9.9.2023. 7pm IST 
STREET PROVIDENCE GOA is starting its 5th shelter home for women With disabilities next Saturday in North Goa.
This home will focus on women suffering from :
☆ Parkinson 
☆ Dementia 
☆ Down Syndrome 
☆ Autism
We have a couple of such ladies in our 4 homes, but the demand for rehabilitation is so high that homes for such poor ladies suffering from the above disabilities & sickness is not available in Goa as care givers is a big issue.
》June 2018, Just 1 women home started
》April 2021, added 2nd women home 
》Sept 2022 , added 3rd & 4th women home 
》Sept 2023, starting 5th women home.
》Nov 2023 , more 2 women homes planned.
》Jan 2024 , 3 women homes outside Goa.
Looks very impressive ?
Well it's was not that easy till January 2023.
Caring for homeless women and poor women with mental disabilities is not a joke if the NGO does not have  trained nurses and loving care givers.
Currently we care for 55+ such ladies in Goa who are severely affected by mental disabilities of which 80% are ethnic poor goans and that no. will cross 100+ by December 2023.
♡♡♡  Thanks to Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas who made life easy for me and for so many abandoned ladies suffering from mental disabilities.
In Daltonganj diocese , Jharkhand, we have our 1st mens shelter home for homeless men with disabilities and in this huge complex there was a nursing institute which was not doing so well due to genuine reasons.
Bishop Theodore gave me a proposal which was impossible to turn Down .
He had the institute and the students who wished to enroll and become a nurse but their fees was an issue. 
I needed trained nurses and we only had to pay the fees of their 1 year course which was worth every penny we invested.
Now instead of Street Providence starting our own nursing home to train care givers we collaborated with this nursing institute in Daltonganj diocese and funded the institute, by paying the fees of those poor children, who wished to join nursing course, but could not afford the fees due to financial crunch.
We also signed an MOU With these young nurses to work 1 year in our shelter homes in Goa and Across India ( as homes are planned in Manipur & Jharkhand ) after their 1 year course and the salary is much more than what they could ever expect, with free food & accommodation. 
We did not stop at only paying the fees for their education but we went 2 steps ahead. 
We introduced 4 courses side by side in this institute by investing in the machinery and the human resources.
We introduced :
☆ Tailoring classes 
☆ Computer classes 
☆ Flower making classes 
☆ Needle work & crochet classes
Our NGO purchased for the above courses :
◇ New sewing machines & accessories 
◇ New Desktop computer 
◇ Cloth & other tools 
◇ Wool & knitting material 
So these trained nurses who join our shelter homes as care givers cum nurses can impart the above skills to the inmates in our numerous shelter Homes for women With mental & intellectual disabilities. 
In this way ladies with mental and intellectual disabilities can be kept active , occupied and their creativity can be harnessed which will hasten their recovery and reduce the intake of psychiatric medications.
By End of December 2023, with the Grace of God and if my intentions are pleasing to God , we will be caring for 100+ homeless ladies & ladies with mental disabilities & intellectual disabilities.
We today have 6 such trained nurses who Have completed their 1 year nursing course and in December 2023 , the 1st batch of 10 nurses who we had funded with their fees in January 2023, will be joining our NGO in our shelter homes in Goa, Jharkhand, & Manipur.
In addition we have also asked the management at this nursing institute to introduce in the syllabus –
Stroke recovery feeding through the pipe &
Psychiatric nursing.
Management has consented.
I have only one more desire ” to introduce driving classes in this institute ” as these nurses can then drive the car and take these ladies with mental & intellectual disabilities to the government hospitals & psychiatric institute for the evaluation, monthly checkups , etc.
Whatever project I planned or plan has always MATERILISED In due course as God is in control of everything and God decides what to give at the appropriate time.
Just follow your dreams and sow the seeds.
Fruits are bound to follow.
Coming Jan 2024, we plan to provide educational fess to 20 such aspiring poor children who wish to become a nurse.
In due course we will be providing Home nurses to those who will be requiring a nurse at home so please do invest in such a project with Street Providence as nurses are not developed in a day but it's a one year program.
We now require accommodation to start more shelter homes for the poor homeless ladies & ladies with mental & intellectual disabilities in Goa as we have the nurses and care givers.
If you have any closed home or bungalow which can be used for a cause please do let me know.
All queries , suggestions, clarification through whatsapp messages only on 8380097564
God bless you so much
Donald Fernandes 
8380097564 / 7020314848