17.2.2024. 8pm IST 
Just 19 year old & this Goan boy turned psychiatric due to drugs / substance abuse. 
We will help him in due course of time to recover thru our rehabilitation program. 
Substance abuse –  is a professional Word.
Drugs/Ganja – is a village Word.
From the age of 13 to 14 has been hooked on to drugs in a rural village of Goa and this went unnoticed by the family for over 3 years.
Family comes from lower level of society.
Big group of friends in this circle who were all at that time between 14 years to 22 years .
All of them are dead and gone, except this boy.
Parents of most of all these children can't belive that so many of this group of friends were on drugs and all died one by one. 
Over the last many years , many times this boy has been admitted and discharged but due to no proper care & monitoring at home, he skips his medication and again ends up worse than what he was before back into the IPHB.
I must thank IPHB for treating this boy and keeping him in THE IPHB for over 3 months and providing the best possible treatment so that he recovers in the fastest possible way.
This family was recommended to our home by IPHB a long time back but we were unable to stabilize him as he was very volatile.
Compassion and understanding by DrS @ IPHB who kept him for treatment for close to few months without an attendant is something I really appreciate and wish to publicly thank the concerned CONSULTANT DR.@ IPHB.
To rehabilitate him now is much easier than what he was when we were approached.
His immune system is accustomed to the medicine so his mind is at peace and now at our home with the company of other boys his rehabilitation will be much easier for him as well as the care giver.
Too many such young children suffering from severe mental disabilities due to over dose of drugs and its the poorest of the poor who are badly hit as no rehabilitation home will accept them for free or even for a little amount they can Willing want to bear towards some of the costs.
》1st it's beer and cigarettes,
》Then alcohol,
》Then grass and cannabis,
》Then the synthetic tablets.
This is the process how the mind gets blown.
It's sad and disturbing to loose such a child at such a young age to mental disabilities.
Imagine, I too have a son of 18 years and if I was in this boy dad's place what would be my state of mental frame.
We appeal to IPHB & The Doctors at IPHB , please do care and treat such young poor goan boys and girls ” imagining ” that these were your own children and should there be a requirement to further rehabilitate them, our doors are always open and our beds are always available.
I am having a serious issue with IPHB but in this world all troubles have solutions.
I have problems and issues with so many government departments as its the poorest of the poor goans who I am fighting for and all these poor goans are suffering from mental disabilities. 
No problem is too big to solve,  its THE EGO which does not allow the solution to the problem and when THE EGO eats you up then you get into situation which can lead one to a state of mental disabilities. 
It's my frustration and disappointment of Caring in my homes for so many young poor goans who 80% have come through IPHB, that most are chronic cases with no long term solution in sight.
 And when they explode ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT I get terribly disappointed & upset and to compound this at times I have to go-to IPHB to readmitt them at night where the junior Doctors just go on and on which really irritates me .
It's not that IPHB is bad and I am good or 
I am bad and IPHB is good.
But I too am a parent like so many doctors at IPHBand I too understand the troubles families go through when their child is a drug addict and can't be managed at home.
If IPHB Consultant Doctors had not recommended this boy to our home , the same problem will restart in a few days ,which means again re admission into the IPHB, one more bed occupied, morale drops of the Dr as he/ she sees the same patient again & again.
I sleep peacefully every night for close to 7 hours ( and in the day 2 hours )  as I know that our homes are open 24×7 to any one irrespective of their disabilities and sickness and I am always ready to accept any poor young or homeless goan who requires my help. 
I am blessed that so many poor goans in my home daily bless me for the care and support they receive free of cost.
If only IPHB listens to my recommendations and understands the ground reality ( as sometimes rules and SOP in catalogues are not prevalent in current times) life will be BEAUTIFUL to live as well as to give life will be BEAUTIFUL to so many who might just be in need of that warm bed which is always available at Street Providence.
Now it's the decision of ” the higher ups ” to decide whether to give me that medical supoort what i am demanding from IPHB or not.
Remember 240 FREE beds @ Street Providence for the persons with mental disabilites is not a small no to ignore or discard.
EGO has to kept aside else the cries of the poor will come to trouble the one troubling me in various ways.
Else the poor goan mental people will keep reaching the streets and that becomes a state issue which the State may not want.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848