All posts by Jason Fernandes



24.6.2021 7 pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA is grateful to  the Government of Goa , for the financial support to one of our Shelter Homes for  homelesss street women. 
♡♡ Indebted to the Director of Women & Child Development ( DW&CD) ,  Mrs Deepali Naik , for implementing this scheme for women in distress.
Here I would like to mention that grants have been sanctioned for the second consecutive year to our Shelter Home for Women in Distress.
♡♡ Thanks to the staff of DW&CD, led by Social Welfare officer Ms Lynette Viegas, and team, including Ms Neha for conducting physical audit of our Shelter Home and guiding us through the procedures of completing the paper work.
☆ For the FY 2019-20, the Grant was released in August 2020.
☆ For the FY 2020 – 21, the Grant was released in June 2021.
This amounts pays for the rent of the Shelter Home, salary of  the care giver and for food and clothing of the women inmates. 
This kind of support from the Government department is what encourages STREET PROVIDENCE in our mission to end homelessness in Goa.
I am happy to say that this department has displayed sheer professionalism in disbursing the Grants and this is exhilarating. 
Our experience shows that compliance to rules and regulations of the Scheme ensures  Grants are released on time. 
Our  office team is very methodical  in  maintaining accounts and records and always prompt in providing necessary information required by the department.  
Based on our experience with DW&CD, we are now in the process of  applying for a grant under a different scheme for the second Shelter Home for  Women in Distress which has already begun functioning.
It is only a matter of time, paperwork and follow up. 
With the ongoing  pandemic , the number of  homeless especially people with disabilities is increasing .
The number of calls/requests to rescue the homeless from the streets have increased as compared to last year.
If any one knows of any central or state government schemes which our Shelter Homes can apply for, please let me know. 
If any NGO needs help in applying for the same  schemes  please get in touch with me .
Once again I thank all at DW&CD for all the support to our NGO as well as other NGOs who are working for the welfare of women & children in Goa .
God bless you all 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


23.6.2021 7pm IST 
FOOD BANK FOR THE POOR , SANGOLDA AND STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST, GOA sent out yesterday more than 20000 kgs ( 20 Tons ) of 
dry ration through our Volunteers for 1600 poor families across Goa for June 2021.
Two pictures attached. 
This is where we gave :
☆ Old Goa – 5040 kgs
☆ Pilar – 1420 kgs
☆ Mapusa – 895 kgs

☆ Velim – 1202 kgs
☆ Curchorem – 900 kgs
☆ Sanguem -1200 kgs
☆ Sanvordem – 830 kgs
☆ Canacona – 700 kgs
☆ Margao – 785 kgs
☆ Cuncolim -1420 kgs
☆ Vasco – 1420 kgs
We also gave : 
☆ 250 families suffering from HIV – 4345 kgs.
☆ 50 families who are poor & blind – 695kgs 
These are the Volunteers who will now repack and redistribute in their areas :

♡ 1. Sr Fatima FMCK – Old Goa 
♡ 2. Fr Freddy SFX – Pilar
♡ 3. Adv Caroline – Mapusa
♡ 4. Elaine & Daniel – Velim
♡ 5. Akash Pednekar – Curchorem,                  Quepem & Sanguem.
♡ 6. Sharon – Canacona
♡ 7. John Baptist – Margao
♡ 8. Liezel Coutinho – Cuncolim 
♡ 9. Hassan Khan – Vasco 
Thanks to these 3 NGOs for repacking and redistributing to 250 poor HIV families :
♡ 1. Udant – Mrs Anita
♡ 2. Zindagi – Mr Mahesh
♡ 3. Presentation Society – Sr Deepti.
Also thank to the committee of NAB, (National Association for the Blind)
Mr Farmer ( Mr Mendonca) and team, for repacking and distributing to 50 poor BLIND families across Goa .
♡♡ Big thanks to our the benefactors namely :
♡ 1. A big FOUNDATION from INDIA ( who as per our understanding & agreement we can't publish ) who has donated funds for 1250 families for May , June & July 2021 
♡ 2. Many others who have donated generously 
♡♡ Thanks to Dundappa Ishwarappa Gadvi ( DIG) Corlim , who we buy for all out ration from , for the support, discounts, credit line and logistics right across Goa and pay by cheque only. 
We as a NGO are :
Non political with no political aspirations.
We serve the poor and needy without expecting anything back from them. 
For July 2021, we will try to give out 2000 kits of ration. 
What started many years ago with just 50 kits of ration has grown today to 1600 and its due to :
▪︎A desire to feel the poor without any expectations 
It's a very difficult task for the local volunteers to repack and redistribute the same at their cost and their time and I thank God for bringing such wonderful people into our life to feed thousands of poor hungry , marginalized people. 
We require your support and help to reach out to more poor and hungry families in Goa.
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


19.6.2021  7pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA appreciates and thanks GMC , Bambolim for all the free medical services they provide the homeless street people, admitted through us in GMC .
For us as a shelter home which provides free rehabilitation for the street people, hospitalization is the most difficult part to take care off.
It's easy to request to us to pick the homeless, which we do , if the person is beyond repairs in our home then the trouble starts. 
Endless trips for check up,  blood tests , reports,  admission,  operations,  after care,  dressing, again follow up .
Add a dash of , a person with mental issues and hospitalization and that complicates the hospitalization. 
But our team headed by DOUGLAS PINTO is there with his boys , 50% are themselves homeless who do such wonderful service that even I at times would not like to do.
In short , it's the most difficult,  complicated, time consuming and a big drain to the mind and body. 
Our TEAM has no HOLIDAY as homeless people are sick or require medical assistance everyday.
Today as I write this post , we have 4 homeless men in GMC last 7 days. 
Attached 4 pictures 
☆ 1. Shambaji , who was picked up from the subway of GMC last week .
Before that he was seen in panjim city with issues to his Groin.
We took him to our home,  cleaned him and 2 days later admitted him in GMC.
Now much better. 
☆ 2. Ramesh picked from panjim,  3 days back,  very weak and malnourished ,  now diagnosed with TB.
He too is being stabilized at GMC after being cleant in our home. 
☆ 3. Steven picked from Navelim a few months back with a severe walking issue. 
Looks like a rod in his leg was the problem and was in terrible pain as that foot just could not be straight. 
Initially due to covid and the lockdown,  he could not be operated.
Now operated,  to be discharged tomorrow. 
☆ 4. Majid , found on the streets with mind beyond repairs,  broke his hand,  admitted and going to be operated. 
These men require follow-up and a care giver, else they will again reach the streets. 
The homeless boys , who we picked earlier & who are much better look after them as a care giver in hospitals and in our homes. 
Too many homeless on the streets in the rain and we are flooded with requests to pick, daily. 
But it's not possible. 
We have very few young men to look after the sick and old homeless people and that complicates our operation .
Douglas and his team is practically everyday in GMC or IPHB with these people either for treatment or medication. 
Most of them are housed at ASSNORA and one way trip is about 30 kms plus the entire day gone and they need to be picked from Assnora , brought to Bambolim and then dropped back to Assnora .
We are committed in our NGO to provide the best we can to these homeless people. 
The post may look like it's a complain but this is reality.
The homeless are increasing in Goa and most of us are looking the other side. 
We require your support and help to reach out to them .
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


17.6.2021  7pm IST 
Mr Silvan, this once homeless , sick , wounded and abandoned man exactly 2 months back, now back to normal , completely healed and perfect .
Exactly on 14.4.2021 , we had picked Silvan just outside of GMC hospital,  Bambolim in a very sad and sorry state. 
Video attached of 3 min of him today and you will see the difference. 
Our post on 14.4.2021 when we picked him
Totally weak , dehydrated,  a 8 cm fresh wound just above his buttocks with maggots and worms , dazed and lost , was how we had picked him on that day. 
♡♡ Mrs Suzette Advani from Dona Paula had spotted him on that busy highway sitting just behind a traffic barrier. 
He was in that 1 spot, morning to night for close to 7 days .
She alerted me as well as the Goa Police, who in turn requested us to help and rehabilitate Silvan .
Mrs Suzette Advani has been donating monthly for his treatment which is very sweet of her .
We picked him and initially it was very difficult for our team to treat him as the wound was fresh and just above his buttocks making it very awkward for those cleaning the wound daily. 
But our Volunteer Doctor , showed the team how to do the dressing daily and slowly the team got over the awarkwardness and results started manifesting. 
The maggots and worms were treated and new flesh started appearing. 
Today Silvan is fit and fine .
Eats,  walks,  bathes , does and lives a normal life without anyone helping him .
Put on a little weight and his wound is completely healed with new skin.
If neglected and not picked up , he would have kicked the bucket as he was really weak and malnourished. 
Alot of our team members put in alot of effort in dressing and cleaning that big wound over the last 2 months. 
We @ Street Providence feel happy that we were able to bring a smile on this old man face by reaching out to him during his suffering. 
You too can bring a smile to people on the streets of Goa by linking such people to us through Goa Police.
We don't pick or touch anyone homeless people directly without the Police .
It's the monsoon season and there are many out on the streets of Goa looking to get off the streets. 
We require your support and help to reach out to them .
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .

Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


♡♡ Thanks to CCRTV GOA for hosting us . 
This 30 min interview , will tell you all about us , our past , our current projects and about our rehabilitation program. 
Incase you are our :
☆ Benefactor ,
☆ Well wisher ,
☆ Silent admirer,
☆ Volunteer, 
☆ Etc 
You should watch this interview . 
It will also be telecast on CCRTV daily till 20.6.2021 


15.6.2021  5pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA invests Rs 5 lacs for this beautiful portable home which will serve as a rehabilitation centre cum covid isolation place for the homeless street men.
♡♡ Thanks to these main benefactors we were able to raise half the cost. 
♡♡ Mr Yatin Gupta Mumbai/ Siolim Rs 50000
♡♡ Mr Bhatia Porvorim Rs 50000
♡♡ Mrs Maria Taleigao Rs 100000
7 benefactors who contributed Rs 5500
2 benefactors who contributed Rs 11000.
Rest of the money we dug into out bank account and paid. 
Lots of Covid care centres across Goa started last month for people who basically needed a place to isolate. 
Now within 45 days the cases have dropped and these centres will have very few or even no patients to isolate. 
Very very surprising that not a single home for the homeless street men was started in Goa .
We paid the money for the above home late April 21,  but the entire team of that contractor got Covid and for over a month our isolation home was on hold. 
Finally we got this home running and it can hold 6 homeless men at a time for 14 days with concentrators, cylinders, a Doctor and our home trained male nurses .
♡♡ Thanks to the Trustees of St Michael Trust , Assnora for granting us temporary permission to erect this home. 
♡♡ Big thanks to Mr Simon , Vice President of St Michael Trust , being a lay person and a simple man , but yet ready to understand humanity and today we have this small home in their property at Assnora,  where we also run a rehabilitation home looking after 40 homeless sick, old, mentally and physically challenged etc men .
My request is , there are many many homeless street men across Goa having no place to go till this monsoon subsides and business season restarts .
If a few of these COVID CARE CENTRES can allow these homeless men to stay for just a few weeks, then humanity can be lived. 
The infrastructure is already in place. 
Steeet Providence will bear the entire running cost. 
If we only reach out to the good people then our REWARD IS GRANTED HERE ITSELF,  but if we reach out to those who CANNOT PAY YOU BACK  then REWARD IS ABOVE.
Most of them on the streets are decent and young , it's just that their life has got messed up due to many reasons. 
The elderly are sick and require treatment. 
Shelter homes are the need of the hour and the Government should look into this. 
Running shelter homes is directly linked to hospital trips and hospital admissions. 
Everyone wants to get the homeless off the streets,  but where is the space. 
Daily , 3 to 5 requests we receive but it's not possible at times to even accept 1 request due to space constraints.
“We are looking for partners to reach out to the homeless street people in Goa .”
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


9.6.2021  5pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA gets of the streets of Panjim , two malnourished men Laxman & Ramesh who are so weak that they can't even stand,  forget walk, in this terrible rain.
Attached 2 pictures and a short video of 2 min .👇
☆ A young good samatarian , Mr Reuben Carvalho,  from Panjim who is a youth,  took alot of trouble to get these 2 malnourished men off the streets and into our home. 
Reuben understood their misery and got the local police attention who verified that they are homeless and in need of shelter to stay. 
Rueben spent his money on their COVID test privately on the streets itself as they were too weak to move to a government facility. 
Infact there were 3 of them .
The third man was doing odd jobs and collecting money for food for these 2 men.
With the lockdown and now the rains,  survival was getting tough on the streets. 
Only solution was to get them off the streets and into our rehab home so that they survive. 
In a day or two they will be taken to the hospital for a check up to understand what their parameters are. 
Thanks to our team for picking them up and taking them to our home in this heavy rain.
The Government of Goa should look into the homeless on the streets and start a home for these poor souls. 
We receive absolutely no finnacial help from the government In our rehabilitation program for men.
There are almost 60 such men across Goa on the streets in pathetic state waiting to get off .
But we are overloaded as we can't take so many into our homes. 
We require a really big big place to help others on the streets of Goa .
Picking men from the streets is one part,  treating and caring for them including medical and hospital trips is another part and that costs alot of time , energy and resources. 
We depend strictly on donations in our rehabilitation program for men .
Your support is very important in our services to the homeless street people in Goa.
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


7.6.2021  10am IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA is requesting help to reach out to this GOAN boy , Mr Samson who is admitted in the hospital and is lonely and abandoned by all.
☆ Mr Samson is from Curchorem and a few years back, lost both his legs in an accident.
▪︎Picture attached of Samson .

▪︎Attached his MRI reports for authenticity. 
Last year,  Akash Pednekar our volunteer from that area introduced us to Samson .
We have been taking care of some of his needs for over a year now, month after month like many other poor people in that area thru Akash Pednekar. 
No project or no where does Street Providence work or help directly. 
Its all through the local volunteers from the respective areas. 
Samson story is bit sad,  pity and complicated and inspite of this he is always smiling. 
We invited him last year to stay with us but he wished to be independent and cooks his own food in his home sitting on the wheel chair. 
Few days back,  his right leg started troubling him and paining him.
Akask Pednekar has been taking care of him and took him to the doctor. 
The leg has a serious infection as Samson might have been a bit reckless or careless being lonely and abandoned. 
Not easy for him if you can read in between the lines. 
Just now as I write this post,  he is admitted in ASTER HOSPITAL,  MARGAO   by Akash and the cost of the operation is Rs 80000.
Help us in whatever way you can to raise this amount. 
Once discharged Samson will be shifted to our home so that he can get after care facility and daily dressing as well as rest and peace of mind. 
Samson will be taken care by our team as long as he wishes to stay with us. 
It's very sad to know how Samson has been suffering and abandoned and lonely all these years. 
Thanks to Akash , Samson has some good support in these troubled and sick times. 
Support us in whatever way you can as we not only feed the hungry, rehabilitate the homeless but also as we provide medical support to those like Samson .
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


5.6.2021  7pm IST
of Dry ration,  yesterday , to different parts of Goa , which will be given to poor people,  marginalized section of society, slum dwellers, people living below poverty line. 
Attached 2 small videos of the entire
9000 kgs dry ration moved yesterday. 👇
We motivated the below mentioned volunteers to repack and redistribute these kits to people in their localities. 
All this 9000 kgs was moved under the supervision of our volunteer Mr Akash Pednekar.
This is where we moved the dry ration :
☆ 1. Sr Fatima , Mother General,  FMCK.
     Old Goa for 250 families 

☆ 2. Fr Freddy , SFX,  Pilar 
     Pilar , Goa Velha , etc for 100 families 

☆ 3. Mr Hassan Khan , Vasco
     Mangor , zuariinagar ,etc for 100 families

☆ 4. Mr Mahesh Govekar , Vasco
     Baina for 50 families 

☆ 5. Mr Orlando , Cuncolim 
     Cuncolim etc  for 100 families 

☆ 6. Mrs Patricia , Quepem
     Rural quepem for 50 families 

☆ 7. Fr Pio , SFX, Sanguem
     Sanguem for 50 families 
All the above will be repacking these kits at their own cost and redistributing at their cost in their locality to the poorest of the poor. 
This is for the month of MAY 2021.
We have committed to June and July also and depending on the pandemic will decide to go ahead for Aug to Oct 21.
With the Oxygen crisis now taking a back seat ,  the next issue in Goa is food as the poor have lost their source of livelihood due to the lockdown. 
We are trying very hard to reach out to as many families THROUGH OUR VOLUNTEERS in various areas where dry ration can be given .
As of MAY 2021 , we have provided dry ration kits for close to 1500 families. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848


4.6.2021  5 pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE TRUST GOA , last night picks this old sick lonely abandoned man in terrible pain , from the SUBWAY of GMC .
Sambhaji Jadhav , may be about 65 years was seen some where on the 23rd of May around panjim city .
Attached a 90 sec video of the condition of Sambhaji when we picked him .👇
Torn white clothes,  shattered,  desperate for help but unfortunately its a pandemic. 
Plenty of cuts, wounds , lumps and damages to his body. 
Ex Mayor Mr Surendra gets in touch and I tell him the procedure on 23rd May. 
25th if I am right , Sambhaji is dropped to GMC and the same is put on social media by these people who dropped him .
For the last 7 days , I received numerous calls and pictures of the same Sambhaji sitting abandoned in the Subway of GMC.
But we don't pick anyone without the police calling us and many times people who report such cases to us don't follow the procedure and visit the police station to see that the homeless are helped. 
Rest I leave to you reading this post to understand how a man brought into GMC with so much of publicity,  sits for 7 days in the SUBWAY of Gmc .
Yesterday our Volunteer Dr , requested us to pick him up as Dr agreed to treat him .
Our team supported by Goa Police,  headed by ASI Rocky, Gmc Outpost , picks this old man up from the subway of GMC.
Sambhaji has a very bad HERNIA and requires a serious operation coupled with fatigue, wounds and exhaustion.
Now we will need to drive him from our Assnora home to GMC , to treat him and operate him. 
This is the actual plight of the homeless  street people on a daily basis. 
We are getting absolutely no support from GOVERNMENT OF GOA for our men rehabilitation service which should be actually done by the government. 
After all these people are INDIANS and the government should look into the homelessness in Goa or support us in many many ways. 
We are overloaded and can't pick 
anyone else, as our houses are crowded. 
A house for 20 is looking after 35 men. 
As of today there are close to 60 homeless men in different parts of Goa begging for help.
But where is the space and the home .
And the nos are increasing daily due to the lockdown coupled with the pandemic. 
Support us in whatever way you can. 
Donate generously to our NGO.
We offer you 50% exemption under 80G on your donations. 
Donations only through cheque /NEFT along with your pan card copy .
Twitter : @streetproviden1
As usual strictly no calling , only thru WhatsApp on 8380097564.
God bless you 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848