26.2.2021 4 pm IST 
Homelessness is a term we all hear and see and that's what we do @ Street Providence, trying to eradicate hunger and homelessness in Goa.
The homeless are homeless as there are many reasons, which can be due to alcohol, poverty , joblessness , illiterate, broken relationships, etc.
In Goa we we have been picking people from the street for the last 3 years and Rehabilitating them in our homes free of cost.
Video attached of a man on the street.👇
There is this man who has been just been sleeping outside Panjim bus stop, Goa, for the last four months and who we have been feeding regularly for the last four months through our MOW.
If not picked up he would have not survived in another few days .
We tried many time to pick him up but he always refused, but since we now have a volunteer doctor with us who is a psychiatrist, we took the doctor along to speak to him and get him to get off the streets
The doctor manages to put his point across and the man voluntarily next day got off the street.
Totally weak, malnourished , can be possible that he has a fracture bone in his leg and totally addicted to alcohol and tobacco as that is what keeps such people on the streets alive due to their hunger, pain and loneliness. 
He was so weak that we had to carry him off the stretcher as he must have not walked for over 2 months .
He is now been taken care in our home, all due to the effort of a doctor cum psychiatrist who is doing a wonderful job with us on the streets of Goa between 6 to 9 p.m. daily , voluntarily. 
☆☆ The doctor cum psychiatrist visits our shelter homes every Saturday evening & Sunday morning , monitoring and checking each and every patient and every patient progress.
Its not Easy getting people of the street for us, but when you have a doctor with you who also understand homelessness, then the recovery and treatment of these homeless people are quicker & faster.
It takes a lot of commitment time, energy , resources, manpower , for us & oue volunteers and for the doctor cum psychiatrist to make life easy for people suffering on the streets in Goa.
Thanks to Goa police @ Panjim police station for the support .
You need to have that passion commitment and dedication while reaching out to homeless Street people who most of the times have lost their mental balance.
In spite of of all our Homes being totally full, yet we try our level best to accommodate the weakest of the week on the streets of Goa.
Your support, blessing , prayers and donations is what we ask for.
Getting people of the street always means medication, endless Hospital trips, bandages and dressing and medical tests & reports which eats in our time and resources.
After all Health Care is not that cheap in Goa and most of these people on the streets have no identification.
Please DONATE generously towards our NGO .
We offer you income tax exemption under Section 80G.
Donations in cheque/ NEFT with your pan card copy. 
Twitter : @streetproviden1
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As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848