1.1.2024 5pm IST 
📍God did not add another day / year to my & your life, because I and you needed it.
He added it because some 1 needs you & me📍
⚡A Very Happy New Year to one and all⚡
We @ Street Providence closed this year on a very satisfying note and we are going to start this new year on a even bigger note.
Full month of January 24 we will attempt to get help to poor homeless Goan ladies suffering from mental disabilities across Goa,  as God added another day / year for helping another.
We had a small press release today at the Office of The Social Welfare Department in the presence of The Social Welfare Director, Sir Ajit.
Unfortunately The Social Welfare Minister could not be present due to other important engagements.
We feel proud to be associated with three  important Government departments :
☆ Women & Child 
☆ Social Welfare &
☆ Goa Police.
In the NEW year , particularly in JAN 24 , we wish to rehabilitate as many as possible, Goan poor  ladies suffering from mental disabilities and living on the ” STREETS , BUS STOPS , PARKS , GARDENS, ABANDONED IN GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS, etc.
For a small NGO like us its next to impossible to execute such difficult services alone and that's why we have requested the support of both Ministers ie :
◇ Women & Child Department &
◇ Social Welfare Department.
Mr Vishwajeet Rane as a dynamic person holds two important portfolios ie W&CD and HEALTH and homeless goan women will surely benefit once rescued from the streets as all of these women require professional medical care and treatment at Government hospitals as well as rehabilitation in women shelter homes.
Mr Vishwajeet Rane has been doing alot for women & children across Goa and its wonderful to get support for the homeless poor goan ladies suffering from mental disabilities and living a difficult life on the streets.
Mr Subhash Phal Dessai, heads Social Welfare Department & is no stranger to Street Providence as I keep troubling him often for different government schemes and support.
Mr Subhash Phal Dessai is always accessible for problems related to persons with disabilites and he provides solutions to my problems related to persons with disabilities which is something close to his heart .
Well @ Goa Police, headed by The Hon CM , we have always had the best of relationships across all Police stations in addressing the issues of rehabilitation of the homeless be it men , women & children. 
Both the Directors ie of : 
Women & Child and Social Welfare are highly motivated and every ready to support such any initiative concerning poor goan women on the streets suffering from mental disabilities.
It's easy to criticize and find fault with the Government and the Ministers & Directors and I too am guilty of criticizing the government as at times the frustrations are too much to handle.
That's why I have decided to enter the system and address the issues of only one sector 
” homeless and poor goans on the streets with disabilities ” by networking with the Ministers and The Directors of both departments.
We request all people in Goa to be little sensitive & look around your ward / village/ city and identify such poor Goan ladies suffering on the streets due to mental disabilities.
♡ Contact us through whatsapp but immediately get on the back of your local MLA / SARPANCH / CHAIRPERSON/ WARD MEMBERS / COUNCILLORS & also approach your nearest police station to see that procedure is followed up in the rescue and rehabilitation of this Goan homeless lady.
Put pressure on the authorities we will surely provide rehabilitation & care free of cost.
But all admissions through the Goa Police only.
Please don't personally attempt to rehabilitate any homeless suffering from mental disabilities without the guidance and presence of Goa Police.
We all can work togther in our own areas in our own time seeing how best we can bring light and life in this New Year to many many poor Goan ladies suffering from mental disabilities. 
We have close to 40 beds ready to accommodate our poor Goan ladies suffering from mental disabilities who are poor and homeless.
Remember :
📍God did not add another day / year to my & your life, because I and you needed it.
He added because some one needs you & me📍
Happy New Year 2024.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848