIM HEALTH CENTRE requesting shelter for an abandoned senior citizen lady.
1 min video attached of Dr Anil .👇👇
Looks like the lady a few months back possible being on the streets of Goa met with a serious accident and was admitted and operated on GMC.
Rod / plate inserted in her thigh/ leg and mumbled that she was from VASCO.
After operation GMC transfered to CHICALIM HEALTH CENTRE & for a month she has been treated and cared for.
Since she can't stay in the hospital more longer she needed shelter and Home to stay. 
Yesterday we picked her up from Chicalim Health Centre and admitted her into our home. 
Tired , stressed , under nourished,  lonely,  upset , lost & in pain due to the operation .
Possible might be suffering from mental disabilities but not talking much which is but natural for anyone in her place as she is homeless and unwanted by her family .
Can be some ones  mother, grandmother, sister , aunt , relative but today she is CRYING SILENTLY as this is the situation she has reached may be  due to poverty or just old aged & abandoned.
Wheel chair bound and on a pamper plus totally weak and sick .
It's LENT season and it's a great feeling of opening our doors to take in such horrible and terrible cases during this LENTEN SEASON. 
I really can't FAST when I can see so many homeless women ( & men ) in pain, sickness , unwanted mothers, mentally challenged woman just living in oblivion and in lost times and no one to even stop and care for them INSPITE of empty homes which should be opened and used for such people. 
This is my LENT.
THE SUFFERING CHRIST I see on a day to day basis on roads, bus stops, streets,  gardens,  hospitals, etc .
You too can experience a JOYFUL LENT 
Many will ask Is Lent joyful?
It's will be a surprise to many people but the season of Lent is meant to be joyful. “For the joy set before him Jesus endured the cross” 
(Heb. 12:2). Jesus taught us to look our best when we're fasting not because we'd be miserable and should pretend to be happy!
For me these 160 + homeless people in my 8 homes is my Cross.
And everyday I am called to CARRY this CROSS and most of the times It's JOYFUL .
Sometimes its frustrating and stressful as motivation levels drops.
You too can celebrate this JOYFUL season of LENT by supporting us through your donations as we care for such numerous homeless people daily, suffering from Disabilities & abandoned in GOA.
We offer you income tax exemption on your donations under SECTION 80g of the ITAX act.
Please visit out website 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848