28.11.2022. 7pm IST 
This Goan boy , studying in Std Xth ( 10 ) , till a few weeks back was living on the streets till we rescued him and his mother , today has the desire to complete his Std Xth ( 10 ) but our shelter home is 25 kms away from the School and there is no connecting public transport between our home and the school. 
About two weeks back we rescued this young goan boy and his mother who has a life threatening sickness as well as mental disabilities from the streets and started caring for them in our women & men's Home separately. 
Next day of the rescue was his 10th Std board MCQ exam & the examination hall was about 20 kms away from the shelter Home. 
We hired a PILOT ( hired motorcycle ) to drop him and pick him as we did not want to stress him further. 
Of course I knew before taking both into the shelter home that His education and schooling was going to be a big cost to our NGO but some one had to rescue & rehabilitate both of them and keep them togther as the mother is used to the son & son to the mother & separating them at this stage will be absolutely cruel on my part. 
Today the regular classes started and we had to hire THE PILOT ( hired motorcycle ) to drop him to school and bring him back . 
School starts at 8.30 am and gets over by 
1.45 pm. 
There is absolutely no other way a young child can travel 25 kms one way to school other than going on a PILOT ( hired motorcycle). 
We require your support for approx 4 months of the remaining school days that this young goan boy needs to go to .( ie DEC , JAN, FEB , MAR ) 
The cost is Rs approx 16000 a month for him to be dropped and picked up . 
We don't require this money at one time but it can be given every month so that one is not overburdened with the amount . 
Our NGO really can't take the hit of this huge amount of transportation as we are really tied up with many many projects and our homeless friends are now are above 150 in all our shelter homes. 
Expenses are rising and at times we too feel the pinch but sometimes even if I want to refuse a rescue & rehabilitation my conscience does not permit me . 
And mind you alot , I mean alot of well known people,  rich and powerful people from this area have seen this mother and son living on the street but due to they being abandoned may have concluded that there is no use of helping them . 
It's the Festive season of Christmas and it's nice to help some one who you don't know. 
Of course you can always meet the young lad one day in the shelter home once you agree to take care of this transportation expenses . 
Plus he was just today telling me on the phone that he is weak in MATHS , HINDI and requires tuitions. 
So that cost plus other expenses only a parent will understand whose child is in STD Xth ( 10 ). 
Imagine the boy knows he has ABSOLUTELY no one in this WORLD , no relatives both sides and a mother who might not make it much longer due to her sickness. 
He has to study to survive. 
But the GROUND is not even existing to play. 
Many shelter homes were contacted before we approached to step in. 
Most  refused, some gave silly reasons, some  only wanted the boy and not the mother . 
We immediately Said YES , We will care for both mother & son. 
We DARE TO DREAM rather than just walk away . 
Your little support monthly can make a huge difference in the life of this young goan abandoned ( by his father at very early age ) boy and whose mother just can't take care of herself leave alone the son. 
And those who think that our own Goans are not homeless, please read this message again. 
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848