18.3.2023. 7pm IST
An honest goan senior citizen finds a huge excess amount in his E COMMERCE account which he understood was hacked and so one day changes his password and decides to give this excess amount away to a cause.
This senior citizen approached the police stating he has excess money in his E COMMERCE ac which needs to go back to the person who hacked his account.
Police usually have received complaints of people loosing their money by hackers but here the hackers got their own taste of their medicine.
Anyway since the Police were unable to do much the honest senior citizen approached me asking for suggestions how to utilize this amount ?
I gave many suggestions but one was accepted.
The senior citizen wished that this can be utilized to the welfare of A PARTICULAR GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT and so we ended up purchasing these 100's of PHOTO COPYING Bundles of Papers.
We @ Street Providence Goa will be giving close to 27 units of A PARTICULAR GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT across both districts a few bundles of these PHOTO COPYING paper and also requesting each OFFICER to do more than what they are doing towards our goan homeless and poor goans suffering from disabilities in their jurisdiction by getting them to our shelter homes.
It's going to be a SCOTCHING SUMMER & the homeless especially those suffering from disabilities need help with food shelter clothing & medication.
The best people to get help to the homeless are this PARTICULAR GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT and this goodwill gesture is only to remind that STREET PROVIDENCE has shelter Homes both for men & women across both districts of Goa.
Next week we will me moving all these 100's of bundles across Goa
Last we need to appreciate this senior Goan honest citizen who tried to return the excess amount which did not belong to him & when he realized that it was not possible, he decided to give it away for a worthy cause to our NGO who in turn decided to give it to this PARTICULAR GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT.
Sounds strange this post ?
Honesty is a VIRTUE and HONESTY can be acquired but it has to be CULTIVATED.
What Would you too do if you had excess amount in your E COMMERCE ac ?
God bless you all
Donald Fernandes
8380097564 / 7020314848