13.2.2023. 7pm IST 
This Lenten Season , please be a Valentine to our 50+ poor goan homeless women suffering from mental disabilities.  Watch the link.
This is an SOS post as ” A particular Government senior officer of a particular department inspite of assuring THE CM of GOA , just last month , in THE CM office, of moving our file & increasing our grants from Rs 2500 per women per month before the just concluded budget, has PURPOSELY for over 18 days, done nothing and now the budget session is over “.
This senior officer is practically not fit to be even a clerk, leave alone an junior officer.
Why I say unfit ” because who can look after a mentally unsound woman with Rs 2500 a month in 2023 ? “.
But this senior officer assumes by giving me 
Rs 2500 grant per person, some thing extraordinary is being done to me .
We have currently 60 ladies in our homes and 50 Goan ladies are without any family members and can't even afford to pay for their basic medicines and all are on severe psychiatric medication and homeless. 
We have another 32+ poor goan ladies suffering from severe and chronic mental disabilities in IPHB waiting to get admissions into our homes.
THE CM of GOA assured me in his office on 26.12. 2023, in front of the this sick , pathetic and unscrupulous Senior officer that for 2023-2024 , our grants will be revised to a very practical amount per lady per month as the previous rate was calculated at 2007 year and on that date it was 26.12. 2023.
All this terribly MENTALLY SICK SENIOR officer had to do was present a proper representation which was not done purposely.
Because has no experience as an officer so  can't make a proper presentation.
Only looking for a bribe as that's how things have been happening.
Harass the NGO till the bribe is assured or keep the file pending so NGO gets nothing , shuts down and that's it.
Screw the poor.  Let them die , who cares. 
I get my Salary to do nothing. Why take more stress and more paper work.
》 25.1.2024 the file came back to the dept.
》 From 27.1.24 till the date of the budget ie 2.2.24 I have visited the department every day and the junior officer never told me the file is returned.
》12.2.24, i requested the junior officer to show me the amendment as the assembly was over and she says ” your file is not approved, came back on 25.1.24 and so and so authority told not to move the file “.
》12.2.24 , I remined the Senior officer of her PROUD assurances in front of THE CM of GOA and she gave me some stupid, idiotic and 
non sense reply which made me loose my cool.
Either THE CM of GOA has been misguided and fooled by this senior officer or the senior officer is genuinely not fit to be sitting in a seat as the senior officer has proved to be incompetent which infact THE CM of GOA had expressed his displeasure on 26.12.23 when he Said ” you are not doing your job properly, that's why Donald is sitting and complaining in front of me “.
We can't manage these 100+ poor goan psychiatric ladies with this peanut grants given by this department which is an all women department. 
Top to bottom is run by ladies who are all stone hearted and have no feeling & compassion for poor goan women suffering from mental disabilities. 
Dealing with Men officers is always faster, quicker and better is my overall personal experience and after this crap which I am going through I am totally convinced that it's easier and faster to deal with men officers then women officers.
We will ” either have to seriously get out of this FREE SHELTER HOME services once and for all”  and let these poor goans suffering from mental disabilities die in suffering & rejection or ” we only look after paid wealthy goans ” who can afford to pay us what we demand.
The choice to help us to run these homes is :
yours as you are YOUR OWN FINANCE MINISTER and 
THE CM of GOA as he is the FINANCE MINISTER of Goa and these poor goan ladies are all citizens of GOA.
You can be a VALENTINE to our horribly neglected poor goans who have been given nothing by the department ispite of the being the authority to provide funds for such genuinely poor suffering women with mental disabilities.
Not sure whether THE CM of GOA will be their Valentine but you as an individual can surely adopt the yearly expenses for one such poor goan lady suffering from mental disabilities. 
Your support can be monthly or in what manner you wish to do the contribution.
I am under alot of STRESS & PRESSURE :
☆ how to run such homes for poor goan women,
☆ whether to take in more or just shut Down,
☆ what happens to those 60 in our homes?,
☆ Who will foot the bills in the coming year, 
☆ what happens to those women in IPHB ☆ who we assured to take in and today will have to go back to the streets and live in Shame , misery & torture of being mentally unsound incase we can't take them in .
Donations are slowing down and everyday we can't expect all to give donations but everyday we are expected to go on taking in such poor abandoned homeless and poor goan people with mental disabilities. 
I can't afford to see the poor goans suffering and that's why I keep taking in more people inspite of so many genuine obstacles.
I know hunger as I experienced it ,
I know Homelessness as I went through it,
I know sickness as I had so many complicated health issues but with The Grace of God I have over come each of them and with the prayers of those who I rehabilitate my sickness is ZERO.
And when GOD gives me such good health I have to give it to others.
I don't look at my job @ Street Providence as a Stress or as a burden but I look at it as an opportunity to be a blessing to these freaking poorest of the poor suffering from all the possible sickness under the earth and simultaneously I tell GOD thanks for the good health  now I will attempt to bring a Little healing in these poor people life's.
Normally Under so much stress and pressure one should be on medication but here I am medicine Free ever ready to fight anyone who is against the poorest of the poor especially our goans suffering from mental disabilities. 
You too can experience a medicine free life by supporting just one poor Goan lady for a year with this in mind ” thank you God for giving me an opportunity to ease the pain of the poor and marginalised “.
I an waiting to hear from those who read this long post and wish to walk with me in situation where we go through this 40 days of LENTEN by knowing one poor goan women life is taken care & blessings assured more than ever .
All queries strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
No offence to anyone and all facts can be verified both with The CM of GOA & the Department. 
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848