17.9.2020 6pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST, GOA in the last 48 hours gets 4 homeless people of the streets of Goa and into our homes including a 9 month old child .
This message will be about 3 of them.
Tomorrow will update about the 4th person.
☆ 15.9.2020 @ 8.30pm received a call from Goa Police PSI stating a young 26 year old lady and 9 month old baby requires rehabilitation. 
☆ The ladies husband abandoned her on the streets and took the other child who is a boy and disappeared. 
The mother gave the baby to another lady and was sitting at a Government hospital all in despair and lost for life .
To every one blessing , the PSI got the child and mother together and called me for providing shelter. 
As we are unequipped to rehabilitate in such a scenario I assured the PSI that i will help .
Dialed and messaged many homes but scared of Covid is the answer. 
Finally dialed a home which voluntarily took them in.
Big Big thanks to this PSI of Goa Police for taking time inspite of the pandemic and doing the best to see that this mother & child were rehabilitated in the terrible rainy weather that day .
☆ 16.9.2020 
Prashant Shinde was lying in pathetic condition in the rain and muck at MARCEL Ponda for over 15days 
Completely undernourished, weak , wounds on both legs .
No one wanted him .
A few friends got together and admitted him into GMC and got him stabilised for 2 days .
♡ Thanks to all at GMC for being considerate and kind enough to treat this homeless man and not charging a single rupee.
His friend took alot of trouble for almost 5 days desperately trying to get me to admitt him otherwise he would be back on the streets 
Last night at around 10pm we took Prashant into our home in Margao after getting a NOC from Ponda police. 
A big thanks to the PI of Ponda for extending timely help in the paperwork. 
Very very weak man .
But the trouble is his feet .
Big Wounds on both feet which require daily dressing and medicine also his liver is damaged. 
We @ Street Providence are always ready to help in rehabilitation if any one is on the streets. 
It's either a straight yes or no .
This entire Covid period of 6 months I can proudly say we have rehabilitated more than 35 such people either in our homes or in our associate homes.
Men , ladies, children. 
Yes some cases which are really complicated and difficult we have refused. 
But anyone in dire need of a place to sleep and a meal to eat is always accommodated in our shelter homes provided they can use the washroom and have a bath by themselves .
But that is going to stop soon as our homes are completely full.
It pains my heart to say no , but there is really a demand for big big building to accommodate another 300 + homeless people. 
Picking up any homeless sick/ wounded person from the streets is connected to doctor, medicines , visit to hospitals for checkup, etc and is directly related to resources in all forms.
We only survive and are able to do so much because of kindness and generosity in the form of donations from you our benefactors .
Support us in any way you wish .
We accept donations though cheque/ NEFT 
We offer 80 G exemptions on all your donations along with your pan card copy.
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848