26.11.2022. 7pm IST 
This is a case of missing person but no one is going to search him due to chronic case of being a person with disabilities. 
Once totally suffering from mental disabilities and living in the vicinity in GMC  for over two years in inhumane condition,  today totally set free and on the road to speedy recovery permanently. 
We as a society fail to bring relief to such deranged people even when we see them daily in our work place and that's the saddest part of today's world  
And I and my team members too at times just walk away as we are over loaded at times. 
Incase any one recognizes him please get in touch with me on 8380097564. 
Mr Atharv is from Pune and on 10.10 22 we had got him off the streets and into the IPHB supported by Old Goa Police station. 
Link attached below. Of the day we picked him 10.10.22 
Within just 45 days of good treatment at IPHB,  today what did not happen for 2 years, is there for all to see and Give Thanks to God . 
Attached a 30 sec video. 👇
It's not going to be easy both for him and our care givers as there will be numerous trips to IPHB for evaluation and assessment till the medication gets into his system. 
As of now he is relaxed and calm and just adapting to the others in the Hone . 
For how long I can't tell ? 
But our NGO got him off the streets and relieved him from the bondage that he was suffering from. 
Every day he would be just lying in the vicinity of GMC talking to himself,  eating what was given to him and night time would sleep in the small temple under the banyan tree and this went on for years . 
At STREET PROVIDENCE we just don't admitt such Persons with disabilities into the IPHB HOSPITAL , but we go beyond our duty and get them rehabilitated by admitting them into our shelter homes where they are cared and loved. 
And those who recovery fully stay back and work as care  givers . 
That's how our NGO  success rate is so high which encourages us to take in more such chronic cases who otherwise would be still In bondages. 
We require your prayers, blessings and donations as we continue our service In Goa towards the homeless and the people suffering with disabilites. 
One big shout of appreciation and thanks to the IPHB Doctiors for entertaining such requests of ours and giving us service and support as we pick up and bring many many such cases especially late night to IPHB. 
Please let's try to compassionate and considerate to persons with disabilities who are homeless. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848