21.11.2023. 7pm IST 
A goan lady ( one of the two sisters from nuvem) admitted two months ago in our home on a Stretcher, today standing and walking.
Costs Rs 80000 a month.
Two months over & only 30% recovered. 
Read to understand how we @ Street Providence Goa, work on bed ridden patients who are poorest of the poor and no hospital will ever provide such free personalized service with assured results.
Two months back there was a case of two sisters admitted into two Government hospitals.
One sister was later admitted into our home where we assured her to provide her the best rehabilitation.
We employed :
☆ 1. Full time caregiver as she was bedridden 
( on a pamper, sponge bath , to be fed )
☆ 2. Professional nurse comes every day to change the dressings
☆ 3. Daily Physiotherapist visit 
☆ 4. Daily paraffin gauze dressing 
☆ 5. Special menu as highly diabetic @ 550+
☆ 6. Pampers daily required
☆ 7. Hospital check ups , Ambulance costs plus man Power to pick her up and transport her
☆ 8. Other smaller expenses.
Take the costs :
1. Full time care giver a month @ 25000
2. Daily nurse visit for a month @ rs 5000
3. Physiotherist monthly @ 10000
4. Bandages / dressing monthly @ 10000
5. Special diet monthly @ 9000
6. Pampers for a month @ 6000
7. Hospital trips monthly @  10000
8. Other expenses monthly 5000
One of the most complicated and chronic cases I have come across. 
This is the 4th time the same leg is getting infected and even if there is any slight pressure on that leg – boom blood oozes out.
Has been admitted many times ( 4 ) in government hospitals but when you are not taking care of your food and diabetes is at 550+ what can one expect. 
Have been helped in the past by the Villagers, church and panchayat where she Comes from but commits the same mistakes again and again which gets her wound worse then the previous time.
August 2023 she was admitted in Cansaulim PHC and called me to rehabilitate.
I sent my team to investigate – got a freaking loose tongue and a huge attitude, so I point blank refused.
But MY GOD above had different plans and in September 2023 we took her in as if not stabilised with proper care ” amputation was bound to take place of that leg as it was rotten and the flesh was exposed 12 inches long”.
Many such cases I have in the Homes ” where I try to avoid taking in such cases but GOD some how gets these poor Goan people into our home and then I see the writing on the wall and I am compelled to provide care & rehabilitation to such pathetic and horrible cases “.
Just think ” any old aged home or any home in Goa will accept such poor lady with a freaking attitude and a oozing leg that needs constant care and alot of money to put down monthly ?”
Imagine her condition that night when picked up from her home two months back and today.
Our entire team at this ladies Home has done an awesome job last two months caring with compassion for this goan lady .
And mind you in this house there are two other poor bed ridden goan ladies 
One lady is 93 years & one lady is 85 years who initially was fed by the tube.
We DARE TO DREAM & WE DELIVER the best health care to whatever pathetic cases we undertake .
Bills have to be paid by us only as most of such cases are poorest of the poor.
All bed ridden cases are kept in this house as this is the only ladies home which is on the ground floor, rest all our other 5 homes are situated on the 1st floor.
Free rehabilitation is the most expensive service as no one pays you a dime but everyone expects Street Providence to take in all & sundry Even if we are not the home for pathetic and difficult cases like this one.
We require your support in the form of donations to take care of this lady bills as still another 4 months are left to get that 12 inches wound totally healed.
We can't just abandon her neither send her Home as there is no one to care for her the way she requires to get care so that the recovery is perfect like we are currently providing.
If you know such pathetic goan people genuinely poorest of the poor who are suffering due to poverty we can be contacted and we can consider on a case to case basis.
We are entering ADVENT and if we can't help the poorest of the poor especially ladies then Christmas is only about the lights and glamour.
All communications strictly through whatsapp messages on 8380097564.
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848