20.10.2023.  5pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA Goa today despatched our 3rd relief truck to The Relief Camps in Manipur which is valued at Rs 25 lacs.
The Truck was blessed by Fr Ignatius, a priest from The Archdiocese of Imphal  &
The truck was flagged of by Mr John Shilshi,  an IPS Retired officer 
Both are NAGAs from Manipur.
Please listen to both , Father Ignatius & Sir John speaking and thanking all our Benefactors for the support.
We thank alot of generous Benefactors who have contributed towards this relief truck.
This 3rd truck is carrying 6860 nos of Blankets along with other relief material.
In the 2nd truck sent on 16.9.23 there we 2300 Blankets.
We had set a target of 10000 Blankets of which as of today we have collected and sent 9160 Blankets.
The balance Blankets of 840 nos will be sent in the truck going on 18.11.2023.
♡♡♡ We also wish to thank specially :
☆ St Francis Xavier School , Duler
☆ St Francis Xavier church , Duler 
☆ Fr Fredrick Rodrigues, Pilar Father's
☆ Fr Clifford Castellino, Korgao Parish Priest 
☆ Fr Pio Furtado,  Caranzalem Parish Priest 
☆ Fr Vincent Leitao,  Assnora Parish Priest 
☆ Villagers of Seraulim , Salcette 
Lions Club Aldona 
☆ Joseph Fernandes through Aldona Villagers 
( list attached of what was donated ).
One outstanding feature of this 3rd truck is the Villagers of SERAULIM , under the banner of SERAULIM FOR MANIPUR MISSION  put out an appeal for support towards Manipur and specific request was made on that appeal for biscuits cartoons only.
Belive me the response was beyond my imagination.
300 crts + and counting was the donation received of which we have loaded  in this 3rd truck. 
To all who have, are and will be supporting our MANIPUR RELIEF program, your support & donation is very touching and reassuring to the poorest of the poor in the relief camps.
No matter how big or how small the donation is, was or will be – in God's eyes it's blessed and it will come one day back to you in multiple fold.
Belive me – its not easy raising funds month after month but its only the inspiration from God which inspires you ” the benefactors ” to donate 
to our appeal not only on Manipur Relief but on so many of our requests for so many projects.
We also seen the suffering happening around the world especially these days in the middle east. ( we are very soon starting a relief aid to the children & the most affected in both countries )
The worst sufferers are always the infants, little children , women,  elderly and those with disabilities.
It's people like you – “benefactors , volunteers & well wishers ” who Play that great role through your donations in bringing that extra HOPE to those suffering and in hopeless situations.
We sincerely thank all our benefactors for the support & trust shown to our small NGO through your donations. 
Last, we thank our staff & our team members from our men shelter homes for all the packing of bundles of blankets, transportation, loading and unloading 500 crts in total in today hot & humid weather under the guidance and 
co ordination of our manager Sapnesh Salgaonkar. 
A big shout of Thanks & appreciation to 
Fr Mario Leitao , Parish Priest of St Diogo Church Guirim – Sangolda for all the support shown and given towards all the 3 relief trucks which we have till date sent to Manipur. 
God bless you so much 
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848