25.11.2023. 7pm IST
STREET PROVIDENCE, JHARKHAND,  distributes 500 brand new blankets along with the Cathlolic Church @ Daltong Diocese. 
♡♡♡ All thanks to Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, Bishop of Daltong Diocese for giving us an opportunity to bring a little warmth to 500 little children across 2 Schools in the same taluka  where our shelter home is located.
You must see both the links , Bishop Theodore has explained in KONKANNI about this place and the cold winter climate.👇👇
And just last few days ago , India celebrated DIWALI ” The festival of lights “.
Bishop Theodore was gracious enough to 
spread WARMTH to these small poor children in his Diocese which is a poor rural area surrounded by coal mines and where the tempestures are between 5 to 9 degrees from December to February/ March. 
Children in these schools come mostly walking covering 4 to 8 kms daily one way .
The chill is really biting as I have stayed here during the winter and I have seen with my eyes how these poor children with no so good clothes come to school. 
Some have torn shoes , some come with slippers , bags are old etc and I decided to attempt to help these 2 Schools in due course of time.
It's a tough life for them in this interior part of the country and here in Goa its just the opposite.
These BRAND new blankets for DIWALI  brings a little light to these little poor children who 100% will feel that warmth once the winter sets in.
Like I Said in my posts a few days back , in many states where we have shelter Homes, we also work for the poor children/ poor families in that locality in any little way we can.
Huge demand here for clothes and shoes and In due course of time we will be sending continuously clothes , shoes , school bags, toys so that 100's of poor little children are benefitted.
When we belive all Indians are My brothers & sisters we need to understand that poverty exists in India and if we are blessed abundantly then we need to share our blessings with those who are not so blessed.
Its not only giving away our old unwanted things but it's the presentation that counts when giving away old Second hand things.
Join our second hand clothes drive where we collect from your home.
If you wish to give 500 to 1000 new blankets let me know.  I can even take you to these schools to physically hand over these blankets and you will feel that joy and happiness along with a few tears in your eyes when you understand poverty.
Many many such poor children in need of this warmth.
Remember Christmas is around the corner and it's the best time to share that warmth as we know Baby Jesus was born in a stable.
All  communications strictly through whatsapp messages on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848