1.11.2020 10am IST
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA has now started feeding lunch outside All major Government hospitals in GOA. ( in addition to breakfast ) starting 2.11.2020
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA also started free Meals On Wheels (MOW) for the homeles street people in Mapusa & Panjim . ( Margao from 10.11.2020 )
Watch the poster for the Afternoon lunch .
☆ Read the poster for the Meals on Wheels (MOW).
Attached Is a picture of the volunteers running the breakfast & lunch and 
meals on wheels ( MOW) in Mapusa & Panjim :
Left to right 
♡ Sapnesh : Mr Cool & the man incharge 
♡ Vijay : District hospital mapusa 
♡ Prof Pai : IPHB & GMC 
♡ Napolean : MOW in Mapusa , Night             time 
♡ Orville : MOW in Panjim , Night time 
♡ Mrs Maria : prepares our meals daily. 
▪︎1. Vijay serves breakfast daily every morning at District hospital mapusa and now has volunteered to serve lunch also on his bike .
Big man with a big heart .
Distributor for JACINT paratha and can be contacted on 9764362109 if you require PARATHAs at your shop or supermarket in Bardez & Tiswadi area only .
▪︎2. Prof Pai has been serving breakfast daily at IPHB & GMC from Feb 2020 and has now volunteered to serve lunch also at both the hospitals on his bike .
A retired Professor from Goa University.
Has a big heart for the hungry and homeless. 
▪︎3. Napolean has been with us for over 3 years taking care of all work in and around Mapusa of Street PROVIDENCE. 
He runs his own courier company and despatches basically parcels in bulk, containing food stuff, clothes, house hold items across India and the World.
He can be contacted on 8369424267 in case you wish to use his services in the courier field. 
Napolean is our man to run MOW in MAPUSA CITY and will always be at TAXI STAND at night with his bike .
▪︎4. Orville is from Panjim and he is our man to run MOW in & around panjim city at night with his bike. 
Orville started 2 months back to us to volunteer at the food bank .
From coming with the cleanest intentions of volunteering to getting a job is what Orville is blessed with .
Today Orville has a full time job with Sapnesh and he markets and sells dairy & bakery products and cold cuts to shacks, hotels and restaurants in North Goa and you can please give him business if possible to boost his morale further. 
He can be contacted on 9403960474.
Orville is a perfect example for many of us who wish to get out of depression and be a blessing to others who are in depression.
He was desperately looking for a break and for many years he just could not get a job and I believe God had better plans for him through our Food Bank .
▪︎5. Mrs Maria is the lady who prepares our breakfast ( and now lunch ) in Mapusa & Panjim area.
She Operates with us on a very very less margin and at times no profit .
A lady full of laughter and clatter and always has a broad smile .
Simple Goan woman with a heart to feed the hungry and homeless. 
For us at the FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA its always about volunteers and not about Donald Fernandes
I am not a media savvy person and I don't promote myself but for me it's always the volunteers and care givers. 
To be successful and to sustain a FOOD BANK on the lines that we have been running for over 3 years , you need to take the back seat and get the best out of your volunteers. 
The moment you glorify yourself and feel that you doing everything, the slide starts. 
Too much self glorification is not good. 
I am just the tool or caretaker of these projects.
All motivation, inspiration, implementation is from God and guided by the HOLY SPIRIT strictly though the WORD .
Otherwise it's just not possible to run the race non stop which we do at STREET PROVIDENCE GOA. 
Once we start lunch and MOW in Margao , we will be daily feeding about 1000 people everyday .
Will be also starting Dinner at all major Government hospitals later. 
We would love to extend our MEALS ON WHEELS ( MOW) to all 14 municipalities of Goa as homeless people are mostly found in cities. 
MOW will one day be breakfast lunch dinner
Once we cover all 14 municipalities for 
Breakfast, lunch, dinner & MOW the number will easily be close to 5000 meals a day in total .
To reach this figure I need to be POOR IN SPIRIT .
Now u must be thinking about the funding .
Wait till you get the next post in a day or two .
Support us in any way you wish .
We accept donations though cheque/ NEFT 
We offer 80 G exemptions on all your donations along with your pan card copy.
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848