27.8.2020 4pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR, SANGOLDA GOA has been running a project for the last 3 years called ASHA which is connected to HIV INFECTED FAMILIES IN GOA. 
We have been feeding 50 families ( approx ) dry nutrition every month spanning close to 3 years. 
We have always wanted to go beyond 50 kits of ration.
And now is the time to achieve that dream .
The pandemic will have caused alot of hardships to the poorest of the poor and in this poor there are more than 250 hiv infected persons / family who are in need of help and nutrition In Goa .
We have identified about 250 families. 
We have collaborated with 3 other NGOs who are already working with these families for many years namely :
♡ Zindagi Goa , Mr Mahesh Govekar
♡ Presentation Society , Sr Deepti
♡ Udant , Anita Pereira
Attached is a picture of the above 3 representatives along with Sapnesh our overall incharge while handing over the ration to be repacked.
Packing and re distribution is happening from St Cruz .
Attached is 3 small video of our humble appeal to you all requesting your kind support to our ASHA project .
2 videos in English 
1 video in konkanni 
For us @ Street Providence any project we undertake is always with volunteers as well as collaborating with other NGOs.
We cant be everywhere all the time but we are trying to help to the poorest of the poor .
The following is the nutrition required for each HIV infected person / family per month :
▪︎1.Rice 5kg 
▪︎2.Moong 1/2 kg 
▪︎3.Red dal 1kg 
▪︎4.Dates 1/2 kg 
▪︎5.Suger 2kg
▪︎6.White jaggery 1/2 kg
▪︎7.Oil 1 lit 
▪︎8.Tetra pack milk 200ml 10 nos 
▪︎9. Peanuts 1/4 kg 
▪︎10.Chikpies 1/4 kg 
▪︎11.Wheat flower 2kg
▪︎12.Green/ white pies 1/2 kg 
▪︎13.Tiger biscuits 1/4
So for 250 HIV infected person / family we require the following items 
▪︎1.Rice 1250 kg .
▪︎2.Moong 125kg.
▪︎3.Red dal 250 kg .
▪︎4.Dates 125kg.
▪︎5.Suger 500kg .
▪︎6.White jaggery 125kg .
▪︎7.Oil 1 lit 250 ltrs
▪︎8.Tetra pack milk 200 ml 500 ltrs
▪︎9. Peanuts 60kg .
▪︎10.Chikpies 60kg.
▪︎11.Wheat flower 500kg.
▪︎12.Green / white peas125kg. 
▪︎13.Tiger biscuits 60kg .
You can support us in many ways like 
▪︎1. Buying from any shop the above list           per person. 
▪︎2. Buying an entire sack or buying                   certain items in bulk 
▪︎3. Paying our supplier Ms Gadvi                       directly.
▪︎4. Donating to us through cheque or               NEFT 
You can drop your dry ration either at :
But with an appointment and a confirmed date and time. 
We require this ration monthly between 28th to 30th so that once packed, it can be delivered by the 1st or 2nd of the month .
We will not stop at ration but it will be in the future :
☆ Clothing 
☆ Toys 
☆ Linen 
☆ Cutlery 
☆ Furniture 
☆ Education 
☆ Vegetables & fruits 
ASHA as a project is moving ahead because you are supporting an HIV infected family .
Street Providence, has , is and will, 
play our part of providing from our end what we can :
1. in the form of ration and food 
2. Running a FREE home for HIV INFECTED HOMELESS MEN ( last 2 years ).
3. Any support in various forms which are brought to our attention regarding those suffering from HIV.
Let's all join hands , 1st this month is providing ration / nutrition to 250 families. 
Each ration kit is approx Rs 1000 
Most of the families are below the poverty line and I can say that majority have no fault of theirs in their suffering.
We offer 80 G exemptions on all your donations along with your pan card copy.
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848