7.10.2020 6pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR SANGOLDA GOA under our ASHA PROJECT , provides for the month of OCTOBER to poor HIV families in Goa :
♡ 250 kits of dry ration 
♡ 250 new towels 
♡ 250 new bedsheets 
Attached a 3 min video . 
( Listen in a silent place / with headphones)
♡ ( Street Providence as an NGO runs many banks for the poor and one such bank is the Food Bank )♡
Yes for the 2nd month running we have managed to provide the basic nutrition required to 250 HIV infected people who are really poor and needy. 
We have collaborated with 3 other NGOs who are already working with these families for many years namely :
♡ Zindagi Goa , Mr Mahesh Govekar
♡ Presentation Society , Sr Deepti
♡ Udant , Mrs Anita Pereira
The above 3 NGOs and their staff will distribute the same to families in their respective areas right across Goa 
Plus 250 each, brand new Bedsheets & towels to each of these infected people were added along with the ration kits .
We received through donations only 
21 bedsheets & 86 towels. 
We ended buying 
230 bedsheets & 165 towels 
Total bill to pay is Rs 42750 & incase anyone would like to come forward and help us or you can pay the supplier the cheque directly let us know .
Our dry ration bill is about Rs 2 lacs for these 250 kits .
If you would like to help us with the dry ration bill please let us know .
You can also pay the supplier , GADVI directly whole / part of the bill.
You can support Our ASHA PROJECT by celebrating your special moments like:
☆ Birthday
☆ Wedding anniversary 
☆ Special moment 
☆ Death anniversary 
by donating dry ration or paying for the dry ration for these poor HIV infected people.
Most of these 250 HIV infected people are poor, BPL and in sad conditions. 
We also run a home free of cost for homeless men infected with HIV .
We thank those who month after month donate faithfully their fixed amount towards this ASHA PROJECT.
We are grateful and blessed to be able to grow from 50 kits of dry ration from 
NOV 2017 to these 250 kits of dry ration .
Most or practically all our projects are unique and targeted towards the poor , hungry, homeless, sick, etc.
Our entire NGO works strictly through WhatsApp and that is another UNIQUE and one of a kind achievement.
We are depending totally on donations. 
Your support is extremely important to us @ Food Bank to do what best we are called to do in the ASHA project. 
Support us in any way you wish .
We accept donations though cheque/ NEFT 
We offer 80 G exemptions on all your donations along with your pan card copy.
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848