13.1.2023.  7pm IST 
It's another hectic week @ Street Providence Goa where by 4 people were admitted into our homes as of this week end.
3 are goans & 1 is a non goan who is bed ridden, of which 2 are ladies and 2 are men.
Last week we had admitted 5 such people.
》3 goans & 2 non goans , of which one is bed ridden. 
Link attached of the bed ridden educated man picked up this week :
Link below of last week admission :
This week the people admitted are :
☆ 1. A DOWNSYNDROME goan girl having just having just her mother and so poor that it's very sad case.
Top it all : mother is in GMC for an open heart surgery and this daughter who cant talk and do anythiny by herself, was with her.
Incase anything goes wrong in GMC with this child,  press will scream and GMC gets a bad name .
A kind hearted senior citizen Mr Basil Dcunha requested us to rehabilitate the girl till the mother is discharged.
☆ 2. An elderly senior citizen goan lady brought in by Goa Police which could be a case of mental disabilities.
☆ 3. A non goan educated man but paralyzed totally both legs below the waist.
Has been living in various Government hospitals in Goa for months as he can't walk or get up from the bed alone.
Recommend by Dr Roshan Nazareth, Candolim health centre as this man requires nutrition and Physiotherapy to get back to his feet.
At the moment has to be bathed and taken to wash room. Totally On a wheel chair
☆ 4. A very young goan boy with only his sister in his family as both parents dead.
Chronic case of severe psychiatric disabilities to an extent gets so violent that he has to be chained up and tied at home as he has serious bouts of aggression.
A frequent inmate of IPHB but no one to care for him as his only sister goes to work.
Recommend by Poriem MLA, as he is a voter of that constituency. 
This young boy is a risk to society , as he can attack anyone on the street or get into a fight & beaten up on the street due to his aggressive nature.
His sister is working and no one at home to administer his daily medication leaving him to wander around.
We still have another 12 goan ladies suffering from severe mental disabilities to admitt into our homes as of today and the requests are increasing.
Few are admitted & taking treatment at IPHB and few are yet to get into IPHB to get treatment.
It's very sad state of affairs for those who are poor and suffering from disabilities.
We stand committed in Goa to consider and help each request systematically and only after evaluating the request.
Your support to our NGO means alot to us.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848